MAY 30 – JUNE 1, 2018
“Exploring and Unpacking Diversity in Development”
Updated on February 19, 2018


Room allocations unavailable at this time – to be updated and circulated as a final program by May 15, 2018

Information for Reading the Program:

Panel Numbers correspond to day, session, number - Panel Day 1, Session 1, Panel Number (corresponds to room 1) = 1.1.1

Day One – Wednesday May 30th
Session 3:
17:30-19:30 / CASID Reception – Location TBA
Welcoming Remarks –Dr. A. AtiaApusigah, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana
Day Two – Thursday May 31th
Room 1 / Room 2 / Room 3 / Room 4
Session 1:
9:00-10:30 / Panel 2.1.1
Gender and Development – Diverse Perspectives
Chair: Rebecca Tiessen
Shelley Jones
Ugandan women’s vision of achievement of, and progress towards, Sustainable Development Goal 5.
Taryn Husband
Expanding the Table: Making the Case for an Expanded Definition of Gender Equality through a Queer New Institutionalist Analysis of South Africa’s Sexual Offences Act. / Panel 2.1.2
Conflict, Peacebuilding and Civil Society
Chair: TBA
Colton Brydges
Assessing the Influence of Community-Based Rehabilitation in Post-Conflict Gulu, Uganda.
John BattyeTelisa Courtney
Assessing the Utility of Theatre for Development in Facilitating Attitudinal Change in East African Communities.
Kirsten Van Houten
Civil Society Contributions to Peacebuilding in South Kivu, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Mehdi Shiva
Climate and Armed Conflicts: an ‘Unveiled’ Relationship / Panel 2.1.3
Collaborative Research
Chair: Andréanne Martel
Angelique Slade Shantz and Victoria Machakaire
A Field Experiment on the Relative Effectiveness of Hierarchical and Flat Structures in the Governance of Shared Assets.
Scott Walter and Claudia Mitchell
Context Matters: Establishing strong research collaborations to advance literacy education in Africa.
Rebecca Tiessen
Scholar/Practitioner Collaborations for the Promotion of Gender Equality: A Case Study. / Panel 2.1.4
Agriculture and Development
Chair: TBA
A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi
The ties that bind? Agroecology and the agrarian question in the 21stcentury.
Cody Alba
Biochar Oven Technology in the Peruvian High Amazon Region of Lamas.
John F Devlin
Organic Value Chains and the Global South: A Distributional Exploration
10:30-10:45 / BREAK
Session 2:
10:45-12:15 / Panel 2.2.1
Gender and Economic Development
Chair: Rebecca Tiessen
Dr. A. AtiaApusigah
Promoting Women's Leadership for Economic Development and Food Security: The EMPOWER Experience in Ghana
Tiffany Barnes-Huggins
Measurement of Women’s Economic Empowerment in the GrOW Program.
Sabrina Regmi
Gender and Politics of Micro-enterprise Development Interventions in Rural Nepal.
Bipasha Baruah
Continuities and Disruptions: Global Trends in Women's Employment in Clean Energy. / Panel 2.2.2
Social Movements, Employment and Social Protection in South Africa
Chair: Adrian Murray
Chris Webb
New Technologies of Poverty: Biometrics and Financialization in South Africa’s Cash Transfer Programs.
Jasmine Vallve
The Role of Social Movements in South Africa’s Informal Economy: Whose Politics Is it?
Adrian Murray
Banking Social Reproduction in South Africa. / Panel 2.2.3
Political Economy of Resource Development
Chair: TBA
M. Omar Faruque
The Politics of Expertise and Development Aid: Energy Poverty and Contested Coal Development in Bangladesh.
Kristin Ciupa
Political Instability and Oil Development in Venezuela.
Dillon R. Smith
Thinking Western Criticisms of China’s Development Strategy: Green Growth, Environmental Sustainability, and Chinese Investments in Kenya. / Panel 2.2.4
Student Paper Prize Roundtable
Chair: TBA
Papers: TBA
12:15-13:15 / LUNCH
Session 3:
13:15-14:45 / Panel 2.3.1
Gender and Agriculture
Chair: TBA
Anne Shileche
Impact of an integrated development and research project on emotional empowerment and civic engagement of women farmers in Kenya.
Andrea Moraes and Cecilia Rocha
Lessons Learned from Gender Integration and Food Security in Vietnam: A Canadian Perspective.
Cecilia Rocha and Melody Mendonça
Collaborating with Public and Private Partners to Promote Food Security for Women Subsistence Farmers and Children in Rural Vietnam.
Lincoln Addison
Gender and Land Reform in Sovelele, Zimbabwe. / Panel 2.3.2
Exploring, Unpacking, and Systematically Evaluating Diversity in Development Research
Chair: Andréanne Martel
Robert McLean
Research Quality Plus (RQ+) – A Holistic Approach to Evaluating Research for Development.
Andréanne Martel
Why Southern-based Research? Results of an RQ+ application at IDRC. / Panel 2.3.3
Adaptation, Mitigation and Resilience: Climate Change and beyond
Chair: Furqan Asif
Yvonne Su and George Borrinaga
Problematizing ‘Build Back Better’: A Case Study of Post-Haiyan Recovery in Tacloban City, Philippines.
Stephanie Maltais
De la fragilité à la résilience: construire la résilience post-Ebola en Guinée.
Julian Kapfumvuti
Carbon projects and disenfranchisement in Zimbabwe: Narratives of Local brokers in the land appropriation process.
So Youn (Annie) Kim
Analysis of relocation schemes for Low-lying small island states under the threat of sea level rise.
14:45-15:00 / BREAK
Session 4:
15:00-16:30 / Panel 2.4.1
Critical Perspectives on Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy
Chair: TBA
Meghan Pickup
An “instrumental” feminism? Reading Canada’s incoherent Feminist International Assistance Policy.
Karen Craggs-Milne
Canada's FIAP - how is it different from business as usual?
Janessa Mann
Canada’s Anti-Feminist “Feminist International Assistance Policy:” Harper, Trudeau, and Beyond.
Jacqueline Potvin
Reproductive Justice, Neoliberalism and Maternal Health: the Muskoka Initiative and Beyond. / Panel 2.4.2
Refugees and Migration
Chair: TBA
Jessica Mardo
Migrants syriens de Montréal: Caractéristiques et stratégies d’adaptation.
Sarah Sharma
(In)accessible space: Governing refugee resettlement in Toronto and Istanbul
Shaiful Islam
Conceptualising refugee agency: Is agency possible without basic human needs?
Furqan Asif
From sea to city: migration and social wellbeing in coastal Cambodia / Panel 2.4.3
Rethinking development
Chair: TBA
AbdellaAbdou and Allison McCulloch
A Sequential Approach to Power Sharing: Can a GadaFramework Facilitate Broad Inclusion?
Youth-defined Development: Doing development for, with and by African Youth
Clara Joseph
Rethinking Postcolonial and Development Studies in the Face of the Indian Christian: Kandhamal 2008.
19:00-22:30 / CASID Banquet (open to everyone, individual billing) – La Bodega, 2228 Albert St, Regina –
Day Three – Friday June 1st
Room 1 / Room 2 / Room 3 / Room 4
Session 1:
9:00-10:30 / Panel 3.1.1
Chair: TBA
Cortney Steinwand
Contesting colonial structures: Transformational solidarities between Indigenous peoples and migrants in Canada and New Zealand.
Simone Hengen
Using Critical English Language Teaching to Disrupt Settler Dispositions in English Language Learners in University.
Jess Notwell
Palestinian Young Women’s De-colonial Action. / Panel 3.1.2
SDGs, Education and Volunteers
Chair: Rebecca Tiessen
Katie Vianou
From MDGs to SDGs: Toward a more inclusive conceptualization of communication in the education sector?
Harry A. Sackey
Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth not in Education, Employment and Training: Prevalence, Proneness, Prospects and Policy Implications.
Rebecca Tiessen
Building Capacity in Development Organizations: the Role of International Volunteers. / Panel 3.1.3
Indigenizing the Academy (CCCUPIDS)
Chair: TBA
10:30-10:45 / BREAK
Session 2:
10:45-12:15 / Panel 3.2.1
SDG Finance: Business or Bust?
Chair: Spencer Henson
Kerry Max and Laird Hindle
Leveraging private sector investment for SDG finance.
Aniket Bhusan
Financial Engineering for Development – Impact Potential, Challenges and Policy Dilemmas.
Olaf Weber
SDGs and the Financial Sector: How the Financial Sector Can Address Sustainable Development. / Panel 3.2.2
Developing Health:
The Place of Health in International Development
Chair: Robert Huish
Robert Huish
The Elephant in the Room: Cancer in Africa, Apathy everywhere else.
Wanting to Care: The disconnect between care and compassion for maternal health in the Phillipines.
Alexis MacDonald
Powered by Love: A Grandmothers’ Movement to End AIDS in Africa.
Ida Nambeya
The Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, The Stephen Lewis Foundation. / Panel 3.2.3
Economic and Social Policy
Paola Ortiz
Taxes and development: Tax institutions as global-national expressions of inequality.
Teresa Lizeth Alanis Gutiérrez
Analysis of the appropriation mechanisms of savings fund for workers’ retirement in Mexico.