Suggestions for Observation of Online Courses
- Is the course online or hybrid?
- How many students are enrolled?
- Has the course been offered online/hybrid before?
- Has the instructor taught the course online/hybrid before?
- Has the instructor taught other courses online/hybrid before?
- Who designed the course?
- How does the instructor introduce him/herself? Is a “teaching philosophy” provided?
- How does the course syllabus addressthe online aspects of the class?
- How clear are the course objectives?
- How clearly are course expectations and requirements (including technical requirements) defined?
- How easy is it to navigate the course content?
- Do menu labels clearly identify what information will be found in the corresponding section of the course?
- Have unused tools been hidden?
- Is text easily readable?
- How is course content organized?
- What tools are used to enhance course content? (Discussion boards, external links, self-tests, audio, video, graphics, etc.)
- What resources are made available to students (help desk personnel, library resources, etc.)?
- Where is instructor contact information provided? Is it easy to find?
- How do the content and requirements compare to an equivalent face-to-face course?
- How does the pacing of the course compare to an equivalent face-to-face course?
- What opportunities do students have to provide feedback to the instructor?
- How are accessibility issues addressed?
- What are the expectations for student participation?
- What should students expect in terms of instructor response time?
- Within what timeframe does the instructor respond to student posts/emails?
- How do students interact with each other and the instructor about course content? (Chat rooms, whiteboards, discussion forums, email, etc.)
- How frequently does the instructor communicatewith students through forums, announcements, email, etc.?
- What role does the instructor take in moderating discussions, providing feedback, and participating in interactive components?
- How does the instructor attempt to create a learning community? (Group projects, assignments, activities, etc.)
- What tools/technologies does the instructor utilize?
*Adapted from the WebCT Exemplary Course Project
- Chat
- Discussions
- Whiteboard
- Student presentations
- Quiz tool
- PowerPoint presentations
- Surveys
- Glossary
- Self-tests
- Grades
- Calendar
- Podcasts
- Webcasts
- Animations
- Graphics/images
*Adapted from the WebCT Exemplary Course Project
- How are students oriented to the technologies identified above (instructions, tutorials, videos, etc.)?
- How are student problems with technology addressed?
- At what level are students required to work (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation)?
- In what ways do assignments encourage students to employ critical thinking strategies?
- How are assignments aligned with stated learning objectives?
- How do assignments provide students with opportunities to practice and apply concepts and skills?
- What external resources (print, library, Web-based, etc.) do students need to use to complete assignments and projects?
- How clearly are assignment expectations and deliverables communicated?
- How are quizzes and tests administered?
- How does the instructor provide feedback to the students on their work… rubrics, evaluation forms, comments?
- How effectively are quizzes and tests tied to course objectives?
- What is the policy for grading and late-work?
- What opportunities do students have for self-assessment?
- How do students evaluate the online course?
- For probationers, what evidence is there that divisional criteria for tenure are being met?
*Adapted from the WebCT Exemplary Course Project