Headteacher: Mr Roger Whitewick M.A. B.Ed (Hons)
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Term 6. I hope you have had a great break! Our Topic this term is “Rio de Vida.” We will be learning about colours, patterns, Rio Olympics, carnivals, famous Olympians and the geography of Rio
In English this term we will be: retelling the story of Elmer, writing letters and lists, looking at Myths and Legends, writing information booklets about Rio and writing poems about Rio and carnivals. We will also be learning how to join letters and applying this to our everyday writing skills.
Your child will receive spellings every Monday and will be tested on the following Monday; the format allows your child to self-select their challenge. It is compulsory for all children to learn their Bronze level spellings as they will be tested on all of them. They will then be tested on 3 of the Silver level spellings and 2 of the Gold level spellings. Supporting your child to learn these lists will enable them to develop their vocabulary and writing. In Phonics, we will be focussing on segmenting and blending split digraphs and sorting words into alien words and real words.
In Mathematics, children will continue to learn their number bonds (firstly to 10, then to 20, 50 and 100). Children will also start learning their multiplication tables (in Key Stage 1 the focus is on the 10x, 2 x and 5x). As I’m sure you are already aware, learning multiplication tables is a whole school approach in order to encourage all children to know key facts. This term we will also focus on developing knowledge of coin values, measurement and positional language. If you would like any additional information about the methods that the children will be taught, please ask.
In Science, we will be looking at seasonal changes. We will be learning about how to keep safe in the sun.
In Art and Design, we will be designing our own carnival headdresses and masks, and making decorations.
Also, it is important for your child to practise reading and spelling their key words regularly at home. Reading should still be a daily occurrence as it is vital for the development of comprehension skills, spelling and reading. Please make sure that your child’s home learning books are always kept in their book bag. Furthermore, P.E takes place twice a week, so it is vital for your child to make sure they bring their P.E kits to keep in school.
Your child has been provided with a new home learning grid. Please let me know if you require an additional home learning grid and I will be more than happy to provide you with one. Each successfully completed home learning activity counts towards the Reward Scheme.
Key dates for the term:
Wednesday 15th June: Welly Walk in school 1:30pm onwards.
Thursday 30th June: Trip to @Bristol
Wednesday 6th July: Sports Day
Wednesday 13th July: Reserve Sports Day
Thursday 14th July: Stay and Play (9:00am-10:00am)
Tuesday 19th July: Rio Carnival open afternoon for parents (2:00pm-2:45pm)
If you have any questions now or at any time in the future, please don’t hesitate to come and see me or contact the office. I look forward to continuing working with you this term to support your child’s education and well-being at school.
Yours sincerely
Miss Blake.
Holbrook Lane, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0PS
Telephone (01225) 753708 Fax 01225 350034