Parental/Participant Consent Form
Please email it to OR return to the parish office.
I/we as the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of ______,
(participant’s name—please print)
do hereby grant permission for the aforesaid participant to participate in:
SATG Youth Ministry’s “Halloween Fest” in the hall at Saint Albert the Great on Sunday, October 29th from 6:30-8:30pm. We will be carving/decorating pumpkins, having a costume contest, a fall bake off and a bonfire . S’mores, drinks and other snacks will be provided. Teens will end the night at the bonfire, so please pick them up by the baseball diamond.
If you wish to be a part of the fall bake off – please fill out the fall bake off registration and ingredient form attached to this permission slip.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING A PUMPKIN IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ENTER THE CONTEST (and any other tools, paint or decorations you’d like to use – please no sharp knives). If possible, please have the tops of the pumpkins cut off prior to the contest. We will scoop them out at the event. Please no clown costumes.
I/we agree by my/our mutual signature(s) to release, indemnify and hold harmless “SATG Halloween Fest,” the Youth & Young Adult Ministry and CYO Office, the Catholic Charities Service Corporation, Catholic Charities, and its affiliates, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Churches or Parishes, Saint Albert the Great, and any and all supervisors, volunteers, organizers or sponsors thereof, and from any and all liability for injury, medical fees, hospital bills, or doctor bills of aforesaid participant. I/we waive all claims of any kind against any or all of the organizations or persons hereinabove enumerated, including any all claims against persons transporting aforesaid participant to or from activities hereinabove named.
______Date ______
(Parent/Guardian’s signature)
We are in need of parents to volunteer to help with set up. clean up, and supervision at the bonfire. Are you able and willing to volunteer? Yes / No (thank you!)
I/we hereby give consent to photograph/videotape aforesaid participant and without limitation to use such photographs/videotapes and or stories in connection with this event for the sole purpose of any work of Saint Albert the Great, the Youth/Young Adult Ministry/CYO Office and I do hereby release Saint Albert the Great, the Youth/Young Adult Ministry/CYO Office from any claims whatsoever which may arise in said regard.
(Parent/Guardian’s signature) (Date)