Civic Engagement (CE) Course Grant Rubric
Applicant’s name: ______
Applicant’s course: ______
For Administrative Use:- Course has Civic Engagement Course Indicator: ___ YES ____ NO
- The applicant was granted CE funds before: ___ YES ___ NO
- If YES to Question 2, did they submit a final report: ___ YES ___ NO
Excellent: 8-10 points / Satisfactory: 5-7 points / Unsatisfactory: 4-0 points / Score
Civic Engagement Indicators: Clear demonstration of how one of the following 3 indicators will be used in class:
(1) service learning,
(2) 2 forms of experiential learning (field trips, observations in the community, and/or guest speakers)
(3) clinical, practicum, or for-credit internship / Civic Engagement Indicators: Criteria for civic engagement are somewhat unclear, the application does not adequately explain what the civic engagement indicators are, or more explanation is needed for civic engagement indicators. / Civic Engagement Indicators: Omission of civic engagement indicators or lack of knowledge about what civic engagement entails. Description of civic engagement activities is completely unclear, missing, or unexplained.
Connection between Civic Engagement Indicators and Learning Objectives: Learning objectives from the syllabus are explicitly included in the application with an explanation for how the civic engagement activities will be evaluated. Demonstrated and clear connections between course learning objectives and funded civic engagement activities. / Connection between Civic Engagement Indicators and Learning Objectives: Learning objectives from the syllabus are discussed with some explanation for how the civic engagement activities meet the learning outcomes. Connections between course learning objectives and funded civic engagement activities is evident, but may be somewhat confusing or not entirely clear. Evaluation of learning objectives may not be robust. / Connection between Civic Engagement Indicators and Learning Objectives: Learning objectives from the syllabus may be missing, minimal explanation for how the civic engagement activities will be evaluated, or lack of connections between course learning objectives and funded activities.
Projected Timeline: Civic engagement activities are specified and timing/duration of activities, evaluations, and reflections are clearly outlined. If the nature of the civic engagement component does not fit into a clear timeline, an explanation for why that is has been provided. / Projected Timeline: Timing/duration of activities, evaluations, or reflections are briefly mentioned, but some aspects of activities or explanations may be missing. / Projected Timeline: The timeline is too short, general, contains information gaps, and/or does not have an explanation for why it is so short/lacking information.
Reflections, Experiences, Applications: Reflection on civic engagement is integrated throughout the curriculum, providing students ample opportunities to make connections between course concepts, civic engagement experiences, past experiences, community identity, and future goals. / Reflections, Experiences, Applications: Reflection on civic engagement is somewhat integrated into the curriculum, focused on only some of the following connections: connections between course concepts, civic engagement experiences, past experiences, community identity, and future goals. / Reflections, Experiences, Applications: Reflection on civic engagement is integrated into the curriculum, providing students ample opportunities to make connections between course concepts, civic engagement experiences, past experiences, community identity, and future goals.
Effects of Civic Engagement: Outcomes of activities will have a positive impact on student learning while providing a clear benefit to the community. / Effects of Civic Engagement: Outcomes of activities will have a positive impact on student learning and will benefit the community, but the benefits are less clearly stated or appear to be unequal. / Effects of Civic Engagement: Outcomes of activities do not clearly have a positive impact on student learning or the community. It is unclear what the effects of civic engagement activities will be.
Documentation of CE Activities and Impacts: Documentation plan is comprehensive and includes several voices (faculty, student, and/or community member). Includes a plan for disseminating the outcomes of the course to a wider audience. / Documentation of CE Activities and Impacts: Documentation plan covers major activities but may not explicitly plan for multiple voices to be represented. It may not account for dissemination to a wider audience. / Documentation of CE Activities and Impacts: Documentation plan is missing significant activities and impacts, and is only documented from the faculty perspective.
Budge Rationale: The projected budget is rationalized, the need for each cost is clearly explained, the budget follows the guidelines for eligible and ineligible costs* / Budge Rationale: The projected budget lacks some rationalization, the need for each cost is inferred, but not explained, and/or the budget does not follow the guidelines for eligible and ineligible costs* / Budge Rationale: The projected budget lacks all rationalization, the need for each cost is unclear, and/or the budget does not follow the guidelines for eligible and ineligible costs*
Total Score:
Optional Comments to Support Ratings:
*Implementation grants may be used for:
- Service learning deliverables to community partners (e.g. professional printing of reports, materials to support a service-learning project).
- Material costs of service-learning projects
- Guest speakers (up to $100 honorarium per speaker)
- Transportation for field trips
- Documenting service-learning experiences (e.g. photos, video, etc.)
Implementation grants may NOT be used for
- Costs associated with First Year Experience Courses, which are funded through the TCLT
- Regular material or administrative expenses of community partners. For example if students in a class develop a brochure or report for their community partner, it is expected that the group will provide an electronic copy and limited number of printed copies.