Haviland Friends Church Administrative Team Minutes

April 13, 2009

Present: Denny Ross, Ryan Oren, Joe Schoonover, DeWayne Bryan, Willard Ferguson, Glenn Leppert, Josiah Williams, Donnie Hinshaw, KC Lingafelter, and Robin Johnston.

Not present: Ryan Kendall, June Boettcher, and Lori Binford.

Joe Schoonover led the team in a time of prayer.

Minutes for the March meeting were approved as written and cleared to be posted.

Yearly Meeting Representatives: Doris Ferguson’s name will be removed from the list of representatives. The representatives will be Robin Johnston, Chuck, and Carolyn Townsend.

Financial Report:

•The financial report, which had been prepared by Lori Binford, was discussed. Ryan Oren highlighted the current assets and Joe Schoonover pointed out that the items in parenthesis are actual funds. The church plant fund, van fund, and building fund have large totals and make it necessary for a fund raiser. The Youth will do a “parts” sale to help raise money for the van.

•There are needs for furnishings for the Youth Building.

•Concrete work for the Youth Building and for the church has been done.

•Robin Johnston was appointed to head up a fund raising campaign for the van.

Stewards Report—Ryan Oren:

•Ryan reported that there are still some smaller items need to be completed to finish the Youth Building such as installing a projector, work on the showers, and some electrical items.

•The position of finance coordinator still needs to be filled. Several names were suggested for this. It was also suggested that perhaps a chair for this position could be appointed and then two or three others could be selected to share the task.

•The church needs new carpet, painting, and an enlarged stage before the MAYM Ministry Conference in July. Plans are needed for the stage extension—will this be all one level or two levels?

Outreach—Willard Ferguson:

•The outreach committee had a guest meet with them and discussed a way to canvas the entire town in a joint visitation project with the Methodist Church. A goal of the canvassing will be to ascertain where each resident attends church.

•There is now a welcome basket available to new folk in town.

•A study of each department of the church needing to be updated is being conducted—evangelism, community service, follow up, and some proposed projects: a community garden, and the budding Men’s Ministry.

•The Easter mission offering came to $1,222,22.

•The need to raise funds for the three Haviland Friends representatives to Africa (Willard Ferguson, Donnie Hinshaw, and Ryan Kendall) was discussed. It was not known whether Ryan had yet submitted an application nor whether he had asked the college to help pay his expenses.

•Dave Williams will be going to Mexico on behalf of EFM to encourage and train and has asked for help with travel.

•Several fund raising ideas were considered including a movie night with the movie Fire Proof. Also suggested was a talent night or a pie contest.

•Mark Healton has raised a concern for the number of slaves in the word today—perhaps more than in the 19th century. He would like to have an information night to raise awareness of this. This was approved.

•The mission emphasis in April was appreciated and the teams suggested having some pointed emphasis once a month through the entire year to extend the emphasis.

•Next Sunday the focus will be on Africa and then a guest, Scott Sward will speak. Pioneer Sunday will also happen in April.

•A retreat for women of all age groups is being planned for the summer with hopes of being able to use the college facilities. This will be designed to involve the entire community.

DeWayne Bryan:

•DeWayne led a discussion on ways to raise funds for the African mission trip and stated that this needed to be done first among the many fund raising needs. Joe will do an announcement.

•The team agreed that it was important for Donnie to go as a project of the church.

•There should be a push-off for this this coming Sunday. Willard will check to see about submitting funds to the Yearly Meeting. Because of the importance of this all projects will be frozen except the concrete bill needing to be paid now. This will allow funds to be used for this.

Joe Schoonover reported that he had a request for advertising with a Pratt, Kansas radio station. The team did not feel this would be useful enough to do.

KC Lingafelter:

•KC reported that the microwave in the kitchen died. Joe stated that he had one to donate.

•High chairs for the church need to be replaced. Two are needed. The team suggested seeking donations for this.

Youth Ministry—Josiah Williams:

•Josiah reported that the Youth Group was going well. He has been doing a series on the last days of Christ. A communion service brought good questions. He will finish the series with a lesson on the resurrection.

•The Junior High group has been awesome. Naomi Littlefield has been a tremendous host for the girls and has bees assisted by Tiffany Van Dame. The guys have been meeting at the gym.

•Senior High small groups begin this Sunday. They will be working through a book called Crazy Love, which describes a Christian lifestyle.

•Churches are being asked to pay the way for the counselors that they send to camp--$105 per person for senior high and $70 per person for junior high. One counselor is needed for every seven students. Josiah will report the estimated number of campers. The team agreed to help the counselors the church sends. A fund-raiser such as the Quiz team did can be done after the close of the college. The Quiz team raised $600.00.

•Clint Corby is coaching the boy’s basketball team and Josiah has been asked to continue as assistant. Josiah has seen this as a phenomenal ministry opportunity. The team agreed for him to do this.

Pastor—Donnie Hinshaw:

•Donnie will soon finish the series on Galatians and asked the team to suggest other possibilities for series. He invited the team to share their vision for the church with him.

•Donnie would like to schedule a meeting to assay the current state of the church—where the church is and where it needs to go. A series on James or perhaps Philippians could assist this.

•How to get the church members in their 30’s involved in the life of the church is a challenge that needs to be undertaken.

•Donnie will be attending the pastor’s retreat in May.

•Bryanna Oliver will assume the secretary’s position June 1st.

DeWayne Bryan asked about using Bible Study groups to cause “cross fertilization” so that the groups are not always of one age group. There needs to be training arranged for small group leaders.

Denny Ross closed the meeting with prayer.