30th November 2004

Committee Suite, Civic Centre, Poole




1.1Poole Adult Learning, in partnership with the Library Service, have identified a 3 year strategy to establish Community Library Learning Centres in the Borough of Poole.

1.2Poole Adult Learning received £20,226 Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) funding from the LSC in January 2004 to invest in first step learning opportunities for the deprived wards of Poole. A further £12,642 capital funding was received to provide the resource required to offer the provision.

1.3The Hamworthy Library Community Learning Centre Project was developed to modify the Hamworthy Library environment to be more conducive to learning with a target to recruit 244 learners onto free courses by end July 2004.


2.1Learning Overview Group to recognise the achievements of the project and endorse the continuation of the Library Learning Centre Strategy.


3.1Statistical information shows that income levels in Hamworthy are below average, it is below national average in educational rankings and there is a lack of locally based education provision. The project was designed to stimulate demand for learning by offering free taster sessions and short courses as introductory and first step learning in a non-threatening environment.

3.2The capital funding was used to resource new signage for the exterior, screens to partition the learning activities and furniture and equipment for teaching and learning. There was a 50% contribution to full replacement of the library bookshelves and the full interior of the library was redecorated.

3.3A Community Learning Officer (CLO 18.5 hrs) was appointed in February to arrange the scheduling of classes, commence the recruitment of learners and to build partnerships with other potential venues in the Hamworthy ward where classes may be offered.

3.4The CLO role was to promote learning opportunities through community group and parent group activity both in the Library and other locally identified facilities. Hard to reach learners who do not traditionally see themselves as returning to learning were targeted for taster activities and mentored through progression planning.

3.5The timescale for achieving the outcomes of the project were reduced from a 1 year project to a period of 6 months as a result of the LSC’s delay in confirmation and allocation of funding.

3.6In addition problems with sustainability became evident as the project was scheduled during the services ALI inspection period and capacity was not available to adequately plan for continued provision immediately after the project finished. Specific courses were not scheduled to appear in the September brochure as this had gone to print in March.


4.1 The original project curriculum offer was to offer 38 taster and short courses composing of:

3hr Taster sessions in Language, IT, Childcare, Beauty Therapy, Art, Office Skills

12hr Short Courses in Employment Skills, ICT, Beauty Therapy, Childcare

4.2The CLO used the project proposal as a basis for the curriculum offer but developed an innovative and responsive curriculum offer as a result of her consultations with local people and community groups.

During the project 43 taster sessions and longer course were run which exceeded the original target number by 5.

In addition we offered Sage Accounting, Stress Management and Local History programmes on learners requests.

4.3The project target number stated 244 enrolments over the duration of 1 year. The CLO successfully recruited 223 enrolments in the period of 6 months of which 156 were new learners and 92% of whom have postcodes relating to deprived areas. The widening participation activity had been successful despite the reduced time period.

4.4A number of learners expressed interest in continuing learning beyond the end of the project and where possible these have been integrated into provision at other centres. Ideally the service would have scheduled a range of programmes to commence from September 04-July 05.

4.5A review of the project was carried out by the Head of Service, Adult Learning Manager, Library Manager, Hamworthy Community Library Learning Centre Manager and the Curriculum Manager. The outcome of the review has informed planning and implementation of future learning centre developments, particularly the Canford Heath Community Library Learning Centre which has been identified for the next round of NLDC funds for the period 04-05.

  2. The project successfully achieved the widening participation objectives for first step non traditional learner engagement with a recruitment of 223 enrolments on 43 courses of which 156 were new learners (not engaged in learning in the previous 3 years)
  3. Hamworthy Library has benefited from the necessary investment to offer a multi-functional service which meets the needs of the local community.
  4. As a result of the project a number of other local venues where identified and consultations are taking place to offer provision in some of these. These include Carter Community Sports College, Hamworthy First and Middle School, Mayze’s Salon, Hamworthy Labour Club, Turlin Moor First and Middle School, Rockley Sailing School, Hamworthy Marine Base and Turlin Moor Community Centre.
  5. The project has resulted in a valuable pilot from which further improvement of PAL Marketing provision, Customer Services operations and communication with curriculum teams can be improved. The role of the Community Library Learning Centre Manager will be reviewed and fully communicated to all involved. A Steering Group has been set up to sustain activity in Hamworthy Library which will complement the activities of the steering group required for the Canford Heath Library Learning Centre Project.
  6. It has been noted that the success of this type of partnership is based on effective partnership management and the operational working arrangements used by both stakeholders.

Kevin McErlane

Head of Culture and Community Learning

Contact Officer:Lesley Spain

Telephone No:01202 262301


Poole Adult Learning Three Year Development Plan 2003-2006