Hampshire Supporting People
Whistle Blowing Policy
If you require this policy in an alternative format please contact a member of the Supporting People team on Tel 01962 847982 or the address below :
Supporting People Team
Elizabeth II Court North
The Castle
SO23 8UQ
E mail Contact :
The 1998 Public Interest Disclosure Act made provision for the reporting of otherwise confidential information by employees.
Supporting People Service Providers are required to have a policy in order to meet the minimum acceptable standard set by Core Standard C1.3 ‘Protection from Abuse’ in the Quality Assessment Framework.
1Whistle Blowing Policy
1.1This policy and procedure is designed to complement, not replace, Service Providers own internal whistle blowing procedures, and to provide an outlet through which ex members of staff, Service Users or their representatives can bring issues of serious concern to the attention of Supporting People in confidence.
1.2The Hampshire Supporting People Team is committed to the highest standards of openness and accountability. It is our policy that all employees, ex-employees, Service Users, and their representatives have the right to report irregularities and bad practice within services contracted by the Hampshire Supporting People Team. The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 provides special rights for people making disclosures - `whistle-blowers' - to encourage reporting of malpractice.
1.3 Employees of contracted Supporting People services who believe there is a serious problem within their organisation may feel reluctant to express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to their employer.
1.4 Service Users may also fear that their support service or accommodation is put at risk if they express concerns. They may also fear harassment or victimisation.
1.5 This policy document makes it clear that everyone, including current employees and Service Users have the right to disclose concerns, in confidence, without fear of subsequent victimisation, discrimination or disadvantage.
1.6This policy applies to all current and past employees (including temporary, part time and casual workers), sub contractors, trainees, agency workers, volunteers, students, secondees, Service Users and their representatives, of all services contracted by the Hampshire Supporting People. Where the word `staff' is used within this document, it is intended to cover all these people with the exception of Service Users or their representatives who are referred to separately as ‘Service Users’.
1.7 The policy is in addition to, and complementary to the Hampshire Supporting People Team’s complaints procedure.
1.8 This policy is designed to complement Service Providers own Whistle Blowing policies.
2Aims and Scope
2.1 This policy aims to:
2.1.1.Encourage staff and Service Users of Supporting People (SP) contracted services to question and act upon concerns about bad practice and to feel confident in raising serious concerns
2.1.2.Provide avenues for staff and Service Users to raise those concerns
2.1.3.Ensure that staff and Service Users raising concerns receive feedback on any action taken
2.1.4.Provide guidance to staff and Service Users on how to take matters further if they are not satisfied
2.1.5.Reassure staff and Service Users that they will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation if they have made the disclosure in good faith
2.2There are existing procedures in place that enable staff and Service Users to raise a grievance relating to their own employment / service provision such as the complaints and appeals procedure. (These documents can be obtained from SP Review Officers, or from our website:
2.3 This policy is intended to cover major concerns that fall outside the scope of other procedures, such as those mentioned in the paragraph above.
Possible issues include:
- Conduct which is an offence or a breach of law
- Miscarriages of justice
- Health and safety risks (to staff, service users and members of the public)
- Concerns relating to the quality or performance of a Service Provider
- Damage to the environment
- Unauthorised use of Supporting People Grant
- Fraud and corruption
- Abuse of Service Users
- Abuse or intimidation of staff
- Other unethical conduct
These may be breaches of Supporting People Contracts or the Service Providers own policies, or may be matters that staff or Service Users are concerned about in relation to standards or performance at the service level or relate more directly to their personal circumstances.
3How concerns can be raised
3.1Concerns can be raised with the Local Supporting People Coordinator. Contact names and details are listed below :
District(s) / Contact / Contact Number / EmailBasingstoke and
TestValley / Cecilia Agbaje / 07590 774262 / 01962 832173
Eastleigh and New Forest / Karen Brackstone / 07590 774264 / 01962 832176
East Hants and Havant / Fiona Minchew / 07590 774267 / 01962 832181
Fareham and Gosport / Simon Crouch / 07590 774265 / 01962 832174
Hart and Rushmoor, and Winchester / Terry Snuggs / 07939 725043 / 01962 832175
Concerns may also be raised via The Supporting People Central office on Telephone number 01962 847982 or at the following address:
Supporting People Team
Elizabeth II Court North
The Castle
SO23 8UQ
3.2Most concerns should be resolved simply and effectively at the lowest possible level. This means raising points of concern with your line manager or within the complaints procedure of the Service Provider.
3.3Service Users should also try to resolve issues with the management of their specific service. It is recognised that this it not always an appropriate approach and often depends on the seriousness and sensitivity of the issues involved and who is suspected of malpractice.
3.4If staff or Service Users feel the issue cannot be resolved at that level, they should contact the Hampshire Supporting People Team.
3.5Disclosures can be made confidentially by phone, in writing or by email.
3.6Staff or Service Users should include the background and history of the concern, including relevant dates, and the reason why the situation gives particular cause for concern.
3.7Although staff and Service Users of Supporting People contracted services are not expected to prove beyond doubt the truth of an allegation, they will need to demonstrate that there are reasonable grounds for concern.
3.8Concerns should be raised as early as possible, to make it easier to take action and enable any problems to be resolved quickly.
3.9It is recognised that some bad practices can develop over a long period of time, delaying the opportunity for disclosure, or could be discovered after they have become well-established.
3.10There is no definite time limit on raising concerns; whether an issue can be dealt with after a long period of time will depend on the circumstances.
3.11Staff or Service Users may wish to discuss their concerns with a colleague or friend first and may find it easier to raise the matter if there are two (or more) people who have had the same experience or concerns.
3.12Any person alerting the Hampshire Supporting People Team to concerns should also be prepared to give their own individual account during the investigation process.
3.13Staff may be accompanied by a trade union representative or colleague during any meetings or interviews in connection with the concerns they have raised.
3.14Service Users may be accompanied by a friend, relative or carer.
4How the Hampshire Supporting People Team will respond
4.1The Hampshire Supporting People Team will always respond to concerns raised by staff or Service Users of SP contracted services and instigate an investigation at the earliest opportunity.
4.2This investigation will either be carried out by members of the Supporting People Team, or if the circumstances require by a suitably qualified third party specifically commissioned by the Supporting People Team for this purpose. The procedure for an investigation will vary, depending on the issue, but could include.
- A meeting with the person or persons raising the concerns
- A meeting with the Provider of the service where the concerns have been raised
- In cases where illegal activities are part of, or make up all of the primary concerns the matter may be referred to the police
5What happen after concerns have been raised?
5.1When deciding on whether an investigation is appropriate, and what form this should take, the Hampshire Supporting People Team will consider the safety of staff and Service Users an overriding principle.
5.2 Within 10 working days of the concern being raised, the Supporting People officer receiving the disclosure will write to the person or persons who raised the concerns to:
- acknowledge that the concern has been received
- indicate how it is proposed that the matter will be dealt with (ie whether further investigations will take place, and what form these will take)
- indicate whether any initial enquiries have been made
- give an estimate of how long it will take to provide a final response
- supply information on support mechanisms
5.3The amount of contact between the Supporting People officers considering the issue and the person or persons who raised the issue will depend on the nature of the matters raised, the potential difficulties involved and the clarity of the information provided. If necessary, further information will be sought from the person or persons making the disclosure, ensuring that confidentiality is maintained at all times.
6.2The Hampshire Supporting People Team accepts that staff or Service Users making a disclosure need to be assured that the matter has been properly addressed. Subject to legal constraints, staff or services users who have raised a concern will always be informed of the outcome of the investigation.
6.2The Hampshire Supporting People Team recognises that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make. If the members of staff or Service Users feel that they have genuine concerns, there should be nothing to fear because they are acting in the best interests of their fellow colleagues or Service Users.
6.3 All concerns will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made to preserve the anonymity of the person making the disclosure. However, at the appropriate time it may be necessary for the person making the disclosure to come forward as a witness, for example, as part of formal legal proceedings.
6.4The Hampshire Supporting People Team will not tolerate any harassment, bullying or victimisation (including informal or subtle pressures) and will take appropriate action to protect staff or Service Users who raise a concern in good faith.
6.5Investigations into allegations of potential malpractice will not influence, or be influenced by, any disciplinary or redundancy procedures that a member of staff may already be subject to or any eviction, service withdrawal process’s or disciplinary action that Service Users are subject to.
6.6 All disclosures will be considered by the Supporting People Team, but whether further action is taken will depend on the seriousness of the issues raised and the likelihood of confirming the allegation from attributable sources.
6.7If a member of staff or Service User makes an allegation in good faith but it is not confirmed by the subsequent investigation, no action will be taken against them. However if an allegation is made maliciously or for personal gain, it may become necessary to take appropriate action against the individual.
6.8The Hampshire Supporting People Team will take steps to minimise any difficulties which a member of staff or Service User may experience as a result of raising a concern. For instance, if they are required to give evidence in criminal or disciplinary proceedings the Supporting People Team can arrange for advice and support to be provided. We will also consider practical issues such as travel costs and the implications of spending time away from the workplace.
7How the matter can be taken further
7.1 If a member of staff or Service User raising a concern is dissatisfied with the action taken, and wishes to take the matter outside of the Hampshire Supporting People Team, the following are examples of appropriate contact points:
‘Semi-external’ contacts:
The County Core Group
An elected Member of the Council
The Department for Communities and local Government (
The District (External) Auditor
A Trade Union
The Local Government Ombudsman
‘Fully external' contacts:
Citizens Advice Bureau (
Public Concern at Work (a national charity that gives advice on `blowing the whistle';
An appropriate professional body or regulatory organisations;
The Police (Tel : 0845 045 4545)
Agreed by County Core Group March 2004
Review date :March 2009
Hants SP Whistle Blowing Policy / Last Revision: November 2009