Due December 3, 2018
Study Plan Update, Required for Spring 2019 registration
Please make an appointment immediately to see your adviser. Do as much work on the plan as possible before the appointment. Think through everything you want approved. Make sure your adviser has a copy of your update draft by November 20 even if you meet later.
Check when you have completed each item.
Please enter the pages in this order.
Basic Update (to be downloaded and completed by all students)
Registration Form for Spring 2019. The adviser needs to sign.
Program Requirements Checklist for your major (Please, do not list all the courses you’ve taken, just those that satisfy the requirements).
Future Enrollment by Semester for all future semesters (Do list all courses).
Seminar Attendance Report
Supplementary Updates (download and complete each one that applies to you)
If you have passed the qualifying examination, please complete and ask your adviser to sign the Dissertation Progress Report.
If you need to enroll in independent study, please complete the Independent Study Form and get it signed by the instructor for the independent study. (This is not required for dissertation credit enrollment when you are eligible for such enrollment.)
If you have one or more incompletes, please provide an Incomplete Report for each incomplete.
Submit everything (basic update and all required supplementary updates) to the Program Office by December 3. You will have to pay a registration late fee if you miss this deadline.
RutgersUniversity – REGISTRATION FORM
School: 26Class:Major: 620 Term/Year: Spring 2019
Course Title / SchoolNumber / Subject
Number / Course
Number / Section
Number / Credit
Hours / Index
Number / Special
Permission # / Credit
If you have passed your qualifying examination your class is 50, otherwise your class is 40
Unless you are on official leave of absence, you must enroll for at least one credit.
ENDORSEMENTS OF Spring2019 UPDATE (Due December 3, 2018)
Faculty Adviser: ______Date: ______
Area Coordinator: ______Date: ______
Program Director: ______Date: ______
TITLE/ COURSE NO. / SEMESTER TAKEN/PLANNED / Write Waive if substitution is made. / Name and number of Rutgers course substituted (or T for transfer).
Research Methods (26:620:557)
Stat. Linear Models (26:960:577)
Major (5 courses):
Sem. In Org. Behavior (26:620:555)
Sem. In Org. Theory (26:620:556)
Sem. In Strategic Mgmt (26:620:558)
AND two courses from the following:
Entrepreneurship (26:620:685)
Business Ethics (26:010:685)
Mgmt. Innov. & Tech. (26:620:671)
Culture & Organization (26:620:677)
Topics in Bus. Strategy (26:620:675)
Minor (3 courses):
Early Research Requirement:
First Early Research (26:620:686)
Second Early Research (26:620:687)
QUALIFYINGEXAM: (give month and year)
Date Planned: Actual date: Results:
If you have taken the qualifying examination, have you handed in the Candidacy Form?
If you have not, please explain why
TEACHING PORTFOLIO: (give month and year)
If you have taught at RBS, when do you plan to submit the Teaching Portfolio?
Date Planned: Actual date:
DISSERTATION DEFENSE: (give month and year)
Date Planned: Actual date:
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Credits (total number taken)
PALS REQUIREMENT FULLFILLED: (Y/N), semester completed: (International Students Only)
Future Courses by Semester
- Include the early research requirement in the appropriate summers (the first two summers for full-time students; two of the three first summers for part-time students).
- The exchange agreement with NJIT, which permits students with tuition remission from Rutgers to take courses at NJIT without paying tuition to NJIT, does not apply to the summer.
- Courses essential to the qualifying examination in your major must be taken in the first two years for full-time students and in the first three years for part-time students.
- List PALS (English as a second language) and MBA courses as well as doctoral level degree courses.
- Give complete course numbers, including the school prefix (26: for courses offered through our program).
Spring 2019
Course Number / TitleSummer 2019
Course Number / TitleFall 2019
Course Number / TitleSpring 2020
Course Number / TitleSummer 2020
Course Number / TitleFall 2020
Course Number / TitleSeminar Attendance Report
List all research seminars in your department that you have attended since the last study plan update (May 1, 2018):
How many research seminars did your department hold that you did not attend?
Please indicate any special circumstances that the doctoral coordinator for your major should consider in deciding whether the failure to attend should be excused. (In the AIS Department, having defended a proposal does not excuse students from attending.)
If your participation is not considered satisfactory, the coordinator will be in touch with you about this deficiency.