Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board

Date / 10 June 2013
Time / 14:00 – 17:00
Location / Falcon House, Winchester
Present / Pamela Charlwood (Chair) (PC) / Independent Chair
Ruth Dixon (RD) / HCC Adult Services
Alison Flack (AF) / Choices Advocacy
Heather Hauschild (HH) / West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Jon Whale (JWh) / HCC Community Safety
Jan Grant (JG) / North Hampshire CCG
Sheila Baker (SBa) / Probation Service
Lorna Wilkinson (LW) / Portsmouth Hospitals
Steve Foye (SF) / Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service
Jo Young (JY) / Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Nigel LeCointe (NLeC) / Hampshire Constabulary
Eliot Sullivan-Smith (ESS) / Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Nicola Priest (NP) / Wessex Area Team, NHS England
Steph Bennett (SBe) / New Forest District Council
Qamer Yasin (QY) / Rushmoor Borough Council
Dave Sherwood (DS) / South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Julie Maskery (JMa) / Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Pam Butler (PB) / HCA / HDCP
Andrea O’Connell (AO’C) / West Hampshire CCG
Steve Crocker (SC) / HCC Children’s Services
Kerry Hearsey (KH) / Princess Royal Trust for Carers
Ross Smith (RS) / Independent Consultant
Apologies / Sarah Elliott (SE) / NHS England (Wessex)
Steven Taylor (ST) / HCC Adult Services
Sue Kewell (SK) / Southern Health
Dr Sam Hullah (SH) / North Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Jane Duncan (JD) / HCC Adult Services
Christine Pattison (CP) / Community Action Hampshire
Yvette Ball (YB) / Hampshire Probation Service
In attendance / Cllr Anna McNair Scott (AMcS) / HCC Adult Services
Gill Duncan (GD) / HCC Adult Services
Jennifer Watts (JWa) / HCC Legal Services
Jaki Metcalfe (JMe) / West Hampshire CCG and Hampshire Consortium Chair
Anne Davis (AD) / CQC
Kevin Andrews (KA) / HCC Adult Services
Helen Eaton (HE) / HCC Adult Services
Tasha Brooks (TB) (note taker) / HCC Adult Services

HSAB 10 09 13 Item 1


PC welcomed everyone to the meeting and requested everyone introduced themselves.
1. / Minutes of last meeting – 28 March 2013
Agreed as a true record.
Matters arising:
Multi Agency Critical Incident Review
AO’C advised the work around the action plan had been picked up by the Quality Assurance Sub Group.
Safeguarding in Trading Standards
It was noted that Hampshire LINk no longer exists. The organisation has been replaced by Health Watch.
Reducing the Incidence of Choking in People with a Learning Disability
RD agreed the Quality Assurance Sub Group and Care Governance Group would look at developing an action plan from the recommendations in the document..
GD agreed Health and Wellbeing liaison work will be picked up.
Feedback from the HSAB Awayday, including the protocol for working between HSAB and the Health and Wellbeing Board
Aside point – PC requested all agenda items are labelled for ease of reference during the meeting.
PC drew attention to the MoA (in full) and emphasised the importance of the document. Accountability of the HSAB is through Adult Services and scrutiny arrangements are fulfilled via the Safe and Healthy People Select Committee. A key relationship is between the HSAB and the Health and Wellbeing Board which is a formal committee of Hampshire County Council and includes a wide range of partner organisations in its membership.
Appendix One – PC asked for comments. GD highlighted there is a difference between the HSAB and the Health and Wellbeing Board, therefore the wording in the document may need to be reviewed. The HSAB is a partnership board, whereas the Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory committee of the County Council.
PC asked the HSAB whether they were happy to adopt the document, but keep it under review? SB asked about District Councils and their involvement. It was agreed the discussion needed to continue outside of the HSAB meeting between GD / RD / SB.
Discussion paused to allow Lisa Humphreys and Sarah Marston to present their item. / GD / RD / SB
2. / Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Lisa Humphreys and Sarah Marston and delivered a PowerPoint presentation regarding MASH.
Key points:
·  SC concluded that the presentation is a summary of the work already being undertaken to manage an increase in referrals and develop a more efficient way of working
·  AO’C said the QA Sub Group are looking at indicators and wondered whether this was something the MASH are also doing? Yes – it is part of the performance framework in Children’s Services
·  JW – there has been a 50% reduction in reoffending. Potential to share the case management system ?
·  GD explained the work is about realigning existing resources and integrating commissioning and delivery
·  It was agreed HH, AO’C and JD needed to have further discussions around Health input from an Adult Services perspective
·  NLeC, SF and SC to meet outside the HSAB to further discuss IT issues, particularly focussing on SafetyNet
·  RD and JD to keep the HSAB updated / HH/AO’C/JD
1. / Feedback from the HSAB Awayday, including the protocol for working between HSAB and the Health and Wellbeing Board (contd)
Discussion around links required between district CSP (Community Safety Partnerships) and district Safeguarding Boards. RD to clarify what does happen at a district level and how this information is fed back to the HSAB.
It was agreed RD will act as Vice Chair to the HSAB for a period of two years.
GD suggested the Executive Member for Adult Social Care be invited to attend the HSAB (Cllr Anna McNair Scott invited to this meeting). This was supported and AMcS was welcomed to the Board.
PC drew attention to the membership of the HSAB (page three) and advised this would be reviewed at the end of the first year.
Health Watch have been written to and asked to join the HSAB. Currently awaiting a response and nomination from the organisation.
Resourcing of HSAB activity and HSAB Board Manager post will be discussed in the future.
Future agendas will include an item for Service User experiences. / RD
3. / Serious Case Review (SCR) report (action plan / publication) (*CONFIDENTIAL*)
The report will be published on the HSAB website on 17 June. It is embargoed until this date. There has been a delay in publishing the report due to the length of the investigation. All agencies and the family of the deceased are aware of the publication date. The family feel assured following the investigation.
NLeC asked whether there is a media plan in place. HE confirmed there is a media plan in place, which she would send to LW.
It was agreed JMa, HH and JMe would meet to discuss further the communication between providers for this kind of incident. / HE
JMa, HH, JMe
4. / Care Quality Commission (CQC) Presentation
Anne Davis (Compliance Manager, CQC) attended and delivered a presentation to the HSAB on Regulation and Safeguarding.
Various discussions followed the presentation and it was agreed DS required a further conversation with AD regarding Independent Ambulance Services. / DS/AD
5. / Annual Report Timetable
HE briefed the HSAB on her report. She highlighted the following key points from the report:
·  One purpose of the Annual Report, including the Accountability Statement is to align our data with national data
·  Abuse of Vulnerable Adults (AVA) returns are to be analysed and made more meaningful
·  In order to achieve a timescale which will achieve the first two points, it is proposed a bridging report will be produced in December, before a main report in June 2014
·  The final report will be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board and will capture descriptions and data
The recommendations were agreed.
6. / Report from the first Quality Assurance (QA) Group
AO’C (Chair of the QA sub group) reported back to the HSAB the following points from the first QA meeting held on 15 May:
·  Not all providers and agencies were present at the first meeting (although invites were circulated)
·  ToR for the group were discussed and changed significantly. The group agreed the key issue is to look at patient outcomes. The group agreed to sign the updated ToR off at the next meeting in August
·  Further work will be required outside of the quarterly meetings held by the group
·  QA Sub Group to monitor the work of HSAB action plans
·  Workstreams need developing, particularly around quality indicators and outcome based indicators. A quality framework will be produced
·  Francis Report – The group have asked for clarification of the role of the HSAB as no recommendations for Safeguarding Boards were made in the report, yet it covers a number of safeguarding issues?
AO’C set up a QA Sub Group whilst working in Bournemouth and Poole. She advised it takes a few months to get everything up to speed.
Regarding the question around the Francis Report and the role of the HSAB, the following responses were given:
·  The report covers cultural themes and encourages openness and transparency
·  Quality and safeguarding – there are many quality issues in the Francis Report. What does a ‘good’ system look like?
·  It was suggested the QA group recommend where the HSAB have assurance in place – how will the HSAB determine it is moving in the right direction?
·  How does the HSAB know the culture of the organisation is right? May be a requirement to develop something which looks more global
·  Cultural barometer – how open are organisations in the way they tackle difficult issues?
·  Data mining (private organisations) – people tend to talk about issues via social media rather than addressing them face to face with others
·  Is there work underway which the HSAB could link into regarding leadership?
·  Wait to see what comes from the quality frameworks and act once this is clear. Advised a return to the safeguarding and quality agenda once things have settled
·  The SCR process is under review. Monitoring of the actions which arise from SCRs is the responsibility of the QA sub group and there is a potential for overloading this group
It was agreed that the QA sub group would take account of these comments and feed back to the HSAB at each meeting.
7. / Performance Information
KA presented his report and highlighted the following key points:
·  The QA Sub Group agreed a key set of measures to be reported on: Incidents; Source of Reported Incident; Location of Incident and Type of Abuse
·  Residential and Nursing Home data is required – how should the learning be shared? It was suggested the HSAB needs Residential and Nursing Home Reps
·  The report going to the next QA group will include information on Hampshire Constabulary, Trading Standards and Deprivation of Liberties (DOLs)
The following feedback points were made regarding the Performance Information:
·  HH asked whether work will be commissioned? PC agreed to consider about the issue and discuss with others. She agreed to update HH once she had done that
·  RD suggested equalities information is applied to the performance report in future. KA agreed to pick this up in the end of year analysis
·  SC commented that the information provided is more activity related than performance information. He suggested looking at what is good and what is not in the report – aggregated data
·  GD added it would be worth looking at the average costs of care and workforce, then determining what this tells the HSAB. More discussion is needed around workforce, quality and safeguarding issues. / PC
Refreshment Break
8. / Business Plan 2013/14
HE presented the Business Plan 2013/14.
PC asked for the acronyms in the report to be expanded.
Training – input from fire safety. Thanks to all involved. SF added a project has started internally to promote home products and interaction with vulnerable adults has increased. SF asked whether attendance at the QA sub group is necessary? It was agreed yes and AO’C and SF should meet to discuss various points before the QA Sub Group meet again on 16 August.
It was agreed that further discussion between Fire & Safety and South Central Ambulance Services about sharing of information would be helpful.
Work is continuing on the Winterbourne View action plan and is being reviewed by the QA Sub Group. An interim report will be presented to the HSAB in September. / HE
9. / Multi Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy
RD provided the following brief on the new Policy:
The Policy has been widely consulted on and the substantive document is ready for submission.
It was agreed to adopt the Policy and widely disseminate it amongst staff. RD to inform TB who the Policy should be circulated to. / RD/TB
10. / Report from Communications Sub Group
JWh provided the following feedback to the HSAB:
·  The sub group have met once so far
·  It was agreed at the sub group meeting a clear purpose is needed. The main aim is to portray a fuller picture of safeguarding when possible. There are two different audiences of the communications: residents and professionals and all documents need to be accessed with ease
·  A meeting has taken place with fivebyfivepeople, the company who created the website for Hampshire Domestic Abuse Forum. They have provided a quote for the production of a website for the HSAB of £ 11,375. Two more quotes will be sought before a final decision is made
·  However, negotiations cannot begin yet as the HSAB has not identified a budget. It is proposed each partner contributes a small amount towards the production of a website. It is hoped the total cost of the website will be between £6k - £8k
·  Small input required from each team – just three to four key points to add to the website each year
·  Liaison with a local radio station (Angel) will be explored
11. / Standing Items
Information Sharing
·  Preventing violent extremism and vulnerable people being radicalised. These issues used to go to the channel panel for further referral
·  Prevent Strategy – it was suggested and agreed this should be a standing item on the HSAB agenda
·  Quality Surveillance Group – discussions at the group are sometimes relevant to the HSAB. It was agreed to include a report back from this group by NP as an agenda item for each meeting.
Serious Case Review Referrals
·  Nothing raised
12. / Items for information
Service User Forum Report
·  Agreed to refocus and refresh and look at raising awareness. A meeting with the core group of service users had taken place to decide how to achieve this
·  Michelle Bonnell (Mencap, Eastleigh who assisted with the roll out the Safer Places scheme) has been contacted. She works with service users who are used to and comfortable with speaking in public. Michelle has agreed to work with the Service User Forum and pilot a Raising Awareness campaign in Eastleigh.
·  RS added it is important not to duplicate groups and to maximise the right people, in the right places at the right time
·  PC is attending the LD Partnership Board and will look at the work undertaken by this group and whether there are opportunities for greater co-operation on service user involvement between that Board and the HSAB
·  It was suggested that carers are contacted and their perspective also taken into consideration . It was agreed to explore the existing networks so that contact could be made with carers
·  Scoping to be added to the September agenda
Mate Crime Update
·  There is an event planned in September which will focus on Mate Crime. The County Council are working with the Police to get this event organised
·  Blue Apple Theatre are to be contacted as it is anticipated they will be performing an updated version of their production ‘Living with Fear’
·  Date to be circulated
Business Group Minutes and Quality Assurance Group Minutes
·  No comments made
Census Information
·  It was agreed JWh would liaise with KA as there are large amounts of information available which would be worth sharing
·  JWh agreed to look at the ethnic breakdown
Disclosure and Barring Service Presentation
·  No comments made
Market Oversight and Consultation Response
·  Following the failure of the provider Southern Cross, there was awareness that better monitoring of sustainability and quality of the market was needed
·  Significant work on domiciliary care in Hampshire is required. GD agreed to speak with colleague (Richard Ellis) who is leading that work and to feed back at the next HSAB / TB
GD (HE/TB ref agenda)
13. / Any other business
Next Meeting – Tuesday 10 September 2013 14:00 – 17:00
Performance Hall, Winchester Discovery Centre

HSAB 10 09 13 Item 1