August, 2017 - Grace Hills Baptist Church Calendar
* Happy August Birthday to…
In August, please consider donating these items for Standing Rock boys and girls:
school supplies, books, coloring books, crayons, markers
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / SatEvery Sunday:
Deacons in Prayer, 9:30am
Sunday School, 10am
Worship, 11am / Good Neighbor Staffing
August 3- Gayie L and Nancy
August 8- Ellen and Peggy
August 10- Joe
August 15- Pat and Linda
August 17-Gail and Gloria
August 22- Hank
August 24- Joe
August 29- Janice
August 31- Lloyd and Shirley / 1GHELC in FLC:
Pickleball, 6pm / 2 v Walking Group, 8:15am
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm
Deacons, 8pm / 3 GHELC in FLC:
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm / 4 Walking Group, 8:15am
GHELC upstairs in
classrooms: 5:30am-7pm
Youth/Teen Rally, 5:30-8pm
@ GHBC: FLC & Sanctuary
Speaker: Dan Davis / 5
6 Church Council, 9am
Youth Sunday
Speaker: Gray Peterson
FLC: Youth and Children’s Bible Study, 5:30pm / 7 * Ashley Williams
Walking Group, 8:15am
Baptist Revival, 7pm
(You’re invited to come hear Susie Thomas@piano all week) / 8 School begins
Arth. Ex. Class, 10am
Pickleball, 6pm / 9 Walking Group, 8:15am
AH&R Birthday Party, 10am
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm / 10 *GHBC, est. 2004
Arth. Ex. Class, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm / 11 Walking Group, 8:15am / 12
13 * Debbie Booze
Happy Anniv., GHBC
Guest soloist: Tracy Johnson
(During Worship)
Business Session
(After Worship)
Sign-up deadline for ABA cookbks
FLC: Youth and Children’s
Bible Study, 5:30pm
8/13-15: ABA Bland Co. Mission Trip / 14
Walking Group, 8:15am
ALIP, 1pm / 15 * Susie Thomas Arth. Ex. Class, 10am
ELC Council, 4pm
Pickleball, 6pm / 16Walking Group, 8:15am
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm / 17 Arth. Ex. Class, 10am
No handbell nor choir practice / 18 Walking Group, 8:15am / 19 * Kristina Byer
20 * Hank Davis / 21 * Jackson Williams
* LawrenceClements
* Jamie Davis
Walking Group, 8:15am / 22
Arth. Ex. Class, 10am
Pickleball, 6pm / 23 * Peggy Marshall
Walking Group, 8:15am
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm
Sept. Cal.//Newsltr Info. Deadline, 5pm / 24 * Ellen Jamerson
* Grayson Newcomb
Arth. Ex. Class, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm / 25 * Tatum Harris
Walking Group, 8:15am / 26 * Ellen McCormick
27 Handbells in Worship
Recognize Outgoing Deacons
And Sunday School Staff, &
Committee Volunteers
Welcome Incoming / 28
Walking Group, 8:15am
Vol. @ Gleaning for the World, 1:30pm / 29 * Gray Peterson
* Sandra Mobley
NO Arth. Ex. Class
Pickleball, 6pm / 30 Walking Group, 8:15am
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm / 31 NO Arth. Ex. Class
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm / August Nursery Sched:
8/6 – Martha Ramsey & Jamie Davis
8/13 – Misty & Thomas Nolen
8/20 – Angela & Kris Winters
8/27 – Marty Moore & Barbara Williams
Each school day, the ELC bus kids may be in the Fellowship Hall from about 3:50pm to 5:10pm. Each Sunday, Sunday School for all ages starts at 10am and Worship Service startsa at 11am Printed: 11/17/2018 3:13 PM
Bulletin information deadlines are 5pm Wednesdays before the Sunday – PLEASE MAKE ALL SUBMISSIONS IN WRITTEN FORM, EITHER EMAIL OR HANDWRITTEN OR TYPED.
Please submit all information separately for Bulletin, Calendar, Newsletter and/or Newspapers. (ie, please do not combine items. A separate email is preferred for each item.)
GHBC Calendar information should be in the GHBC Office by 5pm the last working day before the Church Council meeting on the second Tuesday the month prior to the event.
GHBC Newsletter/final Calendar deadline is 5pm the Wednesday before the last Sunday of the month, except when the last Sunday is a holiday or near last day of month-then the deadline is the next to last Wednesday of the month.
ABA Newsletter article deadline is the fifteenth of every month. Times VA article deadline is 12pm every Friday for the next week’s paper.