FULHAM PRIMARY: The Best Choice School

Head Teacher: Leesa Schooneman

Deputy Head: Nicci Kurdi

Friday 9th January 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

Happy New Year to everyone in Panthers Class!!We have had a wonderful start to this New Year, 2015 and the children have shown a great enthusiasm in their learning so far even in the first week! What a great start by all.They are very excited about our new topic this term and all the fun activities we have planned!

A huge warm welcome to Marion! We are so excited to have her in our class and we have been doing a wonderful job of welcoming her and making sure she fits right back in.

Our Creative Curriculum topic this term is Animals and Weather

/ Our Power of Reading text this term is ‘Mouse Bird Snake Wolf’. The children will be looking at writing much more extensively and taking on character roles. They will be looking at the meaning of texts through drama and role play. The children will be extending their vocabulary and looking at ways to write much more creatively.
/ The children will continue our 3-1-1 approach – this is where we focus on number and the number system for three days; shape space and measure for one day; problem solving for one day. This way the children have a full range of maths objectives throughout the week. This term we will be working on time. They will be learning how to tell the time using quarter past and quarter to and also looking at reading the time digitally and through the 24hr clock. We will be looking at how to solve problems involving money, number sequences and measures.
Children must continue learning their timestables and practicing strategies at home.

/ This term our topic is Animals. The children will look at different types of animals around the world and comparing habitats according to the weather. We will look at animals in the U.K. in the polar regions, Australia, China, America and Africa. We will learn about how animals survive and adapt to their climate. This leads us on to science.
We will be looking at animals including humans. The children will look at animal diets and skeletons. They will learn about different animal skeleton and how and animal structure is formed to survive in different living conditions. We will look at teeth and eating and also at different major organs in our bodies. The children will focus on the circulatory system where they will learn about how our heart works and how blood is pumped around our bodies. They will learn about diets and exercise, how diet effects our brain and gives us energy and how our digestive system works and helps us break down different types of foods.
/ In art and DT, the children will be looking at patterns. This links in nicely with our animal theme. They will be making their own 3D masks and animals. The children will begin to use a growing art vocabulary and begin to express meaning in their own work.They will also be learning about animal patterns such as snake skin, zebra patterns, leopard print and much more!
/ In religious studies this term, the children will be learning about some of the key features of worship in the religion chosen for study. They will be learning about why and how people use prayer within worship, their place of worship and how they live life in the wider community. The children will begin to understand that worship is an important religious activity and an expression of faith.We will focus onHinduism and Buddhism. We will also look at St. Valentine (Christianity) during the last week of term, in preparation for Valentine’s day. The children will learn how important it is to learn how to respect and love our friends and family.
/ We are scheduled to use our school ICT suite each Monday and Wednesday. This term we will be using programs and tools linking across the whole of our curriculum. The children will be learning how to use a camera to take pictures of their own work. They will also learn how to use programmes independently and record sounds on a range of sound recorders. They will be using the internet to research our topic on Animals and to consolidate their learning in Numeracy and Literacy through a range of online interactive learning programmes including mathletics and skoolbo.


HOMEWORK:Homework is an important part of your child’s education. Should you need to inform me about any issue,please feel free to communicate using your child’s homework book, or in our home/school communication books. Please continue to sign the children’s home/school books as this is a very essential part of our home-school partnerships. This is very important and is a great way of communicating with those of you who we are unable to see on a regular basis. Home work will be given every Friday and should be returned on or before the following Thursday where possible. This term homework books will be marked by either myself or Marion. We will use a code/key to mark these and the children will complete any homework that has not been finished during golden on Fridays. Book bags can be purchased from the school office for £3.50.

READING RECORDS:Please tryto get involved in your child’s reading, even if it’s just 5minutes per day or every other day. New reading books will be given out weekly during our Tuesday library session and should be brought back into school the following week to be replaced. Please sign the reading record book.

PE KITS:Panthers have a one P.E.lesson this term as they also have swimming. Please make sure your child has the proper PE kit which should include flat soled black trainers or plimsoles, plain navy blue shorts or track bottoms and a plain white t-shirt. We recommend that fresh PE kits should be brought into school each Monday and taken home again each Friday to be washed. Please label your child’s clothing clearly to help avoid any mix ups.

SWIM KITS:Panthers have swimming every Thursday. Children must arrive at school with their swimming costume under their uniform. All belongings must be clearly marked and kept separate from their P.E. kit so as to avoid any loss or confusion, this includes uniform items also.

Should you have any questions or any other matters, please feel free to come and see me, my door is always open, and you are very welcome!

Yours Sincerely,

Gabriella logue

Class Teacher

Contact details: Tel: 02073850535 Fax: 02073814907

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