Nominations for Greater Bedminster Forum – Executive Committee

Chair: To provide leadership to ensure the organisation’s aims are achieved within the rules of the governing document

Donald Branch

In my trade union, I served as Regional Chair, District Secretary, Branch Secretary, and as a member of the National Executive Council. Across several voluntary organisations, I have served as chair, secretary and treasurer. In working for a national charity, I have been a director responsible for operations, performance, risk management and governance.

I have worked as part of GBCP’s Environment Group during 2016/17 and should like to continue this during 2017/18. I am also interested in community development more generally and am particularly keen to be involved in developing a Plan for Greater Bedminster (the Bedminster Community Plan).

Vice Chair: To deputise for the Chair and to provide support to the Executive Committee

Celia Phipps

Current Vice Chair and local councillor

Secretary:To provide administrative support to the organisation

Ellie Freeman (Caboodle)

Currently serving as Secretary to GBCP, and working as an administration assistant. Have also set up a local social enterprise. Previously worked for a local CIC, Playing Out, as the project manager and in the civil service in various administrative, support and advisory roles including Secretary to a multi-million pound Funding Board, Policy advisor to universities and project manager for a sensitive and complex project to do with Islam within HE.

Interested in Community engagement, widening participation and improving local leisure facilities.

TreasurerProvide financial support to the organisation ensuring records and procedures are maintained and provide advice to the Executive Committee to ensure the organisation operates within financial resources available


Membership Secretary:Provide membership support to the organisation ensuring records are maintained and the organisation remains widely supported through a thriving membership

Stef Brammar (Way Out West & Acta)

Currently Chair​ ​of​ ​GBCP​ ​2015-2017 ⁃ Sec​​of​​West​​St​​Neighbourhood​​Group​​2011-2017 ⁃ BID​​Board​​member​​2015-2017 ⁃ Chair​​of​​acta​​Community​​theatre​​company⁃ Co-founder​​of​​Bedminster​​Winter​​Lantern​​Parade ⁃ Co-founder​​of​ ​BS3​ ​Repair​ ​Cafe

Previous experience: 40​ ​year​ ​career​ ​included​ ​BBC​ ​Local​ ​Radio,​ ​Education​ ​Welfare​ ​Officer​ ​post​ ​for​ ​3​ ​years,​ ​Director​ ​of Arts​ ​Centre​ ​Trust​ ​Cornwall,​ ​Director​ ​of​ ​Watershed​ ​Media​ ​Centre​ ​Bristol,​ ​Head​ ​of​ ​Short​ ​Course​ ​Unit, Art​ ​Media+Design​ ​UWE,​ ​Operations​ ​Director​ ​of​ ​multi-media​ ​training​ ​company​ ​for​ ​7​ ​years​ ​before retiring.

All​ ​​ ​of​ ​my​ ​professional​ ​work​ ​and​ ​the​ ​voluntary​ ​work​ ​I​ ​have​ ​undertaken​ ​since​ ​retiring​ ​has​ ​been rooted​ ​in​ ​interaction​ ​with​ ​local​ ​communities.​ ​I​ ​have​ ​recruited​ ​and​ ​managed​ ​teams,​ ​both​ ​employed and​ ​voluntary.​ ​I​ ​fundraised,​ ​and​ ​have​ ​managed​ ​budgets​ ​ranging​ ​from​ ​a​ ​few​ ​hundred​ ​£s​ ​to​ ​several million​ ​of​ ​UK​ ​government​ ​and​ ​European​ ​Social​ ​funding​ ​for​ ​‘positive​ ​action’​ ​courses​ ​working​ ​with groups​ ​disadvantaged​ ​by​ ​the​ ​growth​ ​of​ ​digital​ ​media.

I​ ​have​ ​sat​ ​on​ ​or​ ​chaired​ ​numerous​ ​committees,​ ​liaised/collaborated/partnered​ ​with​ ​national government​ ​and​ ​local​ ​authority​ ​officers,​ ​statutory​ ​agencies​ ​and​ ​other​ ​voluntary​ ​groups. ​I​ ​have​ ​used​ ​all​ ​available​ ​communication​ ​channels​ ​to​ ​successfully​ ​develop​ ​audiences​ ​and/or communities​ ​of​ ​interest.

Executive Committee members

KrisTavender (Bristol Rugby)

Qualified teacher. 10 years’ experience in special needs/disability sector. 2 years as board member for Church of the Nazarene, Knowle. Programme manager for older people’s provision for BRCF/BSF city-wide. Programme manager for wider inclusive provision for BRCF/BSF city-wide. 3 years developing wider community provision across BS3. GBCP board member for 18 months.

Interested in supporting and improving our parks, leisure facilities and libraries: promote activities and services (physical activity and Walking Sport); Improving the environment: including the street scene, transport facilities and air quality: improve accessibility (for community members with any additional need) Community development: working with organisations operating in the area to improve links, networks, partnerships etc and build a strong, sustainable community.

Simon Hankins (SCDA)

Previous Board member of GBCP and currently CEO of the Southville Community Development association. Interested in Community Development and Older People.

Steve Sayers (Windmill Hill City Farm)

Steve has been Chief Executive at Windmill Hill City Farm for the past 7 years. He has a good knowledge of the local area and considerable experience leading and managing mission-driven organisations. He has a good knowledge of the voluntary sector in the city more widely through his role at WHCF and as Vice-Chair of Voscur.

Interested in Parks, leisure facilities, libraries. Direct interest as CEO of WHCF which has a 35-year lease to run facilities and services on BCC-owned land. Additional interest in debate around community organisations taking on more BCC assets/liabilities; Environment improvements. Personal and professional interest in raising environmental awareness and links between environment and wellbeing; Urban planning. Love of city living as a thriving economic and vibrant cultural space, not as high density dormitory; Community development. Hopeless optimist that more people can be more engaged in their neighbourhood.

Ade Williams (Bedminster BID Team)

Local community pharmacist with wide-ranging interest in promoting health and well-being locally.

Interested in improving the partnership with the Bedminster Business Improvement District.