Department: Religious Education

Head of Department: Mr B Hughes


AO1:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the periods studied.
AO2:Explain and analyse historical events and periods studied using second order historical concepts. Second order concepts are: causation, consequence, similarity, difference, change, continuity and significance.
AO3:Analyse, evaluate and use sources (contemporary to the period) to make substantiated judgments, in the context of historical events studied.
Band / KS2 / Assessment Objective Descriptors / Target Grade
Year 8 / 1 / Higher Attainers / AO1: Accurate and relevant recall of specific historical details, showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of details regarding events, people, causes and consequences of events, issues, themes and chronological development.Keywords and specialist terminology are used frequently with precision.
AO2: An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the conceptual focus of the question (causation, consequence, similarity, difference, change, continuity and/or significance), showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Criteria for the required judgement is justified and applied in the process of reaching the overall judgement. SPaG is excellent.
AO3: Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given, applyingvalid criteria with developed reasoning which takes into account how the provenance affects the usefulness of the source content. The sources are analysed to support reasoning about their utility. Contextual knowledge is used in the process of interpreting the sources and applying criteria for judgements on their utility. / 8+
2 / Core & Extend / AO1: Accurate and relevant recall of a wide range of historical details, showing good knowledge and understanding of details regarding events, people, causes and consequences of events, issues, themes and chronological development. Keywords and specialist terminology are used frequently with precision.
AO2: An explanation is given, showing good analysis, which is directed at the conceptual focus of the question (causation, consequence, similarity, difference, change, continuity and/or significance). It shows a line of reasoning that is mostly sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. The overall judgement is given with justification. The use of criteria selected for the required judgement is beginning to become apparent though may still be implicit or not validly applied. SPaG is excellent.
AO3: Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given using valid criteria. Judgements are supported by developed comment related to the content of the sources and their provenance. Comprehension and some analysis of the sources is shown by the selection and use of material to support comments on their utility. Contextual knowledge is used to support comments on the usefulness of the content of the sources and/or their provenance. / 7
3 / AO1: Accurate and relevant recall of historical details, showing good knowledge and understanding of details regarding events, people, causes and consequences of events, issues, themes and chronological development. Keywords and specialist terminology are used with reasonable precision and frequency.
AO2: An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the conceptual focus of the question (causation, consequence, similarity, difference, change, continuity and/or significance). It shows a line of reasoning that is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. The overall judgement is given with some justification, but some criteria selected for the required judgement are left implicit or not validly applied. SPaG is good.
AO3: Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given using valid criteria. Judgements are supported by developed comment related to the content of the sources and/or their provenance. Comprehension and some analysis of the sources is shown by the selection and use of material to support comments on their utility. Contextual knowledge may be used to support comments on the usefulness of the content of the sources and/or their provenance. / 6
4 / Core / AO1: Accurate and relevant recall of some historical details, showing knowledge and understanding of details regarding events, people, causes and consequences of events, issues, themes and chronological development. Keywords and specialist terminology are starting to be used with some precision.
AO2: An explanation is given, showing limited analysis and with links to the conceptual focus of the question (causation, consequence, similarity, difference, change, continuity and/or significance). It shows some development and organisation of material, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. The overall judgement is given but its justification is asserted, insecure or missing. SPaG is good, though some errors may occur.
AO3: A simple judgement on utility is given, and supported by undeveloped comment on the content of the sources and/or their provenance. Simple comprehension of the source material is shown by the extraction or paraphrase of some content. Some contextual knowledge is deployed with implicit links to the sources. / 5
5 / Support / AO1: Recall of relevant basic historical details, showing knowledge and understanding of details regarding events, people, causes and consequences of events, issues, themes and chronological development. Keywords and specialist terminology may be starting to appear in written work.
AO2: An explanation is given with implicit links to the conceptual focus of the question (causation, consequence, similarity, difference, change, continuity and/or significance). It shows someorganisation of material. The overall judgement is insecure or missing. SPaG is satisfactory and errors do not impede understanding of the work.
AO3: An underdeveloped comment is made on the content of the sources and/or their provenance. Simple comprehension of the source however no extraction or paraphrase of content is shown. Limited contextual knowledge is deployed without direct links to the sources. / 4
6 / Support + / AO1: Basic historical details are given showing limited knowledge and understanding of some details regarding events, people, causes and consequences of events, issues, themes and chronological development. Keywords and specialist terminology may be used, though are not always done so accurately.
AO2: An explanation may be attempted towards the conceptual focus of the question (causation, consequence, similarity, difference, change, continuity and/or significance). Little organisation of material. The overall judgement is missing. SPaG may impede with meaning and understanding of some passages.
AO3: Can recognize and make a basic comment on the content or provenance of the source. Limited comprehension of the source. / Below 4


Grade Boundaries

9= 96-100%

8= 88-95%

7= 80-87 %

6= 72-79%


4= 51-62%

3= 38-50%

2= 21-37%

1 = 0-20%