Elementary Lesson Plan

Hamilton Elementary Panther P.R.I.D.E. Lesson

Matrix Expectations / To demonstrate and explain expected behaviors on the Playground
Matrix Rule and Steps
List rule from matrix and steps to complete the rule / Today we are going to discuss the procedures of the playground.
Use kind words and actions Take turns
Quietly line up when the whistle blows Follow game rules
 Stay in designated areas Uses equipment appropriately
Return from playground quietly Include all who want to play
Agree on game rules before you start the game
Identify the locations(s) where performance of rule is expected. / Playground
Teacher demonstrates or models the rule. Teacher models non-examples / Example:
Teacher will go throughout playground explaining appropriate playground behaviors. Teacher will demonstrate how to use appropriate language. Teacher will demonstrate reporting a problem to the teacher on duty.
Teacher will demonstrate how to participate in group activities. Teacher will demonstrate how to be a good sport, how to play fairly, and use equipment appropriately in approved areas. Teacher will demonstrate how to return all equipment .
Teacher will go throughout the playground demonstrating inappropriate behaviors. Teacher will use inappropriate language towards others.
Teacher will butt in line. Teacher will return to the beginning of the line.
Teacher will play kickball. The teacher will argue about the rules and not playing fairly. The teacher will line up without returning equipment to the cage.
Teacher models the non-example:
Give students opportunities to role play the rule across all relevant settings / Students model all appropriate steps to using the playground with teacher feedback.
Move, scan and interact with students / Students model all appropriate steps to using the playground with teacher feedback.

*All lessons are revisited as needed throughout the school year.

Missouri SW-PBS Team Workbook Appendix 4E