Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions:

(i)  Answers to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.

(ii)  Answers to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50- 75 words.

(iii)  Answers to questions carrying 4 – 5 marks may be about 150 words.

(iv)  Answers to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

(v)  Attempt all parts of a question together Marks are given at the end of each question.

Q1. Which of the following does not characterise business activity? {1}

(a)  Production of goods and service

(b)  Presence of risk

(c)  Sale or exchange of goods and services

(d)  Salary or wages

Q2. Define any two business activities which are auxiliaries to trade. {1}

Q3. For which of the following types of business do you think a sole proprietorship form of organisation would be more suitable and why? {1}

(a)  Grocery store (b) Medical store (c) legal consultancy

(d) Craft centre (e) internet cafe (f) charted accountancy firm.

Q4. What is meant by the partnership deed? {1}

Q5. Explain how company is an artificial person? {1}

Q6. Define qualification share? {1}

Q7. Define the term public enterprises? {1}

Q8. State three features of multinational companies? {1}

Q9. Explain the concept of business? {3}

Q10. Explain any two business activities which are auxiliaries to trade? {3}

Q11. If registration is optional, why do partnership firms willingly go through this legal formality and get themselves registered? Explain. {3}

Q12. What is meant by ‘partner by estoppel’? Explain. {3}

Q13. List the names of some enterprises under the public sector and classify them. {3}

Q14. Explain the concept of public sector & private sector. {3}

Q15. Explain merits of departmental undertaking. {4}

Q16. “Multinational companies are a mixed blessing to the developing countries.” In the light of this statement explain the return of MNC. {4}

Q17. What are the objectives of business? {4}

Q18. Explain primary industries? {4}

Q19. Clarify the role of capital in selecting a form of business organisation? {4}

Q20. Explain five advantages of company organisation? {5}

Q21. What do you mean by cooperative organisation? Describe three types of cooperative

Societies? {5}

Q22. Describe the various kinds of partners in a partnership firm and discuss their rights and obligations? {5}

Q23. Explain the position of a minor partner? Explain. {6}

Q24. Explain the advantages of joint Hindu Family Business. {6}

Q25. Write a short note on Business Risk? {6}

Q26. Differentiate among Industries, Commerce and Trade? {6}

Q27. Write the meaning and characteristics of Employment? {6}