Forgotten Fire Novel Study

As you read the novel, you may encounter some vocabulary words that may be unfamiliar. A list is provided along with the page number so that you can determine the meaning in context or look up the word to see how it is being used. These words will be on the exams!

In addition, as you read, take notes on the characters and the places. Also, jot down notes on important events, character reactions, and character behaviors. There will be identification and explanation questions on the exam. Each exam will be worth 40 points.

Annotate your novel with sticky notes and or take notes on each chapter. These notes will be helpful when you do the written assignment for the novel. Keep a list of questions for class discussion. We will have graded discussions on certain parts of the book.

Book One Vocabulary:

Page # Word

11 gendarme

15 sedition

16 rapport


20 haggard


23 ominous


25 pallid

54 sullen

86 forlorn



87 cursorily

91 imperceptible

105 annihilate

Book 2 Vocabulary:

117 grovel

118 ingratiate

122 debonair

124 impervious

129 consulate

148 decrepit

144 debilitating

153 buoyant

156 mute

158 unalterable

159 antagonist

161 infidel

166 fraternal

Book 3 Vocabulary:

182 penitent

183 ferocity

191 exude

206 panache

209 melancholy

232 falter

233 somber

238 callous

244 entourage

251 phalanx

252 superfluous

255 monolith
