7.30PM ON THURSDAY 1st JUNE 2017


PRESENT:Councillors T Kennard (Chair), C Oakley, P Aaron, K Ridout, J Turnbull, R MacNamara; District Councillor S Jespersen,; ROW Officer G Rains, and 5 members of the public

83 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Received from Cllrs Webberley, Watts, and Parish Clerk M Wilson (in the clerks absence, minutes were taken by Cllr Ridout)


85 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the meeting held on 18th May were approved.

86 MATTERS ARISING: These were covered in the agenda items

87 PUBLIC SESSION TO RAISE ISSUES: Jeremy and Cllr Dilys Gartside from Okeford Fitzpaine, gave a detailed presentation on behalf of the proposed opening of Little Lane between Okeford and the Trailway, highlighting the financial and legal aspects. Two issues regarding Shillingstone were discussed. 1, Would we support a crossing across the A357, as our compliance is one of the conditions to them securing the required funding. Highways are awaiting full disclosure of all information before confirming their agreement, but are initially favaourable.2. Do we wish to take on the lease/freehold of the triangular piece of land, which the new footpath would transverse? They have secured 80% of the required funding (App £48,000), but need our agreement to secure the last 20% (app £12,000). The deadline is 11th July 2017.

The DCCs feasibility study is ongoing on the overall project. But it is likely that with landowner’s agreement, and if it is affordable that they will give the go ahead.

Graham Rains has discussed this project, mainly the road crossing issue, with G Stanley. They believe that a crossing directly at the end of Little Lane, would be better than using a newly formed pathway to cross further down. As long as the vegetation could be cut back as needed, and appropriate signage was used. Mr. Rains suggested that Cllr Gartside speak to Mr. G Stanley.

Cllr Jespersen raised the idea that if SPC were to take on the land, as mentioned above, it could be held in a “Community Land trust”Cllr Jespersen also encouraged the Working Together” policy to be used in conjunction with the project.

The council agreed that it would follow up the possible lease/freehold of the land, but did not agree to the original footpath proposed at present. It would be more favourable to the suggestion of a more direct crossing, with a designation of a bridle way.

Clerk to contact Graham Stanley to discuss the crossing issue.

88. COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: The monthly report has not yet been circulated. Cllr Jespersen outlined what it will contain.

Due to the council fully committed to the upcoming general election, there is not much to report. The reorganisation of local government is still going ahead, but no announcements will be made until after the election. It may be after the summer recess that we hear anything, but Cllr Jespersen assured us that all the necessary work is being carried out behind the scenes.

NDDC finances are slightly surplus to budget.


i)Footpaths officer report: G Rains to liaise with G Stanley over prioritising the required work to the footpaths. The strimmer owned by council is not working. Agreed that G Rains will go ahead and obtain the parts needed to mend the strimmer and invoice the council.

ii) Station: Dave Caddy has informed us that they will be undertaking some needed tree works at the station.

iii) Trailway: The annual “cut back” programme is underway. Much needed work is needed north of the station G rains to email G Stanley. The gate from the Trailway onto the Recreation Ground near the play equipment needs scalping’s placed down to aid people on mobility scooters etc. C Nelson, who was in attendance has offered to ask the cricket club to attend to the problem.

Somebody has run into the gate at the car park, an issue for DCC. The litter bin has been ordered to be deliverer to DWP. It will duly be installed.


i). Cllr Kennard to report on outstanding applications: Nothing to report.

ii). To consider any new applications received before the meeting: Little Gables. To convert an existing bungalow (with accommodation in loft) to a house. No plans available at the meeting for council to view, but the gentleman concerned was present to provide the required information. The neighbours have no negative issues with the proposal. Agreed by all

iii). To consider applications to carry out works to trees in the conservation area received before the meeting: None received. Clerk to follow up previous commentsre tree work under agenda item “Station”

iv) Church Field: Nothing to report.


i)Cheques for payment as per list below:

SO – SCC – grass cut - £100.00

2083 – HMRC – Paye - £381.00

2084 – M Wilson – May pay - £502.03

2085 – M Wilson – June pay - £502.03

2086 – SCC – strimming on the Rec - £600.00

2087 – Rialtas – accounting software - £139.20

2088 – Water2business – allotments water - £19.75

2089 – Glasdon – trailway litter bin - £328.00

2090 – IK Services – litter removal - £68.75

All approved.

ii)Play surface repairs:Quotes have been received re play area repairs and details circulated to councilors. It was agreed to defer any decision to the next meeting

92. THE CROSS – update:Awaiting the report on design and costings, before moving forward.


i) To appoint Councillor to inspect play areas, recreation ground and property in May: Cllr McNamara for June

ii) To note Councillors reports and decide any action: The broken picnic bench has been removed. 2 more benched are need of urgent repair/replacing. Cllr Jespersen may have some knowledge on the whereabouts of replacements, clerk will liaise with her

Regarding the damage/reduced covering or the areas, quotes have been received from several Contractors for repairs to both play areas. Decision deferred to July meeting

July’s meeting to be held at The Recreation ground to include an inspection of the area.

iii) Trees and hedges: Nothing to report

iv) Pavilion: No full report as Cllr Watts absent. Cllr Ridout reported a faulty light in the Pod, H Shackell to be asked by C Nelson to check.

v) Grass cutting and pavilion hire etc: Clive Nelson from the cricket club reported on the imminent need for a new mower, and the need to re-negotiate the cost of maintaining the recreation ground, depending on the mower decision. Financial information from the Club had been circulated to councillors.The council agreed that they do not wish to purchase/own a new mower, and several options were discussed. It was suggested that a special meeting should be arranged between the cricket club and the council to discuss further. Cllr Kennard will arrange this with Cllr Webberley and the Clerk.

94. COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATOR: Both have now been delivered. Cllr Turnbull has asked that the school check that the De fib, located on the school, includes paediatric pads for use in an emergency with a child. Cllr Oakley to follow this up, and the issue of a disclaimer notice. Cllr Turnbull has agreed to run training for the use of the Defibs.-he will liaise with the Clerk.

95. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: Matters arising;

i)BT Phone box. Cllr Kennard has confirmed that it is classes as a listed building, so BT to be asked to re-paint it. Cllr Kennard to pass on contact details to Clerk. Clerk to be asked to put a request in the next Parish Magazine for suitable suggestions as to what to use it for.

ii)National Park (Dorset). Council agreed that more information needed to comment/make any decision. Clerk to request thisand to contact Sturminster Newton Council regarding their views on the matter.

96. CORRESPONDENCE: i) Copy of a Letter of complaint regarding smoking by Forum School employees has been received. ii) Letter received from the organisers of The Great Dorset Steam Fair, offering residents of Shillingstone 2 for 1 tickets to compensate for any disruption caused. Clerk to write and ask for more information/ the maximum available etc iii) letter received from Martin Nicoll (BFPT), noted. iv) letter received from Sharon Proyer of Shillingstone Tennis club regarding a key to the Pod toilets. A quote needed to change locks, and there is a problem with the current one. A child managed to get locked into the toilet last week, and it was an issue releasing him.Clerk will follow up.S Proyer also informed the council, of damage caused to the tennis courts from children on bicycles.

97. TO AGREE ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: To include play surfaces

98. NEXT MEETING: This will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday July 2017 at the Recreation Ground

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.44pm.