7thJune 2017
Present:Steve Willis (Chair); Pat Beetlestone (Secretary); Ethel Ransom (Treasurer);
Margaret Deem; David Dornom; Claire Griffiths; Richard Ward; Derek Shapland; Chris Harris.
Apologies:Paddy Dornom; Howard Morse; Isobel Morse; Clare Sutton; Jennifer Bateman (Minutes Secretary).
Minutes of last meeting
These were agreed and signed as a true record.
Matters arising
There were none.
Chair’s Report
The Chair referred to his report as published in the current newsletter (Issue 30), everyone agreed he had done a good report and hoped his message had been received well by the readers.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer produced the audited accounts for the year ending 31stMarch 2017 in which our income had decreased by around £1,000, our expenditure had increased for the year to £7,689, the 2016 figure being £3,958. , much of which had been spent on targeted items as requested by the surgery.
Currently, our two funds hold a total of £4,334.
Doctor’s Report
- Dani has now completed her prescribing course and is just waiting for paperwork.
- Pauline and Ali are both progressing well in their new roles.
- Dr Kirwin has been mentoring trainee doctors and being qualified in this field will continue at a later stage to train on a regular/permanent basis. The surgery will train 4thyear Medical Students. Dr Parker will also undertake training of a student and Dr Twomey and Dr Fearon will share a medical student.
- Esme and Jo are the new receptionists.
Surgery Requests
2 Heart tapes/cards costing around £100 each, purchase agreed.
The entry screen is no longer functioning and may need to be renewed, due to a software problem, Richard will try to source some software via the IT links he has, but if not £1,500 will be needed to replace the screens. Purchase agreed if necessary.
- 2 x Meat Bingo sessions will be planned, as these are generally very well supported;
- It was suggested that perhaps Derek Shapland and his partner Margaret Tucker would be kind enough to host a garden party/coffee morning, Derek to report back.
- Pat is going to ask Margaret Phillips if she can help organise a coffee morning and will report back.
Any Other Business
- Ethel stated that she would remain Treasurer for this year but would like to hand over to someone else at the next AGM.
- David Dornom raised the question of how we can get more people to become members, the Surgery staff do give out a leaflet to new patients, but we need to think of ways to make existing patients more aware.
- Margaret Phillips has kindly donation £50 from her Easter Egg knits, Pat is sending a letter of thanks;
- Ethel has sent off the bank details to the Solicitor regarding a Legacy, it is presumed the £5,000 will be issued via bank transfer;
- Christine Harris mentioned that Simon Lee had been given a few envelopes and he had not been asked to collect them, Pat will write a letter asking him if it is OK to put his details on our new envelope order and also thank him for all his help.
- Richard thanked the League for every thing they have done over the past year.
Date of next General Meeting
Wednesday 20thSeptember 2017, at 7.30pm
The meeting closedat 8.55pm.