Mary Ellen Morris

English I/8th Grade


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the 2015-2016 RMS school year. This year we are implementing South Carolina College And Career Readiness Standards and have structured units that are purposefully designed to challenge your child while specifically meeting his/her needs. The goals of the program include

·  reading/writing standards for literature and informational texts

·  Communication standards

·  Inquiry standards

·  Writing standards

In class we will be launching an integrated reading and writing workshop. We will continually respond critically to reading and writing by analyzing ideas, vocabulary, and structure, and write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Work will be kept and assessed in Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN). Students will need to have two composition notebooks for the year. Assessment includes tests, projects, essays, class work, quizzes, ISN checks, and home work. Other methods of assessment may include self-assessment, peer assessment, student contracts, and teacher observations. I welcome comments and feedback from parents.

We will be using the textbook entitled Collections that students will also be able to download onto computers, Kindles, or IPhones. Students can highlight selections, take marginal notes, etc. in their on-line editions.

Good curriculum and instructional practices involve parents as well as teachers. The following ideas may be useful as your child journeys through this year:

·  Read/discuss the same stories, books, poems, etc. your child is reading.

·  When viewing films or television together, discuss with your child the ideas presented and encourage close attention to how arguments are handled in the media.

·  Ask to see ISNs and discuss information in them.

Materials your child will need include

·  Two composition notebooks per semester

·  Notebook paper (replenished throughout the year)

·  Several black ink pens and #2 pencils

·  Colored pencils and tape

·  Box of tissues and hand sanitizer

·  Sticky notes

Please review with your child the following information discussed in class:

·  School policies, assignments, grades, important dates, IDs, etc.

·  Importance of attendance and making up missed assignments

·  Informational Packet— forms (if he or she did not pre-register) that need to be signed and returned as soon as possible.

Grading Scale:


·  Homework: 5%; Class work: 25%; Quizzes: 30%, and Tests/Projects: 40%

English I:

·  Tests/Projects: 35%; Extended formal writing: 35%; Quick Assessments: 30%

8th Grade Quarter 1 Syllabus:

·  Thematic Unit “Horror” with an argumentative Performance Task Assessment

English I Quarter 1 Syllabus:

·  Thematic Unit “Finding Common Ground” with a speech/essay Performance Task Assessment

Assignments and/or handouts will be posted on my Web Page so that you and your child can be aware of what is happening in class and assigned due dates. The Parent Portal, to check your child’s progress in classes, should be available soon. Please come to the school and get your password. RMS Open House is September 24, 2016.

Thank you in advance for your interest and support in your child’s education. Please do not hesitate to contact me any time you have questions or concerns. The school number is 264-9780, my planning period is from 10:04-11:04, and my email is

Ms. Mary Ellen Morris, 8th Grade ELA/English I Honors GT

Ms. Mary Ellen Morris