Sivananda Anti-Anxiety Lesson Plan

1 hour 15 minutes


The lesson builds on a traditional Sivananda Yoga Lesson Plan with techniques to relieve anxiety.


In the pranayama section of the lesson, bhramari (humming bee breath) is added as, according to Satyananda (1996), it “relieves stress and cerebral tension, alleviating anger, anxiety, and insomnia”. Also at the start of the lesson I’ve added the kriya (cleansing technique) tratak (candle gazing) because according to Satyananda “it balances the nervous system, relieving nervous tension, anxiety, depression and insomnia”.

The warm-up section of the lesson comprises the Shashank exercise in APMB, which I was advised to do to calm anger at Mandala Ashram. The passage (p125) explaining the meaning of the posture can be read as it beautifully descriptive:

“The Sanskirt word shashank means ‘moon’. It is derived from two words: shash meaning ‘hare’ and ank meaning lap. People in India have seen dark patches on the full moon as resembling the shape of a hare with the moon in its lap. Furthermore, the moon symbolizes pleaes and calm; it emits soothing and tranquilising vibrations. Shashankasana has a similar calming and cooling effect.”

The main body of the class follows a Sivananda format developed from the Stephens’s (2012) relaxation classes (p289-90) and Stiles’ (2010) anti-anxiety class (p170-1).


Satyananda, APMB Bihar School of Yoga (1996)

Stephens, M Yoga Sequencing (2012)

Stiles, T SlimCalmSexy Yoga (2010)

Satyananda/sivananda lesson plan - Suryachandrayoga 1


·  opening chants;

·  pranayama: kaphabhati (2 rounds); nadi shodana 4:16:8 (3 rounds); Bhramari (3 rounds in own time)

·  tratak (2 rounds — 1 minute gazing, 1 minute eye closed. Rub palms, place over eyes


·  Shasankasana (retain breath in final position)

·  Variation 1: hold right wrist with left hand

·  Variation 2: place fists in front of lower abdomen

·  Variation 3: interlock fingers behind back

Sun salutations

Four times


Shoulderstand, bridge (hold 3 mins), fish

Forward bends

Wide-legged forward bend

Forward bend

Counterpose: table-top

Seated postures & twist

Cow pose (2 minutes each side)

Pigeon pose (3 minutes each side)

Half spinal twist or Bharadvajrasana


Squat hang

Squat twist bind


Standing postures

Standing forward bend with neck release


At least 15 minutes

Satyananda/sivananda lesson plan - Suryachandrayoga 1