Hanover Youth Ball Board

November 13th Meeting Minutes

Present-Missy, Chad, Melanie, Julene, Aaron, David, Laura, Dan H, Jay, Tom L

Missing-Ron, Tara, Ben

Meeting Called to order at 7:05

November agenda approved Mel 1st Chad 2nd

Oct Minutes approved Dan 1st Aaron 2nd

Treasurers Report

Treasurers report- balance as of 10/31 is $12,455.92

Chad had outstanding bill for chalk and tourney fee to turn in

Outstanding checks for 2017-mainly Ump payments

Unfinished Business

Salem Shed-David spoke with Doug B-he's good with waiting until spring

-Moved to Pending item until spring

HAA fund request -approved 25K for HYB

Impact of excess in non-profit bank account is ok-just affects tax filing per Julene

Allocation of extra funds to be discussed at a future meeting

Pitching mounds equip storage update- Winter storage completed on 11/7 and Dan updated in prior email

New Business

Email Acct clean up-determine who uses youth ball emails, clean up those who do not use.

We pay for the accounts so those who do not use should be cleaned out. Check with members not present if they would/do use the account. Laura and Julene do not currently use.

Budget 2018

Need to have a breakdown of each league/level to show where the money is spent

-Using this asa basis for yearly budget

-$12800 was carried forward for FY17

Julene is looking for a report from Sports Engine for breakdown of registration by league

Largest Sponsors for HYB are HAA, Comfort matters and HHS

-Currently projected to start 2018 off with $57K to spend from registration and sponsors

-Without HAA donattion we would not be able to operate

HYB needs to decide the balance amount to carry over

-T-Ball is only division operating within their fees or under expenses

-Determining a balance will help to set costs for registration or increases

-Need to factor in coaching expenses for older teams-

-Increase to registration fee for 2018

It was determined that we are not ready to discuss numbers for registration fees for 2018 this month

Ballpark improvements loosely discussed for $15K-any further discussion was shelved until a later date


-set goal of $15K as yearend carryover to build budget on

-keep fees the same for T-ball level $40

Side item discussed with registration-

Boys league proposes to have boys purchase own pants and provide the jerseys only

citing too many problems with sizing in the past

Other option would be:

Encourage parents to go to J & J to size

Include better info for sizing of pants on registration

Website/Policy Updates-Tom L/ Ben

Concussion training-

-Good for 3 years

-Coaches will need to provide certification and know when to renew

-Laura will collect and track certs for 2018-need coaching list to cross-reference

-Determined Concussion link should be on website

Background checks-

-Questions came up on fees incurred and who would cover

-What service would we use?

Tom T to look into background checks and fees


-Do we continue? What would we ask for volunteer work beyond Bingo and Picnic

-Unknown for Bingo due to Hilltop closing

-Email blast better for Bingo volunteers if needed when hilltop re-opens

-Possibility of asking for Dibs checks with parents at individual teams Parent meeting

-Determined to keep DIBS on website for now and keep admin fee although the program may not be needed

Tom L just paid and updated fee for 2018

Registration addition-verbiage to authorize pics on website or social media

-Needs to be a statement not an ask or authorization

2018 Season Planning

Machine Pitch plan to include Rockford -no season trophies for that age

Opportunity to earn hardware at tournaments resulting in no need for season trophy

Possibility of adding tournament? 3-4 teams alone in Hanover

Baseball Clinics- Chad reached out to Beilke and Hanson and Hanover is included in Buffalo clinics for pre-season. Batting, pitching and catching. Paid clinics. Register through Buffalo portal. Offered to ages 10-16

-Chad is working on logistics

Softball clinics-Skills at elementary school. Looking for pitching clinic facilitator. Missy looking into availability-dates and school gym coordination being worked on.

Future items

Tryouts and evals

-Discussed possibility of an opt out for players interested in rec.

-Mass email will be sent to detail upcoming league options

Spring field work day

-HYB members coordinate and work on-possibility of using oldest boys teams to help do work. HES fields are in good shape-#1 needs a bit more work.

-Need to address field work and usage with new principal at HES-negating fee from school board

-Discussed the need for fence between fields at both HES and Salem

David to call Doug about fencing and propose ask from HAA

Rec league

-yet to find a league to cover all age groups for our players. Chad checking into Little League, Hamel and local area house league. Still gathering info-Pending item and coaches to discuss

East Wright County Fastpitch

-Rec for 10 yr old Softball. Missy and Mel meeting with league coordinators Mon evening. New members Rogers/Otsego possibly joining.

Field Maintenance-we have working tractor in Shed. Possibility of purchasing Gator available for FM for $6K. Could modify attachments to add multi-purpose use and simplify field maintenance.

Budget would need to be complete before approving funds.

Tom T thought $8K would be enough to buy and modify

Chad thinking of placing ad in Drummer/City newsletter/ St Paul/Salem for local field maint operator-need to determine pay


HAA is asking for all city organizations to meet once a year to improve communication and planning. HAA driving force…date/time TBD

No Pending items-


Next HYB Meeting Dec 11th 7pm City Hall