Relocation Scheme
1. Eligibility
The University’s Relocation Scheme is applicable to all new members of staff, irrespective of grade or staff group who are appointed as a result of advertisement, at the discretion of the Head of Department/Service/Faculty and Directorate Member. This scheme is offered on the basis that the new employee will relocate to within 30 miles or one hour’s travelling time from their main place of work for the University. This scheme is also offered on the basis that the employee relocates with any family members (ie the employee does not relocate alone, while family members remain in the existing family home), as required by the Inland Revenue in order that the relocation is tax exempt.
2. Reimbursement
Costs incurred under this Relocation Scheme are to be met by the recruiting department or service.
3. Allowance Details - Overall Maximum = £2,000*
The scheme shall contribute to such expenses as:
Costs of temporary lodging arrangements
Legal and other fees
Furniture removal - the cost of furniture removal and effects and of any storage of furniture for a period not exceeding 12 months.
Expenditure on necessary replacement or alteration of household items.
Claims for travel expenses and/or overnight accommodation for self with any partner and/or dependants whilst looking for prospective properties, with a maximum of four claims.
*This sum may be increased in exceptional circumstances, subject to approval by the Directorate member, to a maximum of £8,000.
All claims will be payable on production of supporting receipts
4. Claim Period
Eligible employees will be expected to make a claim for relocation expenses within 12 months of taking up employment with the University, although this may be extended where a delay is the result of factors outside the employee’s control.
5. Repayment
Should an employee who receives any of the allowances detailed in this scheme leave employment within two years of the date of commencing employment he/she will be required to repay to the University a sum of 1/24th of the total amount of the allowances received for each complete month of service short of two years service. This may be waived in exceptional circumstances subject to approval by the appropriate Directorate member.
The operation of the scheme and the allowances payable are to be reviewed regularly.
The rate of allowances payable will be those effective at the date of commencement of employment.
The attention of staff is drawn to the need to remain within the University’s Financial Regulations during the application of this Scheme, most notably (as at August 2007):
Section 509 – the need for the budget holder to stay within budget;
Section 805 – no payment will be made without receipts being produced or before the staff member commences employment;
Section 1202 – payments are made via payroll.
Relocation Expense Claim Form
Author: Human Resources
Reviewed at the Joint Union Consultative Committee on 23 September 2009
Last date for review: October 2012