Harrison County Chamber of Commerce

Strategic Planning



This documentrepresents the process through which THE HARRISON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (THE CHAMBER) identified its top goals for 2013-2015. It does not represent the totality of the organization’s strategic direction or its administrative responsibilities. It does not supersede its current business direction. The goals below are the result of a planning process involving Board of Directors and CHAMBER President.

Mission: The Chamber exists to supports its members and the business environment. It does so by fostering economic and community development initiatives to improve the quality of life inHarrison County.

At its core, THE CHAMBER believes that if we can accomplish the strategic goals we have set out here and ongoing, we will progress towards the CHAMBER’s vision:

The shared values that are pervasive across the board of directors guide our work and interactions:

  1. We are progressive
  2. We act with integrity

We are responsible, credible, accountable, consistent and trustworthy

  1. We are resourceful

–So that our members look to us as the source of information about the County

THE CHAMBER is committed to be relevant and valuable to our membership. The following goals and objectives highlight how we intend to channel our resources and attention for 2013-2015.

As a leadership and staff we will pursue the following initiatives on behalf of our members.

2013 – 2015 Strategic Goals

  1. Deliver a clear, compelling value proposition to Chamber members and the community. (Communications Strategy)
  2. Expand access to high speed Internet for businesses and households in the county to promote post secondary education and the future of the county to build the case for it as a necessity. (Education, Technology and Economic Development Strategy)
  3. Advocate for greater allocation of financial resources that secure the business and industrial growth of Harrison County. (Advocacy and Education Strategy

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #1: Communications

GOAL: Deliver a clear, compelling value proposition for the Chamber to members and the community.

Strategic Issues:

•Need to increase role as a player in the region

•Chamber member benefits are not clear to members

• Chamber is viewed as “have to belong” versus important to business and Harrison County’s future

Activities to address the issues:

1.Survey membership to understand value, importance, satisfaction and preferences.

2.Assemble a task force to take survey results and develop value proposition for the CHAMBER.

3.Evaluate programming to best address member needs. Make progressive change in the way the CHAMBER delivers programming to best meet member needs.

4.Use a consultant to facilitate some or all these activities to ensure confidentiality and return on investment.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #2: Education, Technology and Economic Growth of Harrison County

GOAL: to expand wireless service across Harrison county.

Strategic Issues:

•Vendors will not come to rural areas (one vendor will not support the entire geography)

•Terrain of county is bad for internet service

•County does not want to own equipment and deal w customer issues

  • Cost of the service – need to beat $40-100 per month

Activities to address the issues:

  1. We will create a not-for-profit group of county representatives (seats from all over) to think and work as a cooperative group to expand services across the county. Group will include members of the Chamber, Vendors, the County and the Community Foundation.
    There are specific roles for each community group. Once service is established, vendor would provide a small amount back to the county.
  1. Facilitate fiber runs in key areas (TBD whether the coop or economic developmentwill make this decision).

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE #3: Advocacy and Education

GOAL: The Chamber will advocate for greater allocation of financial resources that secure the business and industrial growth of Harrison County. By doing so, the County will have the basis for expansion of business and industry, including but not limited to:

Strategic Issues:

•Optimizing the Lanesville interchange – develop it into a high tech park/education incubator through potential activities like:

Attract an educational institution or Math/Science academy to Harrison County to promote post secondary education (at Lanesville Exit)

Tie into local high schools; develop partnerships w high tech businesses in the area for sponsorships

•The County must promote and advocate for minimum/basic infrastructure throughout the county to attract new/high tech businesses to the county; including but not limited to sewer and wireless service.

•We must encourage and support new growth projects to support and sustain the revenue stream provided by the Horseshoe Southern Indiana Casino.

Activities to address the issues:

  1. Conduct a study to uncover infrastructure needs using a consultant

•Planning and zoning committee involvement

•Distinct from zoning

  1. Determine what it will take for minimum infrastructure, access to attract business to the county?
  2. Develop a plan for advocating how to spend money to make Harrison County more viable (attract more jobs, business attraction, infrastructure)