Hamilton Township Trustee’s Meeting
August 17, 2016
Trustee Board President Wallace called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Mr. Wallace, Mr. Weber and Mr. Walker were present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
Motion was made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to adopt the proposed agenda for the July 20, 2016 meeting.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Weber with a second by Mr. Walker to approve the meeting minutes from the meeting on August 3, 2016.
Roll call as follows: Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
David WallaceAbstain
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to approve the billing invoices for payment cycle August 8, 2016 – August 12, 2016 checks numbered 76527-76530.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to approve the billing invoices for payment cycle August 15, 2016 – August 19, 2016, checks numbered 76531-76562.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to approve the withholding payments for payment cycle July 17, 2016 – July 30, 2016, checks numbered 23041911-23041913 and 23046434-23046446.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to approve the withholding payments for payment cycle July 31, 2016 – August 13, 2016, checks numbered 23143222-23143233.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to approve Payroll for pay cycle July 31, 2016 – August 13, 2016, Electronic Fund Transfer Direct Deposit Vouchers 1103184486-1103184554.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to approve Payroll for pay cycle July 17, 2016 – July 30, 2016, and monthly August 1, 2016-August 31, 2016, Electronic Fund Transfer Direct Deposit Vouchers 1102416348-1102416352 and 1102453488-1102453560.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to approve Receipt number 603-2016, overpayment refund $183.87.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Public Works Director, Kenny Hickey requested the Board make a motion to approve a cemetery deed for Virginia Doyens, Lot 36, graves 3 and 4 in the Maineville New at the township rate of $1,200.00.
Trustee Kurt Weber made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee David Wallace.
Roll call as follows:Kurt WeberYes
David WallaceYes
Joe WalkerYes
Public Works Director, Kenny Hickey requested the Board make a motion to approve a cemetery deed for Viki Rowland, lot 99, grave 7 in the Maineville New at the township rate of $600.00.
Trustee David Wallace made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Public Works Director, Kenny Hickey requested the Board make a motion to approve a cemetery deed for Margaret C. Williamson, lot 80, graves 3and 4, in the Maineville Newat the township rate of $1,200.00.
Trustee David Wallace made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
There was a presentation by Suzanne Burke from Warren County Elderly Services Program. She provided the Board with their annual report and explained what the program provided for the elderly in the township and Warren County. She also explained that this program is less expensive than a senior going into a nursing facility.
Legal Counsel, Doug Miller informed the Board that the township can regulate the Medical Marijuana Businesses under the zoning of the township. The township can declare a moratorium to give themselves more time to decide the regulations on the businesses. Mr. Miller also advised the Board that if they ban the businesses completely, then it is a complete ban even for legit pharmacies. Any regulations would require a zoning code. Mr. Miller also stated that with all the farm land in the township, it does leave open opportunity for grow facilities. If the township declares a moratorium, then no one can apply until regulations are in place.
The Board agreed that they would want a resolution done to declare a moratorium for the Medical Marijuana Businesses.
Administrator, Ray Warrick requested the Board make a motionto approve Resolution # 16-0817B, declaring certain personal property as obsolete, surplus, no longer needed for public use, and authorizing its disposition.
Trustee David Wallace made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Administrator, Ray Warrick requested the Board make a motion to approve Resolution # 16-0817, authorizing and approving an increase in township appropriations to reconcile budgets for calendar year 2016 and authorizing the purchase of computer back up system.
Trustee David Wallace made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Administrator, Ray Warrick presented the monthly review for the month of July. The revenue is up and the spending is less compared to last year. The revenue will go up when we get our second tax settlement. There are a couple of line items running low, but would just involve the moving of monies. We have brought in less money in the General Fund and Road and Bridge Fund compared to last year. The Fire/Rescue deficit is due to the cut in taxes. We are showing that we have currently spent $378,000.00 less than last year. The township has tightened up the budget in 2016 and even more for 2017.
Administrator, Ray Warrick discussed an Enterprise Zone idea for Hopkins Commons since the project is not considered ideal for a TIF. The Port Authority of Warren County presented the township with an Enterprise Zone. An Enterprise Zone abates the taxes for a certain length of time. The township could request the developer to pay a portion to the township and school district in lieu of his taxes. The questions at hand are: Would we forgo tax dollars for this developer? And if so, how much and for how long?
Trustee, David Wallace brought to the attention some emails he had received from residents regarding turn lanes at US 22/3 & Zoar Road, and the speeding on residential roads.
Public Works Director, Kenny Hickey provided the Board with a report of the number of crashes reported to the state at the intersection of US 22/3 and Zoar Road. The state is not looking into doing anything at this intersection at this time, but they will re-visit the situation.
Police Chief, Scott Hughes stated that he is looking into software to monitor traffic counts and if vehicles are speeding.
Public Comments
Mr. Wallace opened the floor to the public at 6:57pm.
Robert Winters, Village on the Green, asked if the revenue for the total year is expected to exceed the total spending for the year? He also asked if the software that the Police Department is looking to purchase would be taking pictures.
Mr. Wallace closed the floor to the public at 6:59pm.
Trustee’s Business
Mr. Wallace made a motion, and seconded by Mr. Weber to enter into Executive Session to discuss pending court action, consider the sale of a property, and collective bargaining matters at 6:59pm. In Executive Session were all Trustees, Administrator, and Law Director.
Roll call as follows:David Wallace Yes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to return from Executive Session at 8:00pm.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Administrator, Ray Warrick requested the Board make a motion to put portions of Mounts Park out to bid and directing the Administrator to put together suggested terms for public bidding.
Trustee David Wallace made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Trustee David Wallace made the motion to approve the release of claims from Jefferson Health, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Administrator, Ray Warrick requested the Board make a motion to approve Resolution # 16-0817A, authorizing and approving an increase in township appropriations to reconcile budgets for calendar year 2016 and authorizing the issuance of a blanket certificate in the amount of $500,000.00.
Trustee David Wallace made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Administrator, Ray Warrick requested the Board make a motion to approve Resolution # 16-0817C, authorizing a contract with The Jefferson Health Plan for the provision of a health benefits program for township employees.
Trustee David Wallace made the motion as stated above, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
Trustee David Wallace made the motion to approve check number 76563 in the amount of $399,176.00 and check number 76564 in the amount of $26,586.00 both to OPEC-HC, and seconded by Trustee Kurt Weber.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes
With no other business at hand a motion made by Mr. Wallace with a second by Mr. Weber to adjourn at 8:06pm.
Roll call as follows:David WallaceYes
Kurt WeberYes
Joe WalkerYes