Hamlet Multigenre Project
As a culminating task for this unit you will have several options from which to choose, but each option includes a written component. Your project will be based on one of the following topics:
1. Foils: How do Fortinbras, Horatio and Laertes impact our understanding of Hamlet’s character?
2. Appearance versus reality; deception and dissembling.
3. Hamlet’s women: a study of the roles of Gertrude and Ophelia.
4. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark: Imagery of disease and corruption in Hamlet
5. Revenge and nemesis: Hamlet’s success at revenge.
6 Hamlet as Hero: Is Hamlet a tragic hero?
7. Claudius and Hamlet - a comparison of two leaders.
8. Hamlet: 2016- What is the relevance of Hamlet for a modern audience?
9. An Antic Disposition -Is Hamlet crazy?
And you will need to develop a thesis. Please see attached handout on Generating a Good Thesis Statement.
A. Project Options (50 marks):
Scene Performance: You will choose a scene to perform. You may work with other students to perform this scene but you will each need to prepare a unique written analysis. The length of the scene will depend on the number of people involved. This option will work better for some topics than others. Remember the purpose of your scene presentation will be to support your thesis. This may be communicated through staging, costumes, casting choices, and acting. It can be live or filmed, but lines should be memorized.
Website: There are a number of free sites that will allow you to create a website. If you’re interested in this option, check out:
I’ve used Wix to create a Hamlet themed website:
Scrapbook: This project will require creativity, artistic talent, and probably a lot of glue. You will put together a scrapbook of images, text, newspaper headlines, ticket stubs etc. to support your thesis. Artistic license is expected here. You don’t have to situate Hamlet in medieval Denmark.
Film Scene Comparison: There are many versions of Hamlet on film available out there. For this option, you will compare multiple versions of the same scene and explain which one best supports your thesis. This will be done as a presentation to the class.
Facebook profiles: You can use our Ning to create Facebook like profiles for different characters in Hamlet. through their interactions, wall posts, blog entries you can support your thesis.
Pecha Kucha: Despite the weird name, this is a fairly straightforward option. A pecha kucha presentation is made up of twenty slides played for no more than twenty seconds. There is a emphasis on strong visuals, minimalist text, and polished presentation. Here’s an example of one I did for my masters class:
Project Rubric
/15 / Project demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of play and/or chosen topic / Project demonstrates sufficient knowledge and understanding of play and chosen topic / Project demonstrates strong knowledge and understanding of play and chosen topic / Project demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of play and chosen topic
/10 / Project shows limited evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted but incomplete / Project shows adequate evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted and mostly complete / Project shows considerable evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted and complete / Project shows clear evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted and complete
/15 / Ideas communicated clearly showing some awareness of audience and purpose.
Limited mastery of conventions of chosen form / Ideas communicated clearly showing sufficient awareness of audience and purpose.
Mastery of some conventions of chosen form / Ideas communicated clearly showing good awareness of audience and purpose.
Mastery of most conventions of chosen form / Ideas communicated clearly showing excellent awareness of audience and purpose.
Mastery of conventions of chosen form
/10 / Demonstrates limited inferential thinking.
Analysis only at surface level / Demonstrates some inferential thinking.
Analysis mostly at surface level / Demonstrates considerable inferential thinking . Analysis goes beyond the surface meaning / Demonstrates sophisticated inferential thinking .
Analysis goes well beyond the surface meaning
B. Written Component (50 marks):
Regardless of the project you choose, you will need to compose a written piece that explains your thesis, the evidence you’ve found that supports your thesis, and an explanation of how project presents this information.
Word count: Approximately 1000 words.
You should use proper MLA format.
Written Component Rubric
/10 / Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of content / Demonstrates adequate knowledge and understanding of content / Demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of content / Demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of content
/15 / Made limited use of the writing process
Support from the text is present but may not be sufficient / Made use of some stages of the writing process
Support from the text supports thesis / Made good use of every stage of the writing process
Support from the text is well- chosen and supports thesis / Made thorough use of every stage of the writing process
Support from the text is thoughtfully chosen and supports thesis
/10 / Numerous errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation. May appear to be a rough draft.
Essay contains multiple formatting errors
Ideas show minimal organization and may lack clarity in expression. / More than 5 small errors and some major errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation.
Essay contains a number of small formatting errors
Ideas are organized and expressed clearly. / More than 5 small errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation.
Essay mostly demonstrates proper MLA format
Ideas are organized and expressed clearly and sufficiently. / Minimal errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation.
Essay demonstrates proper MLA format
Ideas are organized and expressed clearly and sufficiently.
/15 / Demonstrates limited inferential thinking.
Analysis only at surface level / Demonstrates some inferential thinking
Analysis mostly at surface level / Demonstrates strong inferential thinking
Analysis goes beyond the surface meaning / Demonstrates sophisticated inferential thinking
Analysis goes well beyond the surface meaning
Step 1: Choose your topic
Step 2: Choose your project option
Step 3: Clear your topic with me
Step 4: Develop your thesis and create a plan
Step 5: Create project
Step 6: Write your explanation
Due Date;______