Bright Futures

January 2018 Newsletter

Happy New Year to everyone!!

We had a fabulous time throughout December with Christmas parties, our Christmas Dinner and a fantastic Nativity performed by our Bluebell and Daffodil room children and staff. The recording will be shown in the entrance hall of the nursery and on our Facebook page for all to see.


In the New Year our Bluebell Room children will be starting Actiphons! This is a music and movement activity to help children learn their phonics which will give them a head start for school. We are sure all our Bluebell children will be coming home in the next few weeks singing and dancing to these songs!

Online Staff Training

We are starting a new online training programme for all our staff which will help keep them all right up-to-date with all the current practices in Early Years and to ensure the care and education your children receive at Bright Futures is of the highest level.

Employee of the Month

Employee of the month for December was Sam Snell in our Bluebell Room! WELL DONE SAM.

A quick reminder that your votes are most welcome for our Employee of the Month for January. Thank you.

The Weather

As it is getting so cold now, could we please ask all our parents to provide warm hats, gloves, scarves, wellies and plenty of changes of clothes (including socks and underwear).

Thank you.

Toys and Food

Could we please ask that parents are aware of our BHEYs Award and must encourage their children not to bring their own food into nursery. We provide a healthy meal every 2 hours at nursery and need to be aware of all food in the setting and how it has been prepared. Also, please refrain from your child bringing toys from home, this can upset other children as they don't always wish to share and can become upsetting if they lose their toy from home.

What have we been up to and what is next?

Poppy Room

During December we made some lovely smelling ginger dough and we played in cinnamon rice, the babies enjoyed the sensory experience of touch and smell and taste. The babies met Father Christmas, some smiled away whilst others were a little wary but loved getting their Christmas presents and Santa even rang his bell! We have had visits from some parents wishing to see their babies progress book and the feedback has been lovely. Thank you.

During January we will be getting prepared for celebrating Chinese New Year. Our theme this month is going to be all about animals including our pets. We would welcome any photographs from home of your pets please. We will be singing songs all about animals such as "five little ducks went swimming one day" and "5 little speckled frogs" and we will even be looking at big animals and small animals. We will be dancing to music all about animals and learning about our movements during our dancing. Throughout January we will also be exploring touch and textures and looking at patterns in our different sensory baskets and books.

Daisy Room

Birthdays: Lyla will turn 2 on the 21st January - HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYLA!!

The Daisy children have enjoyed our Christmas party during December and making lots of lovely decorations for home and our room.

During January we will be exploring senses. We will be getting crafty again, making some fantastic Chinese New Year lanterns. We will also be making our very own tactile boards and whilst dancing to our music, we will be exploring movement through ribbon dancing and playing different instruments. We will learn new words through singing our favourite songs and developing our speech whilst talking about different textures throughout the Daisy room. We will also learn different tastes through exploring different foods throughout January such as spices and fruits and developing our fine motor skills whilst poking, rolling, patting, squeezing and squelching playdough and gloop!

Tulip Room

During December the Tulip's have been having lots of craft fun and have enjoyed all the experiences of our Christmas party, meeting Santa, the Nativity and party games.

During January we will be continuing with our "winter" theme. We will be getting crafty as usual with our firework displays and looking forward to seeing all your New Year photographs.

We will be exploring textures in our winter tuff tray with arctic animals and looking at ice and what it does along with adding different colours. We will of course be celebrating Chinese New Year with all the nursery which is going to be exciting!

Daffodil Room

During Christmas Artur turned 3 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARTUR!!

Also, Arya gave her dummy to the dummy tree! What a big brave girl. WELL DONE ARYA!

We had lots of fun at our Christmas Party and enjoyed the Bright Futures Nativity.

During January we have 3 birthdays ; Esme, Haashir and Ibrahim will all be turning 3 years old.

We will be working hard on our "buildings" theme, could we please ask any parents for any junk modelling for us (ie: boxes, plastic bottles, cereal boxes etc) and a photograph of your home on the outside so we can build our own houses! Thank you.

As part of this theme we will be looking at the story of the 3 Little Pigs and looking at their different homes that they built. We may even be able to go for a walk around the nursery area to look at the different types of homes near us (weather permitting).

Bluebell Room

The Bluebell room is going to be transformed during January. We are going to be changing the home corner into a cafe and a hairdresser salon. The construction corner the Bluebell's will be building a Bluebell Hotel with lots of cardboard boxes and bottles and junk modelling. As part of this construction, the children will be discussing what they would like to be when they grow up? We will be holding a "fancy dress" day where the children can come to nursery dressed as they would like to when they are being what they want to be when they grow up, this will be towards the end of January and we will let you know when in plenty of time so you can get creative!

We will also be learning "Actiphons" with our teacher.... there will be lots of activities to do at home.... watch this space!