Name ______Multiple Choice Spelling Test

For: The Pine Park Mystery

Directions: Look at each answer choice and circle the one that is spelled correctly. Then use the circled words to go in the blanks.
1.  remov / reemove / remof / remove
2.  reetern / return / retern / reeturn
3.  reecykle / recykel / recycel / recycle
4.  replace / reeplace / replayce / replayse
5.  recawl / reecall / recall / reecawl
6.  perheat / preeheet / preheat / preheet
7.  preepay / prepay / preepaye / prepey
8.  preshool / prescool / preschoohl / preschool
9.  preview / prevew / prevuie / perview
10.  pericks / preficks / prefix / perfix

11.  A ______is a syllable before a root word.

12.  Can you ______what you ate yesterday?

13.  I saw a ______of the new movie coming out.

14.  ______the lost dog to its owner.

15.  I ______things to create new uses for them.

16.  Before Kindergarten, I attended ______.

17.  ______your pencil marks with an eraser.

18.  You must ______before you can get your pictures.

19.  ______the oven before baking a cake.

20.  ______the old batteries with new ones.