Action Plan Review
EARLY HELP (Person ID) No.
Has a new Lead Professional been allocated since the previous meeting? / Yes / No
If ‘Yes’, please record new Lead Professional details and answer the following questions:
- Has consent been given for this change by the family?
- Do both previous Lead Professional and new Lead Professional agree to this change?
Lead Professional
Agency / Job Title
Email Address / Contact Number
Previous LP/Agency
Long Term Goal Statement:Provide a statement of how things will look for the child/young person and/or family when progress is good enough to close this Early Help Action Plan, based on the needs currently identified. Unless needs have changed, this should remain the same as on the Early Help Action Plan.REVIEW NOTES
General discussion points and/or additional information from the review.
For progress against individual actions, see the ACTION PLAN section later in this document
- Please list everyone who was invited to the TAF meeting, including the family, regardless of whether or not they attended.
- Please use first names only for family members to ensure security of information.
Professional/Family Member Name / Agency/Family Relationship / Contact Number / Attended? / Update Sent?
Yes / No / Yes / No
Updates from previous Action Plan- Please review progress made against actions agreed at the previous meeting, identifying if the action can be closed.
- Identify previous actions to be reviewed at meeting.
- Identify new actions to be taken forward.
- Review previous actions and identify if action can be closed.
ACTION PLAN- Please identify intended short term actions for the child/young person and/or family to meet and who will be leading on each action.
- Please copy over any actions from the previous review which are not closed.
- Please note a professional/family member cannot be allocated an action if they are not part of the TAF. The Lead Professional must have secured agreement for the activity to be included in the delivery plan.
- Please notify the Families First Team if the Lead Professional changes at this stage.
What changes do people want to see? / What action is required for this to happen? / Who will lead this? / By When?
Agreed Review Date
COMMENTSPlease use the boxes below to record any comments or differences of opinion.
Child/Young Person’s Comments:
Parent/Carer’s Comments:
Practitioner’s Comments:
Any Other Comments:
OUTCOMECan the Early Help Plan be closed? / Yes / No / Early Help Plan Closure Date
Closure Reason:
Needs met / Allocated to
CSWS / Child left area / Child deceased
withdrawn / Family
disengaging / Family will
provide their
own solution
agency / Family/young
person getting
support from other
required / Other (please
Final closure comments:
If the Early Help Plan is to continue, please indicate the next review date
EVALUATION OF EARLY HELP PROCESSPlease complete with parent(s)/carer(s) and child/young person if closing the Early Help Action Plan.
Views of parent(s)/carer(s) on closing the Early Help Action Plan and progress made:
How useful did you find the process (1-5)?
1 – Not very useful / 2 – Slightly Useful / 3 - Useful / 4 – Very Useful / - Exceptionally Useful
How confident are you that working together has achieved the agreed outcomes (1-5)?
1 – Not Confident at all / 2 – Slightly Confident / 3 - Confident / 4 – Very Confident / 5 – Exceptionally Confident
Any other comments:
Views of child/young person on closing the Early Help Action Plan and progress made:
CONSENT AND AGREEMENTFollowing this meeting, does this information need to be shared with any additional professionals who the family have not already given consent to share with. Please list below:
Consent to share information with (list agencies):
Consent given by:
Print Name (BLOCK CAPITALS) / Signature (or where held) / Date / Relation to child/young person
The following Data Protection statement is the most current and needs to be replicated in the forms you use:
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 we must inform you that by signing this form you are giving your consent to process the information we collect from you whilst we have involvement with you and your family, for the purposes of providing support. This information may be shared, but only where appropriate, with other relevant professionals and organisations, such as the NHS, Leeds City Council, and Families First programme. Sharing with the Families First programme may allow us to access additional family support and/or funding for you
Each agency is duty bound to follow data protection and child protection policies and guidelines and will ensure the safe transfer and storage of any information they record. I agree that information about my family may be shared, and sought from other relevant agencies to help ensure that my child/ren and family receives the support we need.
If there are changes in family circumstances or our family no longer want support from any of the services involved or offered it is understood by everyone that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform the requesting agency or worker.
The Council may have to give some of the information we collect from you to relevant government departments, such as the DfE or the DCLG, for research purposes and with the aim of making the services of Leeds City Council better. Any sharing will be done only where it is necessary or where we are legally obliged to do so and is strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Your information may be collated or monitored, where possible in an anonymized format, to ensure you receive the correct support and services. Should you choose not to consent to sign this form then please note we may still be required under law to process and share the information in this form without your agreement, for example when we believe a child is at significant risk of harm.