P4 Term 3 2017 /18 Learning Overview
We have all well and truly settled in after Christmas. This overview will share what we will be learning this term. It will also give you some information about our daily routines.
Positive Behaviour
We are very motivated by our Class Dojos which give us personal rewards for positive behaviour. Each week the pupils with the most dojo points get a small prize and the winning table get cushions to sit on for the following week. As well as this we continue to use our House Points system throughout the school.
· Miss C. MacDonald is our full-time teacher
· We are supported every day by our PSA: Mrs A. Armstrong (PSA of the Year)
· Miss S. Ross takes us for Science on a Monday
· Miss S. Barclay takes us for PE on a Thursday
Personal Belongings
· All pupils have their own, identified peg for hanging jackets and bags. Please remind your children to check that they have put their belongings securely onto their peg in the morning and leave the cloakroom tidy at the end of every day.
· Please remember to label all water bottles, lunch bags/boxes, jackets, sweatshirts, gym shoes, personal recreational books etc.
· PE kit – a change of T-shirt, suitable shorts or leggings and non-marking gym shoes are preferred. No football tops. (only required on a Thursday)
· Mobile phones should turned off in the school grounds/premises and given to Miss MacDonald for safe keeping throughout the school day.
Regular spelling homework will be issued every Monday for completion and return by Thursday. Pupils will also have a task that will help to internalise their learning of the spelling words. Some weeks there will be a small maths or topic based homework activity as well as spelling. However, the children should be able to independently manage their homework as well as other out of school commitments. Therefore this additional homework will not be issued every week.
In P4 we are following the Highland Literacy Project (HLP) which advises that no formal reading homework is issued. Extended reading tasks will be given in class which encourage children to develop their higher order thinking and comprehension skills. Reading for pleasure is deeply encouraged as often as possible and will greatly benefit pupils. Children are encouraged to have a personal reading book of their choice and genre in school every day as time will be given for independent reading.
Sustainable Learning
We continue to develop our Rights Respecting School work and we are linking this to support the new approach to ECO Schools. We will be looking at some of the Sustainable Development Goals and Articles from the Convention of the Rights of the Child which support this, throughout this term. The articles that we are focusing on can be seen on the notice board at reception.
We have not been posting on the blog as much as previous terms as we keep everyone updated through our Class Dojo Story page, which has received positive feedback from parents in terms of accessibility and convenience. Important information and photographs will still be posted on the blog and comments and feedback are always welcome and are greatly appreciated. So please check regularly.
Daily Summary
Monday / ü Miss Ross for Science (am)ü Homework given out
ü Paired reading with p6
Thursday / ü Miss Barclay for PE (am) PE Kit needed – see above
ü Homework due in
ü Paired reading with p6
Friday / ü Golden Time
ü Classroom Rewards
Here are just some of the things we will be learning this term…
LiteracyBy the end of Term 3, most pupils :
· Use relevant and/or interesting vocabulary as appropriate for the context.
· Use knowledge of the alphabet to locate words in a dictionary or other reference source to help spell tricky or unfamiliar words.
· Link sentences using common conjunctions, for example, and, because,
but or so.
· Start sentences in a variety of ways to engage the reader.
· can recognise nouns, verbs, adjectives and connectives in a piece of text.
· use appropriate reading strategies based on genre / Numeracy
By the end of Term 3, most pupils:
· Can show an understanding of how something can be shared equally.
· can read and write fractions using fraction notation e.g. ¼.
· can place ¼, ½ and ¾ on a number line.
· can use pictures to show fractions that are equivalent e.g. ½ = 24
· I can find ½ and ¼ of an amount using division. (÷ 2, ÷ 4)
· can compare and show number relationships using
· vocabulary and symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and
· greater than. (=, ≠, <, >)
Health and Wellbeing
By the end of Term 3, most pupils :
· make full use of and value the opportunities given to improve and manage their learning and, in turn, can help to encourage learning and confidence in others.
· Show respect for the rights of others.
· follow and understand rules and procedures, developing ability to achieve personal goals. Recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical activities.
· Recognise progress and achievement by discussing my thoughts and feelings and giving and accepting feedback. / Interdisciplinary Learning
By the end of Term 3, most pupils:
· Can read and discuss simple texts in French and can share simple facts about features of life in some of the countries where the language is spoken.
· can use familiar language to describe myself and to exchange straightforward information.
· Can explore ways to design
and construct models.
· Begin to experiment with writing in the language I am learning.
Thank you for your ongoing interest and support. If you need to contact me at any time you can reach me through our class dojo account or via the school office.
Miss C MacDonald
Class Teacher (P4)