Happy Christmas and a Most Blessed 2009 to you and yours!!
Well, we’ve been having a sedentary December. Apart from a couple local ministry opportunities and a bunch of Christmas / family get-togethers, it almost seems strange not thinking about and planning for an airplane ride somewhere!
This is a much-needed respite from itinerant ministry. It is giving Elsie an opportunity to focus on some art projects. As you can imagine, she has not been painting as much since we’ve embarked on our travelling ministry. For Elsie, not being able to paint is like Beethoven not being able to make music! At the same time, I am working on a couple of business-y projects for friends. In addition, we both are soaking, praying and seeking the Lord for the coming year.
O Canada?!!?( A little preach)
As we have travelled and traversed this nation of oursthis year going from Edmonton to Quebec City to Halifax, and points in between, we have been reminded of the grandeur and beauty of our land and its people. It has also stirred up a jealousy for the destiny and plans that the Lord has for us as a people. This is a moral universe created by a moral God, baby! We are concerned (as we read the books of Samuel and Kings) that many of the decisions that we are making as a government and people are not in keeping with His standards of rightness. We are praying and hoping that we have not gone beyond the point of reprieve. We are asking for His Kingdom to come and for His will to be done in this land. Would you grasp the urgency of the situation? Would you pray and live that He would have mercy on us all?
The year in review…
2008 was a wonderful year as we develop our budding itinerant ministry of teaching and ministering the Kingdom of God! We have travelled both within North America and overseas to help conduct Catch the Fire (the missions arm of our church) Soaking Weekends and Leaders Schools. We have also done a few trips under our own auspices as The Peniel Mission. As we reflect on the year, here are some highlights:
Nicaragua in October was a major highlight! We had the privilege of leading 65 -70 pastors from all corners of the country through a CTF Leaders School and it was wonderful. This is a country that has been brutalized by war, natural disaster and economic disparity. But God (one day I want to do a conference entitled, “…but God!”) made significant breakthroughs in the hearts and lives of many pastors. They were touched and transformed, we hope forever, by the Presence of the Holy Spirit at work as they opened themselves to deal with the issues of the heart. Many of you gave financially and in prayer to make this mission a success. You can read in greater detail our Nicaragua report here.
Sweden in the summer was another significant trip for us. Each trip has its own challenge but Sweden had its specific tests. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful time of seeing the Lord move in power. We had prayed that God would take us to hungry people andfor the most part wherever we went we found that to be so. This is the trip where we conducted by accident (or better, being hijacked by the Holy Spirit) our first public healing meeting. Almost everyone we prayed for testified to being healed! You can read about that here.We ministered in several churches on that trip and we saw many lives touched by the Holy Spirit as we preached and prayed for people. We saw the Kingdom of God come through our hands in ways that we have only dreamed of but had never seen to that point.
We would be remiss if we did not make mention of my trip to Lakeland in May. I was there for three nights and was prayed for and imparted to by Todd each of those nights. Even before we left Lakeland we saw immediate fruit of that healing anointing that was imparted. On the way home, we ministered to the car rental lady and she got healed and saved on the spot!You can read that testimony here.The fact of the matter is that ever since Lakeland, the “success rate” in praying for the sick and seeing them get well has drastically improved… Having said that, we are still pressing in for more!
Another highlight that is not related to a specific geography or trip is the joy of meeting and hanging with wonderful Christiansbeyond our little world here in Toronto. Whether it has been in some city here in Canada or somewhere overseas hanging with Christians does many things for me. One thing it does is that it helps me remember that we are part of a massive, supernatural, global movement that will one day soon culminate in a glorious party that will go on forever! One Christian researcher wrote a book entitled, “The Church is Bigger Than You Think!”… Bigger in every connotation. This is important to keep in perspective as the ground gets shakier and the earth seems to get darker.
What’s up for 2009?
We are trusting that the Lord will grow our influence and impact as we seek deeper intimacy with Him. We want to know him more… his face, his heart, his hands. Everything that we can know of Him; bring it on!
We are expecting that we will be traveling even more though our calendar is by no means full as yet! But we have a number of invitations and plans for various nations.
In addition to CTF events across Canada, at this timewe are expecting to travel to Europe (Sweden, UK, and France), Guyana and the Caribbean, Nicaragua, Brazil and Venezuela. As we have been doing, we will be teaching and ministering our cores values teaching wherever we go and we trust that the Kingdom of God will be extended as we go forward in His name with signs and wonders following the declaration of His Word.
1,000,000 Thanks
Thank you to all of you who have prayed and interceded for us over the last year. Your contribution and involvement in this way has been INVALUABLE. Thanks 1,000,000! May blessings be upon you, your children and your children’s children!
Thanks also to those of you who have made financial contributions to our ministry. You have helped make, in a significant way, our ministry expand as it has this past year. Bless you all for your generosity; may you be fully recompensed by the Lord in every possible way.
Have an awesome Christmas season,
Ramesh and Elsie Naraine
PS: If you would like to make financial contributions to help us with our mission you can send cheques to the address below, or you can visit our Making a Donation page on our website. Every donation given by Canadian residents will be tax receipted.
The Peniel Mission
318 -5 DuMaurier Blvd
Toronto, ON
M4N 1V1
Year End News from Ramesh and Elsie Dec 08