Headteacher: MissV.M. Hunt Tel: 01442 389040 Fax: 01442 390589
April 2016 - Year 6 Curriculum Letter Summer1st Half Term 2016
Dear parents,
Welcome back, I hope you have had a good break. Again, thank you for the continuous support of your children in helping them with their revision. I hope the SATs preparation materials were useful. In class we will carry on revising for the upcoming exams and go over calculations and problem solving strategies that were introduced in the two first terms. We will also look more closely at how best to revise for the reading and grammar papers. We will carry on practising our hand-writing and looking at spelling strategies. There is now not much time left, so let us make sure we use it well and keep working hard in school as well as at home. It will be helpful if the children do regular revision work every day. After the exams we are all looking forward to a fabulous time at Kingswood.
Ms Forsyth will be introducing the “Just so Stories” by Rudyard Kipling with years 5 and 6 this half term.
In Science, this half term, we will be learning about:
- the functions of each part of the eye how we see,
- reflection and refraction,
- colour and rainbows
- shadows
- a light investigation.
In RE, the children will carry on learning about Buddhism and exploring the following questions about Christianity:
- Can desire cause suffering??
- Why is there suffering in the world?
- How do you overcome evil and promote goodness?
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 25th April: Ian Rose the Paralympian is visiting the School
Wednesday 26th April: Film Club
Monday 2nd May: May Day Bank Holiday
Thursday 5th May: Open Classroom
Thursday 5th May: 14.30, Ascension Day Church Service
Monday 9th – Thursday 12th: KS2 SATs
Wednesday 11th May: 14.30, Pentecost Church Service
Friday 13th May: Mufti Day
Monday 16th – Friday 20th May: Year 6 Kingswood Trip
Monday 23rd May: Orchestra visiting the School
Thursday 26th May: Year 6 Class Assembly
Friday 27th May: Breaking up for Half Term at the usual time
Monday 6th June: Back to School for the second half of the Summer Term
Please ensure your child has a replenished pencil case for this half term, and that painting shirts and PE kits are in school at all times! As always, if you have any questions about your child’s learning or about anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Kind regards,
Mrs Dobbs
Do unto others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31)