Wednesday Notes
October 26, 2011
- Halloween Parade and Parking-Please do not park in the coned-off area of the drive thru on Halloween.
Halloween Schedule
10:45-11:15:Kindergarten Party
(Mrs. Bianchini’sclass will follow the 1st grade schedule)
11:15 – 11:45:Costume Parade*
11:45 – 12:10:1st - 6th Grade Class Parties
12:10:1st – 6th Grade Dismissal
12:10 – 3:00:Free Daycare Available
*Parade will be cancelled if it rains after 10:45
- Wild, Wild West Walk-A-Thon - Thank you to the many, many volunteers who helped make this day a wonderful success. Once again the students and families of Liberty School have done an amazing job. We raised $20,798 in pledges and corporate sponsorships for our Walk-A-Thon. The students walked 2,007 miles or the distance from California to Mobile, Alabama. Our Walk-A-Thon awards assembly will be held on November 7.
- SCRIP NEWS! – Please renew your Safeway cards by November 1st @ Liberty’s ID is 138056919. Scrip is being sold every Friday after school in front of the Multi Use Room from 2:30 to 3:15.
- MORE SCRIP NEWS!-We've stocked up the SCRIP box with more Costco, gas cards, iTunes, Safeway, Raleys, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, and more - come check out what we've got either in the office during the school day, or at our SCRIP sales table in front of the Multi on Friday afternoons! Remember, SCRIP fuels field trips for all of our Liberty Students - thanks for supporting us!
- – is an online shopping mall where over 200 nationally known online merchants have agreed to give a percentage of sales to K-12 schools. Companies like Target,, Sears, and Oriental Trading Company participate. Most merchant contributions average 5%-10%, but some go as high as 50% of sales! ForEACH POSTCARDyou fill out and return, we receive $2.25 from! This is an incredibly easy way for us to earn money for our amazing Field Trip program. Please take a moment to fill out the postcards that were sent home with your child (just the side with the SpongeBob t-shirt logo). Recipients are under no obligation to make a purchase. Thanks for supporting our Field Trip program!
- Parent Conferences: Nov. 14 – 22-Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held from November 14-22. There will be early dismissal on these days at 12:10 p.m. for 1st through 6th grades and 11:45 dismissal for Kindergarteners. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity for you to understand your child’s educational growth and progress and communicate your questions or concerns.
- Art Exhibition and Auction Committee Meeting -This spring the Liberty Foundation will be hosting an art exhibition and auction for the "Big" fundraiser. Anyone interested in working on the committee are welcome to attend a committee meeting on Monday November 7 in the staff room. Come and be a part of this exciting event!
- Costumes for C.O.T.S.-Liberty School 6th grade is donating costumesto C.O.T.S. (Community on the Shelterless). Please look in your closets and see if you have any used costumes. In each classroom, we have provided boxes for the costumes. The boxes will be collected on Friday, October 28. Please keep it safe and no knives or gory items.
- DINE AND DONATE-These weekly events are great opportunities to support local businesses who in turn give back a portion of your dinner bill to support our school Field Trip Fund!
- 1st Thursday - Pinky's Pizza
- 2nd Thursday - Pete's Henny Penny
- 3rd Wednesday - Beyond the Glory
- 4th Wednesday - Mi Pueblo (Kentucky Street)
- Football-Our 5th and 6th grade football team will have its first game at Two Rock,Thursday at 3:30.
- Veterans’ Day Assembly-Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 9th at 10:15 am for our annual Veterans’ Day Assembly.
To Ponder…
The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you. ~John E. Southard