Chairman: Ian Buchanan Treasurer: Geoff Hodgson

Chairman: Ian Buchanan Treasurer: Geoff Hodgson

Chairman: Ian Buchanan Treasurer: Geoff Hodgson

Group Secretary: Caven Hammock

Higher Dowgas Farm, Coombe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7LU

Tel: 01726 883621 Mob: 07802 263361 email:


The Annual General Meeting took place at The Comrades Club, Probus on Thursday 27 February 2014 at 7.30pm. Twenty two members attended.

Attendees brought along honey based products that they had prepared, and once again these were delicious and very popular. In addition members provided jars of their honey which were placed on the appropriate spot on a map of the Roseland. This gave members the opportunity to taste honey from across the area and to discuss its qualities, the forage it might have come from, production methods, etc. The standard was extremely good, and the variety of tastes surprising (to me anyway). Each was different from the next, and some were really quite different. Many thanks to members who brought honey/honey products along; it was a delight to try them,

Present:-Matthew Buchan, Ian Buchanan, Harry Dalford, Caven Hammock, Rose Hardisty, Geoff Hodgson, Simon Kellam, Bill Langworthy, Gregory Leach, Jennie Leach, Dom Pearce, Michael Perry, Marcus Pilling, Bajka Pratt, Colin Rees, Ann Serpell, Bob Sheppard, Mike Somers, Di Webster, Mike Wells, Mike White, Geoff Woodmason,

Apologies:-Patrick and Di Wharton, Liz Murphy, John Reeve, Sally Buchanan, Julian Durell, Nichola Sherriff, Penny Hodgson, Darren Shepherd, Tim and Julie Howes.

1) Minutes of last Annual General Meeting – 28.02.2013

There were no questions arising from the 2013 minutes, which were duly adopted as a true record of the meeting (proposed Mike Somers, seconded Bajka Pratt).

Officers’ Reports

These were circulated in advance of the AGM, and were not read verbatim at the meeting. The officers’ reports form part of these minutes but are not reproduced here. They are available on the Group website, and only additional points raised are minuted below.

2) Chairman’s Report (Ian Buchanan) – Ian reiterated his thanks to the Officers and Members for their continued support of the Group.

3) Secretary’s Report (Caven Hammock) – as per report. Additionally, it appears that CBKA membership numbers may be significantly down, but this is yet to be finalised. This will no doubt roll across to the Roseland numbers to some degree. The Officers will be meeting in April, when final numbers should be available, and may seek to establish if any drop off in membership is in line with county and national trends, or due to anything specific to the Group.

4) Treasurer’s Report (Geoff Hodgson) – as per report.

5) Publicity Report (Colin Rees) – as per report.

6) Events Report (Matthew Buchan) – as per report. Matthew re-iterated what a successful year 2013 had been, and thanked again those stalwarts of the Group for their support in manning events. Particularly pleasing was the involvement of a number of newbees.

7) Fund Raising (Nichola Sherriff) – Due to other commitments Nichola has had to stand down from this role. It was agreed that for the time being we will not fill this role, and will address each need for funding on a case by case basis.

8) Social Events Report (Penny Hodgson) – as per report. There was a brief discussion as to whether we consider a change of venue for this year’s Christmas bash after three years at the Barley Sheaf in Gorran. This will be discussed nearer the time.

9) Group Purchasing (Gregory Leach) – as per report.

10) Winter Programme (Liz Murphy) – Liz (unable to attend) was thanked for an excellent Winter Programme once again, which the membership found interesting and entertaining. The members are of the view that we may need to stretch further afield in future, to get new and expert talkers to keep the talks fresh. This may well have a cost implication. It was also raised that all the Groups within CBKA should on occasion pool their membership for talks, particularly where an expert is being brought in from far afield. This will provide some critical mass for the more specialised subjects, which will be of interest to more experienced beekeepers.

11) Group Apiary (Caven Hammock) – as per report. Bajka proposed that once the shed has been titivated and all the colonies established in the main apiary area, that we arrange an official opening to present the apiary to the members, and hopefully gain some publicity. This will be pursued.

12) Mentoring Scheme (Tim Howes) – as per report. Caven suggested that a formal checklist is prepared to ensure that newbees are shown all the basic points necessary to learn the craft of beekeeping and to provide consistency. This will be pursued.

13) Website (Matthew Buchan) – some members are having problems activating some of the links on the Group website, using mobile phones and Apple products (MACs, Ipads). Matthew will look into this and advise members who are encountering problems accordingly.

14) Election of Officers - Please note, all offices are open to applications from other members and this is actively encouraged. If you are interested in taking a more formal role within the group please do not hesitate to make this known. It may be that you would like to work alongside one of the existing officers with a view to taking a more active role in the future. Do not be shy!

As mentioned above the role of Fund Raising Officer has been shelved for the time-being. That aside, all other officers expressed their willingness to stand for re-election. The Chairman proposed that the officers be elected “en masse’, and they were duly elected. Proposed Mike White, seconded Rose Hardisty.

15) CBKA - The view was expressed that CBKA does not provide anything of any substance to the Group and its members, and that members do not receive value for money for the funds that CBKA retains from them. When compared to what other County Associations do, CBKA appears to be the poor cousin. Various members commented that the lethargy and lack of change at CBKA has been going on for many years, with some Council members determined that nothing will change there.

A strong view has emerged amongst the Roseland Officers and members that we look into alternatives to membership of CBKA. Caven will consider the alternatives and report to the Officers at the next meeting in April.

In the meantime, two members were elected to be our Group representatives at the CBKA; Mike White and Michael Somers. Both bring an incredible amount of experience and we are delighted that they will be representing the Group’s interests at CBKA. They become Officers of the Group in those roles.

16) AOB

  1. Swarm coordination (Jenny Leach) – as per report. Jennie thanked her swarm collectors for their support.
  1. Bee Safaris (Rose Hardisty) – these were once again a huge success and remain at the centre of the Group’s programme. There is uncertainty about the future of the RBIs at FERA, and the resources they may have to support our safaris. We will have to suck it and see, but one way or another we are determined to keep the safaris within our list of activities.
  1. Basic examinations (Bajka Pratt) – 3 people passed the BE last year, and please let Bajka know if you would like to take the exam this year. Marcus Pilling scored the highest marks in the County, so many congratulations to him, and for the third year running the Roseland wins the prize for the highest mark in the basic exam.
  1. Microscopy training (Bajka Pratt) – Bajka and Mike Somers will be running a couple of microscopy sessions at Truro High School who have very kindly offered us the use of a lab and as many microscopes as you can shake a stick at. Many thanks to Alison Miller for arranging that facility. The possible dates for the sessions have been emailed to members and the date/dates set will be confirmed during March. A number of members have expressed an interest. We will need samples of dead bees for these sessions, and Mike Somers will provide details of how to take samples.
  1. Use of funds – Rose suggested that we use some of our funds on handouts to be given out, or left behind, when we visit schools or other events. This matter will be put on the agenda for the next Officers’ meeting, scheduled to take place in April.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed.

Minutes prepared by Caven Hammock (Secretary).

Minutes adopted ...... Signed by ......

(Date)Ian Buchanan (Chairman)

Roseland Beekeeping Group is a member of Cornwall Beekeepers Association

Registered Charity No 298470 -

which is an affiliate member of the British Beekeepers Association

Registered Charity No. 212025 -