Chairman:- Ian Gill, Secretary:- Eric Barklem, Treasurer:- Jack McClean, Child Protection Officer:- A Barklem.

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of the

Ormskirk & District Junior Bowling Initiative

Tuesday 20th October 2009

Held at Aughton Institute


·  Representatives from the Halton Castle, Cockbeck, , Windmill, Burscough CC, Zetland, Botanic and Formby Legion Bowling Clubs.

·  Hilda Jones, Lancs Bowling Assoc

1. Apologies


2. Change of Constitution - name of organisation and admission of Clubs from outside West Lancs

It was agreed that clubs from outside West Lancashire would be admitted, to include the Sefton area

A revised name was agreed – the West Lancs & Sefton Junior Bowls Forum.

Ian Gill agreed to amend the Constitution to allow clubs from the Sefton area to be admitted and to amend the name of the organisation.

3. New Junior league for SW Lancashire

It was agreed that those clubs interested in participating in a League would meet separately to discuss – Ian Gill to arrange a meeting

4. Ormskirk West Lancs Junior Federation Team

Ian Gill reported that a junior team is to be entered into the Federation of Crown Green Bowls. It will be know as Ormskirk West Lancs as that is the name of the adult team entered. Teams consist of 8 players and would need to consist of the best local juniors. It is run on 3 Sundays. Further details will follow in due course.

5. Publicity and Promotion

Generally agreed that we would need greater promotion in the future

6. Grant Bids

It was agreed that a grant bid would be put together for further equipment and instructor training etc. Dave Pennington (Zetland) agreed to help put this together.

7. First Aid Courses

Derek Barnes gave some details about first aid courses on offer.

8. Instructors – status and courses

Hilda Jones explained the current status of instructors and the need to move to Level 2 coaches. This would involve having undertaken the basic instructors course, a child protection course and relevant experience.

9. Club Mark

Not all clubs are interested in this. Hilda Jones stated that eventually it would be helpful and schools may start to ask for it. Coppull Conservative Club have achieved Clubmark but it is does require paperwork to be done. Information is available on a website. Agreed that this is a matter for individual clubs to pursue if they wish.

10. Volunteer Helpers

General view that we need to encourage more volunteer helpers to assist with school sessions.

11. BCGBA Code of Conduct

This was briefly discussed.

12. Notices of Motions


13. Matters Arising/AOB

No further matters discussed.

Hilda Jones was thanked for attending.

The meeting closed