The February 21st, 2017 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting was convened pursuant to law at the hour of 6:00 p.m., courtroom, courthouse, McLeansboro, Illinois.
Chairman Miller asked everyone in attendance to join in the Pledge to the Flag.
On roll call, the following members were noted as being present which represented a quorum:
John ChapmanHere
P E CrossAbsent
Willie GrubbHere
Chad MayHere
Brad MillerHere
MOTION by Willie Grubb seconded by John Chapman to approve the Minutes of the January 17th, 2017 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting as circulated. Motion carried.
Chairman Miller noted that Jerome Gholson was a guest. Jerome reminded everyone that the Kiwanis Pancake Day was coming up and if anyone needed tickets that they could contact him. Jerome thanked Chairman Miller for allowing him to make that sales pitch.
Chairman Miller introduced Ms Alene Carr, director of Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning and Development Commission. Ms Carr reminded the board that a couple of months ago, Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning & Development Commission had approached the board about allowing Tom & Beverly Schumtz ( owner & operators ) of the Priced Rite Foods/Ace Hardware Store of McLeansboro, to restructure their revolving loan with the county. The Schumtz’s were asking for a 24 month interest only payment plan so that they could alleviate some cash flow to invest in a grocery store in Herrin, IL.
The board requested that Tom come before the board to inform the board why he was making this request. Mr. Schumtz explained to the board that the Ace Hardware store is doing very good and he wished that he had 8 hardware stores and only 1 grocery store instead of vise versa. Anyway, Mr. Schumtz made the board aware that he had invested in (2) grocery stores (1) in Herrin and (1) in DuQuoin that were poor investments and both stores closed. He has been approached by the Save-A-Lot franchise wanting him to open a Save-A-Lot store in Herrin. If the county would allow him the opportunity to restructure his existing loan to make interest only payments for 24 months, this would free up funds for him to make this investment. After explaining that with his current loan, Wayne White Electric Cooperative, Coal Belt Community Bank and Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning & Development Commission were also lien holders to this loan as well. All three have agreed to the interest only payments. This would extend the length of the loan for 24 months and at the end of the 24 months full payments would then resume. Tom noted that if this business venture is successful, then down the road, the McLeansboro store could very well become a Save-A-Lot store. After much discussion, perChad May, due to the fact that there is a plan in place and a branded store is involved, this changes the initial outcome.
MOTION by Chad May seconded by John Chapman to accept the restructuring loan of a 24 month interest only payment plan extending the loan for 24 months and picking back up with the P & I at the end of the 24 month period.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Chad MayYes
John ChapmanYes
Willie GrubbYes
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
Kent Armstrong, representative of Botsch & Associates, was present to give the FY ending 11-30-2016 Hamilton County Audit Report and Circuit Clerk Audit Report.
Kent noted that the General Fund ended the year with a balance of $1,832,285.00
After all bills were paid, the county had assets of $2,135,274.00. Kent noted that the Highway fund has about 1 more year if the trends continue in the direction they are currently going, and advised the board to look at this fund very closely. Can’t afford to let this fund get out of hand. Kent reported that the county had budgeted $2,242,056.00 but had spent $2,462,399.00. The county spent $220,000.00 more than was budgeted. Kent advised the board that they should not spend more than was budgeted. He suggested that the board put more funding in contiguously because that is a fund that the board can control. He noted that if would be better to budget it and not spend it as to not budget it and then need the funds. Kent noted that the ETSB board has caused the county some set backs, but in time should be self sustaining.
Kent reported that the Circuit Clerk Audit was in compliance on all auditing issues.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to accept and approve the audit report as presented. Motion carried.
Hamilton County Coroner, Steve Bowling and Deputy Coroner, Jason Young presented the board with litature on purchasing a 3 person cooling unit to house deceased bodies when necessary. Steve noted that currently HamiltonCountyhas to pay WhiteCounty $45.00 per day to hold bodies when necessary. Steve has reached out to Greg Simms, administrator of HamiltonMemorialHospital seeking a room to house this cooler. Mr. Simms has agreed to provide a storage room for the cooler in the hospital and provide electricity to operate the cooler. Steve noted that the hospital will in turn be allowed to use the cooler if the need arises. Steve reported to the board that the total cost of this project is $6,010.00. The Coroner has funds available to purchase this equipment and there would be no cost to the county. Steve noted that both county funeral homes would be allowed the opportunity to use the cooler and that maybe in the future if the occasion occurs that a fee may be established if other facilities should need to use the cooler. The board thanked Steve and Jason for their presentation and gave their blessings for them to proceed with the purchase of this equipment.
Dorothy Smith, ETSB board chairman reported to the board that to her knowledge, the county has only 7 dry hydrants. Dorothy reported that the state in hoping to increase the reimbursement fee to counties from .89 to $1.05. Dorothy made the board aware that she had signed a petition on behalf of HamiltonCounty in opposition of H B # 477.
EMA- No Report
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to approve the agreement requested by the University of Illinois Extension for $20,000.00 be budgeted FY 2018 effective July 1, 2017 through June 30th, 2018.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John ChapmanYes
Willie GrubbYes
Chad MayYes
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
The board decided to leave the meeting schedule as is. Meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the courtroom.
Chairman Miller signed the FY2018 Certification and Commitment Letter for Illinois South Tourism Bureau.
CountyClerk, Mary Anne Hopfinger, was asked to reach out to Mr. Andy Rubenacker to see if he would be interested in representing HamiltonCounty on the 200th, Illinois Bicentennial Committee.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Chad May to accept check # 14670 in the amount of $75.00 from United Counties Council of Illinois for reimbursement of lodging expenses of Willie Grubb for attending the January 24 & 25, 2017 Legislative Reception / Seminar in Springfield, IL. Motion carried.
The board set the new mileage rate for reimbursement at .535 effective February 21st, 2017.
The Budget submitted by Judge Thomas J Tedeshi, Chief Judge of the 2nd Judicial Circuit of the State of Illinois was placed on file.
MOTION by Willie Grubb seconded by Chad May to approve the re-appointment of Ms. Sandra Burke to the Hamilton County Housing Authority Board for a 5 year term effective March 1st, 2017 expiring February 28th, 2022.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Willie Grubb Yes
Chad MayYes
John ChapmanYes
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
MOTION by Chad May seconded by John Chapman to approve the re-appointment of Willie Grubb to the ESTB board for a (1) year term effective March 1st, 2017 expiring February 28th, 2018. Willie is representing the CountyBoard on the ETSB board.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Chad MayYes
John ChapmanYes
Willie GrubbAbstain
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Chad May to approve the re-appointment of Dorothy Smith to the ETSB board for a 3 year term effective March 1st, 2017 expiring February 28th, 2020.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John ChapmanYes
Chad MayYes
Willie GrubbAbstain
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
MOTION by Chad May seconded by John Chapman to approve the re-appointment of Jason Stewart to the ETSB board for a 3 year term effective March 1st, 2017 expiring February 28th, 2020.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Chad MayYes
John ChapmanYes
Willie GrubbAbstain
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Chad May to approve the re-appointment of Don Cox to the ETSB board for a 3 year term effective March 1st, 2017 expiring February 28th, 2020.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John ChapmanYes
Chad MayYes
Willie GrubbAbstain
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
Royalty Summary Report:
Check # 1000003751 in the amount of $25,206.22 for December 2016 was received.
Expected Revenue for January 2017 is $39,633.69
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to accept checks from the Hamilton County Health Department for the Month of January 2017. Fringes: $923.59 Unemployment : $135.68 Insurance : $840.95. Motion carried.
It was noted that the CountyClerk had been notified that the Health Department is not planning on replacing the position left vacant by the retirement of Katie Lenard. Also, Clark Griffith requested to continue reimbursing the Health Department salaries on a quarterly basis.
MOTION by Chad May seconded by Willie Grubb to approve the Claims List and Late Claims with signatures of approval. Motion Carried.
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Chad May to approve Resolution 2017-03
RE: County awarding material proposals to the lowest bidder.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
John ChapmanYes
Chad MayYes
Willie GrubbYes
Brad MillerYes
P E CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
MOTION by Willie Grubb seconded by Chad May to approve Resolution 2017-04
RE: accepting and awarding Township material proposals to the lowest bidder.
On roll call, the members voted as follows:
Willie GrubbYes
Chad MayYes
John ChapmanYes
Brad MillerYes
PE CrossAbsent
Motion Carried
John Chapman of the Insurance Committee was directed to contact Kent Leighty regarding a letter of denial on the ceiling collapse claim.
IMRF “ Special” Memorandum #366 resolution requirements for Public Act 99-900 was placed on file.
Public Comment: NONE
MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to adjourn. Motion carried.