Harmony Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Monday, September 21, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
Agenda, Page 1
Harmony Public School
Brian Walker, Superintendent
490 South Bentley Road
Atoka, OK 74525
Telephone: 580-889-3687
FAX: 580-889-4631
Harmony Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Harmony School Library
Monday, September 21, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
- Call to order and recording of members present and absent.
- Consent Agenda:
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion and possible board action with regard to the following items:
(a)Minutes of the August 17, 2015 regular board meeting;
(b)Minutes of the September 3, 2015 special board meeting;
(c)Activity Fund Report for August 2015;
(d)Treasurer’s Report for August 2015;
(e)General Fund purchase orders #95-105 for the school year 2015/16;
(f)General Fund warrants #87-241 for the school year 2015/16;
(g)Child Nutrition Fund warrants #6-32 for the school year 2015/16;
(h)Purchase order changes for the school year 2015/16.
- Presentation and discussion of the accreditation status for Harmony Public School for the school year 2015/16.
- Consideration and vote to elect or not to elect the following as new members of the board of directors of the Southeastern Oklahoma Interlocal Cooperative (48K002):
Position No. 5: Cary Ammons, Superintendent, Antlers Public Schools 2015-2020 term
Position No. 6:Roland Smith, Superintendent, Lane Public Schools
2015/2020 term
Position No. 7:Donna Dudley, Superintendent, Moyers Public Schools
2015-2020 term
- Discussion and possible board action on approval of 8th grade fundraisers for the school year 2015/16.
- Discussion and possible board action on approval of the following fundraiser to benefit the Lower Library II for the school year 2015/16: Coin Challenge.
- Discussion and possible board action concerning the following policies for Harmony Public School:
Exempt Food Fundraisers (CFB-R4)
Child Nutrition and Physical Fitness Program (CO)
Child Nutrition Programs-Regulation (CO-R)
Food Procurement (COB)
Food Procurement (COB-P)
Food Procurement-Regulation (COB-R)
Wellness Policy
- Discussion and possible board action on approval of 2015/16 Estimate of Needs and Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year 2014/15.
- Discussion and possible board action on approval of Gifted and Talented Plan.
- Discussion and possible board action on approval of resolution authorizing Harmony Public School to participate in the School Advantage Purchasing Card Program sponsored by Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administrators (CCOSA) and hereby approves a $2,000.00 credit limit and authorizes the superintendent, Brian Walker , or his designee, Lori Armstrong to complete paperwork to implement and administer this program.
- Discussion and possible board action to declare the following as surplus property:
1998 Chevrolet school bus, gasoline, VIN #8913
- Discussion and possible board action to declare the following as surplus property:
2002 Thomas/Freightliner school bus, diesel, VIN #8811
- Board to consider and take action on a motion approving the lease-purchase of a 2012 Blue Bird bus, VIN #3676 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 as required under the provision of the Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement with AmeriState Bank.
- Superintendent’s Report
- Discussion and possible board action on safety issues at Harmony Public School
- New business
- Adjourn
This agenda was posted on the south door of the Harmony Public School Upper Elementary Building on September 18, 2015 at 11:12 a.m.
Superintendent’s Secretary