MarshfieldHigh School
Credit by Proficiency
MarshfieldHigh School students can earn graduation credit for learning activities away from the classroom by applying to take part in our Credit by Proficiency program. Recent Oregon legislation, Oregon Administrative Rule 581-022-1131, makes it possible for students to earn high school credit for demonstrating learning standards in ways other than the traditional “seat time” of classroom work.
There are three steps a student must take to earn a credit based on proficiency.
- The student designs a project
- The student identifies learning standards
- The student creates evidence that demonstrates the learning they accomplish.
Proficiency credit can be awarded for
- internships and other work related experiences,
- rigorous hobbies,
- extended travel,
- community activities,
- advanced training in the arts and,
- student designed studies an a variety of topics.
Students need to be able to work independently, demonstrate the necessary follow through and meet the requirements of the program. Please see your counselor to discuss how you can be a part of this exciting opportunity
Our thanks to ThurstonHigh School in Springfield for sharing their Credit by Proficiency material. A substantial portion of these forms are from their material
Updated on December 3, 2006
First, you need to choose an activity that you are involved in or interested in as the basis for earning credit. Break these activities down into smaller parts. For example, if you work in a pharmacy, list all the tasks you do from the beginning of your shift until the end. This will help you see the LEARNING in your endeavors.
IDENTIFY LEARNING STANDARDS: Using the Oregon Standards Newspaper or Website,
find standards that apply to your activity. Some standards should be Career Related Learning Standards and some from the Subject Areas. Copy the standards you choose onto the rubric available in your packet or on the MHS website under Proficiency Forms.
COLLECT EVIDENCE: You must show and talk about the work that you do during your activities. You must keep a journal or diary of your daily activities including the date, what you did on that date, and a written reflection of your day. You will need to pay particular attention to when you solved problems or met a situation you hadn’t seen before (such as dealing with a difficult person or situation).
Collect any training materials you have used. Take photographs of your workplace, your activity, of you at work, or anything else that will serve as evidence that you actually did these things.
MEET WITH your proficiency coach and check and answer all e-mails from your coach. If you do not have an email address you must get one. If you do not have a computer you can use one at school or at the library. You will meet individually with your coach throughout the semester.
SITE VISITS: Your coach will visit you at your place of work or where you are performing your activities (if this is a component of your credit).
EXIT INTERVIEW: At the end of the project you will take part in an interview with the Proficiency Review Committee. During this time you will answer a number of questions about your activities, about how you met the learning standards you chose, and show the evidence that you have collected and created. You will also answer questions about the process and complete an evaluation to explain why this credit option was of value to you.
NEW GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: All of the above components will represent your Learning Plan for Proficiency Credit. Your proficiency project will serve as a career related learning experience and/or an extended application; both required components of the new graduation requirements
RECEIVING CREDIT: If you have sufficient evidence to demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have gained through the completion of all aspects of your learning plan, you will be granted credit for every learning plan you complete.
Updated on December 3, 2006
Student Check List
- Complete the application process which includes:
__ Student Application– Form
__ Parental Agreement– Form
__ Participation Agreement and number of credits - Form
__ Student Permission for Special Activities and Medical Information
__ Directory Information Rights Checked for information release
- Meet with coach to review plan, timeline, evidence to be collected and expectations.
__ Student Learning Plan Completed
__ Career Related Learning Standards Preview Worksheet
__ Extended Application Preview Worksheet
- Checklist for completion:
__ Exit Interview and Reflection Worksheet
__ Career Related Learning Standards Collection of Evidence Worksheet
__ Extended Application Collection of Evidence Worksheet
- Meeting with Coach to prepare for exit interview. All of the evidence should be placed in a binder or electronic medium ready for presentation to your Proficiency Review Committee.
__ Standards I addressed through my activities.
__ What I did during my activities. (Break this down into smaller parts).
__ What I have collected to demonstrate my learning. Write a brief description of each
item, for example:
- journal (what’s in it),
- photographs of ……… (what do they show and what do they have to do with my learning),
- artifacts (list them),
- others (list them).
- Completion of Project
__ Presentation to the Proficiency Review Committee
__ Add project to your PEP
Updated on December 3, 2006
Student: ______Grade: ______Date: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Parent/ Guardian Contact Information:
Name: ______
Relationship to Student: ______
Phone Numbers: Home: ( ) ______Work: ( ) ______
E-mail Address: ______
Mentor (if appropriate) ______( ) ______
Describe your proposed experience:______
Timeline: ______
Location for your experience: ______
Please list the specific activities you have planned for your experience: ______
Identify what you will learn by looking at a variety of learning standards (Career Related Learning Standards, Extended Application, Oregon Content Standards,CIM, PASS, others)
How will you demonstrate your knowledge learned through this experience? Include your evidence of learning: performance video of knowledge/skills, photo’s essay, reflections, journals, research paper, etc.
How will this experience relate to your Personal Education Plan (PEP) and post high school planning?
MarshfieldHigh School
Parental Agreement
This letter acknowledges that ______will be leaving school district
(Student name)
Grounds to participate in the district’s Proficiency Credit Pilot as made available in Oregon Administrative Rule 581-022-1131. We understand that our child and/or guardian may be driving and/or riding in a vehicle not owned by the district. We agree to hold the district harmless for any property damage, bodily injury, or personal injury occurring while our child and/or guardian is transporting and/or being transported to and from the district in a non-district owned vehicle. Please complete the information below:
Name of Insurance CompanyPolicy Number
If our child is going to be driving, we acknowledge and agree that we have liability insurance on the vehicle being driven. The vehicle in question does carry statutory minimum liability limits and is written with the above company:
We agree and understand that the insurance on the vehicle is primary and we will be responsible for any physical damage, repairs, maintenance, including gas incurred as a result of our child’s participation in this program.
We Further agree to release from liability and to indemnify and hold harmless the school district, sponsors, employees, school board members, volunteers, and agents from any and all claims and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) arising out of or in any way connected to the transportation of my child in personally owned vehicles either owned by me or any other party. The release and indemnity agreement includes claims based upon negligence. We further affirm that we have carefully read and understand this agreement and all of its terms. We understand that it is an AGREEMENT TO RELEASE AND INDEMNIFY which will prevent parents or guardians of our child or our child from recovering damages from the school district, sponsors, employees, school board members, volunteers and agents, even in the event of injury or death. We nevertheless enter into this agreement freely and voluntarily and agree that it will be binding upon us, our heirs, assigns, and our legal representative.
Parental/Guardian SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Participation Agreement
Academic Review Committee Agreement: By our signatures below, we acknowledged that upon completion of this experience as described, we will review the proficiency and sufficiency to determine the award of credit. We agree that this experience contains adequate components for completion of credit.
COURSE TITLE: ______Amount of Credit: ______
Credit Designation: ______(EL, CE, or Academic Area)
Project Coach: ______
Licensed Staff Member(May be same person as Project Coach): ______
Counselor: ______
I agree that all work completed during this process will be mine. I understand that it is my responsibility to seek assistance from appropriate sources when needed and to complete the process as stated. I understand that upon satisfactory completion of the process, any credit earned will be posted directly to my transcript as a Pass with appropriate credit. I understand that it is my responsibility to contact the Proficiency Coach as necessary to complete this process.
Student ______Date ______
I understand that my student will be working to earn Credit by Proficiency. I have read and agreed to the conditions of the process. In the process of working on her/his experience, the student may be driving or riding in a vehicle not owned by the school district or operated by a school district employee. I agree to hold this district harmless for any property damage, bodily injury, or personal injury occurring while driving, riding or working on the student’s approved educational experience and agree to hold the district harmless for any liability rising out of the acts of the students.
Parent ______Date______
District CoverageProvided
Type / Defined / Student
Community Placement / Auto / General / Workers'
Liability** / Liability / Comp.
Job Shadow / Short-term opportunities for students to
explore career interests by observing work / No / Yes / Yes
at the work site
Mentorships / A non-paid learning experience in which
the student has a formal relationship with a / No / Yes / No
work-site role model who provides career
insight and information
Internships / A structured non-paid work experience that
integrates school and work-based / No / Yes / Yes
Work Experience / Non-paid career-oriented work experience / No / Yes / Yes
Paid career-oriented work experience / No / No / No
Apprenticeship / Structured, paid, on-the-job training for
students 16 years and up who are in / No / No / No
technical/professional programs with
related training
Tours / Work-site visits to introduce students to
occupations in career pathways (CAM) / TREAT / AS A / FIELD TRIP
Internal Coos Bay Public Schools Placement
Internal School-to-Work / All paid and non-paid school-to-work / Student is
Experience / experiences which are supervised by SPS 19 / covered only
staff and which occur at district owned / during paid / Yes / Yes
facilities / placements
School-Based Enterprise / Business venture created and /or operated
by students within a school / No / Yes / Yes
Personal Automobile / Supervising Adult
coverage is primary / Auto / General / Workers'
District coverage is / Liability** / Liability / Comp.
secondary only / Yes / Yes / Yes
Final Written Reflection & Final Interview Questions
Please write responses to the following questions and be prepared to discuss the answers during your interview with the Proficiency Committee.
(Your Proficiency Coach reserves the right to modify your final interview questions.)
Students: Please answer the following questions as a part of your final assessment for your Credit by Proficiency work.
- Briefly explain your Credit by Proficiency Project/Activity
what were your activities?
your responsibilities
your goals
- What learning Standards did you choose to focus on? How did you choose them?
- You looked at a Standards Newspaper that had CIM, CAM, PASS and Career Related Learning Standards. What do you understand about Learning Standards that you might not have understood before?
- Tell us about a typical day during your project activities.
- What did you learn as a result of your project/activity?
- How does the learning from this project/activity tie into the learning standards you identified at the beginning of the project? Describe at least one example of learning for each standard identified.
- What did you learn during this process that perhaps did not fit into any learning standards? Perhaps something about yourself?
- What did you learn during this process that will be important to you in the future?
- You were required to make or collect some artifacts and evidence to demonstrate your learning. What did you make or collect?
- What would you do differently or what improvements would you make with your work in this project?
- While you were doing this project, what confused you? What did you do about this?
- If you had to pick one of the most important moments or experiences related to learning that you had during your project, what would it be?
- You have gone to school for 10, 11 or 12 years. What was different about earning credit this way from earning credit in a typical class?
- Could you learn what you learned during this experience in a regular classroom? Why or Why not?
- How was the role of the teacher different in your Credit by Proficiency project from what you have experienced in a regular class?
- What do you feel good about from your learning and participation in the Credit by Proficiency project?
- What would you like to say to the people of the Oregon Department of Education who created this way to earn credit or to our School Board who has supported this program?
- What suggestions do you have to improve the Credit by Proficiency program?
STUDENT LEARNING PLAN: Credit by Proficiency - Oregon Standards
Use this worksheet to outline all the Academic Standards you will address in your proposal. You also need to fill out the EA and CRLS form.