Submitting an Artifact and Rationale Statement for Your Portfolio

1. You will need to be familiar with the Conceptual Framework for your program (Master’s Initial Framework).

2. To assist you in choosing an artifact, I have bolded certain boxes in the Initial Conceptual Framework in the syllabus. You may do one of these or pick one of your own.

3. Each artifact submitted must have a rationale sheet attached. You may use an artifact for more than one component.

4. Artifact rationale forms are available:

a. Click on this: Master’s Initial Portfolio Artifact Rationale form

b. Fill out the form and SAVE, PRINT (must be typed with no grammatical/spelling errors).

c. You must write out the area you choose in addition to filling in the numbers and letters of the area (i.e. not just II: 4.2a but “Reflect on professional and personal practice” as well.

5. Submit a copy of this rationale with your artifact to Dr. Barfield.

6. I will grade it and return it to you.

7. Put it in your Portfolio and mark off that you have completed that component.

For this class, you need to submit one artifact and rationale statement by April 27th.