HB 3141 Cheat Sheet

·  Makes two funding transfers to programs specified in the Department’s Budget (HB 5019): $1.8 million to the Oregon Virtual School District Fund and $5.2 million for youth in the Youth Corrections Education Program

·  Makes a technical fix to SB 462 regarding the potential separation of the Canyonville School District

·  Includes language from SB 367 and SB 370 relating to Physical Education and includes $1 million from the State School Fund for grants and assessing the current state of physical education in Oregon

·  Includes language from SB 47 for voluntary school districts audits through the Secretary of State ($800,000 from the State School Fund) and sets up a Best Business Practices Advisory Committee

·  Portions of SB 622 to increase funding for TAG staff at the Department. ($350,000 from the State School Fund)

·  Includes language from HB 3338, the Governor’s Education System Design Team (with $200,000 from the State School Fund)

·  A new appropriation for the Quality Education Commission of $150,000 from the State School Fund

HB 2263 Cheat Sheet

·  Language to delete statutory references to the CIM/CAM

·  $550,000 from the ESD portion of the State School Fund for the Department to select a contractor to deliver a nationally normed assessment test to all 10th graders

·  Language from SB 757 to create a 7 member Board of Directors for both the State School for the Deaf and the State School for the Blind; gives the Boards limited appeal authority to the State Board of Education

·  Includes language from SB 210 to allow the Department to work with stakeholders to create a progressive system of interventions for schools in need of improvement

·  Updates and places the language about Continuous Improvement Plans in statute

·  Updates the contents of the Oregon Report Card

·  Updates the individual school report cards and creates a new school rating system that will integrate with the Continuous Improvement Plan language and the progressive system of interventions the Department and stakeholders create