Head Sculpture

This will be the most visually challenging project and will require you to spend a lot of time looking at the project and changing it to capture your features. This is a sculpting project where you add clay, cut it away, push and pull on the clay until you capture the shape you are looking for.

For this project you will be using a solid ball of new clay that will subsequently be hollowed out. This project only requires you to sculpt one head. In doing this one head you will be graded on how much the final sculpture captures your likeliness. For this sculpture you will be required to capture all your features. You will then need to attach your head to a pedestal so the final product will be able to sit on a table. Each of the following elements will be graded in the final project; Head, Ears, Nose, Lips, Hair, Neck, Shoulders, and Pedestal.

To assist you in this project I will take pictures of your head from four angles and print them for your use during the project.

Below is the self evaluation for this assignment. After you have completed the project and rated yourself we will meet to finalize your points for this project. Projects that are late will loose 5%. More than 1 week late will loose 10%

Objective is to take clay and from it into a likeliness of yourself. Clay needs to be sculpted without capturing air to prevent exploding in the kiln. Facial features need to be properly located and the final product needs to look like a real person. The pedestal should support the head without tilting.

Self Evaluation Form Assignment:Head Sculpture
Write in the box under “Your proposed rating” the number that best reflects how well you completed that criterion for the assignment / Excellent / Good / Average / Needs Improvement / Your proposed rating / Teacher’s Rating
Criteria 1 – How well were you able to capture your facial features? Head, Ears, Nose, Lips, Hair, Neck, and Shoulders. How solid was the Pedestal / 40-36 / 35-32 / 31-28 / 27 or less
Criteria 2 –Were the seams smooth. When adding clay were you able to do it without creating air bubbles. Did the head survive the bisque fire? / 40-36 / 35-32 / 31-28 / 27 or less
Criteria 3 – How was the glaze applied? Did you use more than one glaze color? How clean were the glaze lines? / 40-36 / 35-32 / 31-28 / 27 or less
Criteria 4 – Effort: took time to develop idea & complete project? (Didn’t rush.) Good use of class time? / 40-36 / 35-32 / 31-28 / 27 or less
Criteria 5 – Craftsmanship – Neat, clean & complete? Skillful use of the ceramic tools? No sharp or rough edges. / 40-36 / 35-32 / 31-28 / 27 or less
Total: 200 / Grade: / Teacher Total

One Questions about this project? ______