Harrow Adult Community and Family Learning

Supply – Chain Fees and Charges Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide consistency to supply chain processes in relation to sub-contracted provision by Harrow Adult Community and Family Learning Service with funding allocated by the Skills Funding Agency

Reasons for sub-contracting

The aims and objectives of Harrow Adult Community and Family Learning Service are set out in its Adult Learning Strategy 2016-18. The broad aims are:

·  Widening participation in learning through targeting community learning and providing a means for learners who do not currently participate to gain access to the learning process

·  Enhancing individuals’ life opportunities by providing a wide range of learning contributing to employability skills; health and well-being; community cohesion and citizenship; and stronger family relationships

·  Developing local learning communities by enhancing the capacity of new providers, particularly community and voluntary organisations, to develop learning programmes for their immediate communities

·  Developing high quality teaching and learning by providing on-going professional development for those engaged in the delivery of community learning

Commitment to improving quality of teaching and learning

Harrow Adult Community and Family Learning Service is committed to continual improvement in teaching and learning, both in its own direct provision and in subcontracted provision. Subcontracted providers are:

·  Selected to be part of a Preferred Providers’ Framework through a robust Invitation to Tender process approved by Harrow Council Procurement and that ensures the organisation is legally, financially and educationally sound. These requirements are set out in a Provider Framework Agreement drawn up by Harrow Council Legal Department and signed by providers following entry to the Provider Framework.

·  Commissioned to deliver an adult and community learning programme(s) through bids to a Prospectus issued to providers on the Framework. Bids must demonstrate a commitment to quality assurance and evidence

·  Managed through a process of monitoring meetings to discuss performance against targets and through requirements set out in the Quality Improvement Framework, including observations of teaching and learning and contribution to an overall self- assessment process

·  Supported through a programme of continuous professional development

Management Fees

Adult, Community & Family Learning have a clear policy of fees and fee remittance to support the £+ policy of the Skills Funding Agency. This requires fee income to be raised wherever possible as part of delivery costs. We will require all providers in the framework to work within this policy. Income raised will be retained by the provider to help offset their delivery costs. This means that there is no set hourly fee rate across the board but is for the provider to cost as part of their costing exercise. The funding subsidy is therefore adjusted accordingly. Fee policy is set out in more detail in the Prospectus and in the Fees and Charges Policy

Harrow Adult Community retain a proportion ( currently around 20%) of the Skills Funding Agency allocation for management of sub-contracted providers. This is deducted prior to the allocations of funds to providers. These costs include:

·  MIS functions relating to return of data and submission of funding claims and a bureau service where appropriate

·  Quality assurance, including observations of teaching, learning and assessment

·  Monitoring meetings to discuss progress against targets

·  Induction training for providers and tutors and access to a Continuous Professional Development programme

·  Support for marketing and publicity

Payment terms

Harrow Adult Community and Family Learning Service agrees details of the payment profile prior to delivery and these are set out in an annual Schedule of Agreement signed by both parties. In most cases the payment profile will be 40% at commencement of delivery, 40% at the midway point of the programme and 20% after completion of delivery and all data and paperwork has been submitted. All payments are subject to the provider meeting the targets and terms and conditions set out in the Schedule of Agreement.

Support provided to sub-contractors

Harrow Adult Community and Family Service’s commitment to the delivery of high quality provision that meets the needs of the community and learners is set out in the Adult Learning Strategy 2016-18

Support will be appropriate to the needs of the provider but includes:

·  A Quality Improvement Framework with online Toolkits for Providers and for Tutors

·  Observations of teaching, learning and assessment with supportive feedback

·  Induction training for providers and tutors

·  A Continuous Professional Development programme available to all providers and tutors, including support for self assessment

·  Management of all data requirements, including a bureau service where required

·  Learner Voice forums to collect learner feedback

·  Support with marketing of provision

·  Monitoring meetings to discuss progress and adjust targets where necessary

Communication, review and publication of the policy

The context for delivery of adult and community learning programmes and requirements for providers are set out in a Prospectus issued to all providers on the Provider Framework in advance of a bidding process. The conditions of this Policy are set out in the Prospectus and the Schedule of Agreement drawn up before delivery commences and are discussed with all providers on the Framework..

The Policy and the Prospectus will be reviewed annually in March or when changes in the Funding Rules regarding sub-contracting arrangements take place. Copies of the Policy and the Prospectus are available on the Service website, www.learninharrow.org.uk, with hard copies available.