Present : Cllrs. Mrs. Aston (Chairman), Mr. Adlard, Mr. Armer, Mr.Austin-Crowe, Mr. Cousins, Mrs. Goss, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Truesdale, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Young.

1.  Apologies : Mrs. Talbot – work commitment. Accepted.

2.  The minutes of the meeting held on 5th October, 2009 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3.  To receive declarations of interest pertaining to matters on the agenda. None.


(a)  Agreed Clerk’s salary is increased by 1.62% with effect from 1st April, 2010.

(b)  Children’s Play Area – invitations to quote have been sent to 5 companies and a response has been requested by 16th November. This is to be financed by the S106 money for the development of the paddock site in Thame Road which is to be used for leisure purposes. Agreed designs and quotes will be considered by Mrs. Aston, Mr. Truesdale, Mrs. Goss, Mr. Cousins and the Clerk when received and recommendation will be put to F&GP on 23rd November. AVDC will be asked to look through the quotes received. AVDC will be approached for the release of S106 funds.

(c)  Precept 2010/11 – all Chairmen to attend F&GP meeting on 23rd November to set precept. To be submitted to AVDC by 31st December, 2009.

(d)  Draft agreement between Hastoe Housing Association and Parish Council had been circulated in respect of access through Hedge Furlong from Playing Field for cycle track. Mr. Young proposed this was accepted. Mr. Cousins seconded. Agreed by all present.

(e)  Dentist rent is due for its 3 yearly review. Agreed to hold at the present rate of £8041.00 per annum.

(f)  Playing Field car park resurfacing – it had been agreed to go forward with this project in principle. Another quote has been received for £23,893.80 which includes drainage works to prevent flooding. Agreed acceptance of quote and it will be paid for out of Banks Park Trust funds.

(g)  Agreed to purchase new Christmas tree lights at a cost of £69.99.

(h)  Handyman’s workshop – planning application has been submitted.

(i)  Agreed to removal of brick piers at central entrance to Playing Field from Woodways. A new plaque would be obtained to replace the damaged one and this would be housed in the Pavilion. Contractor to give estimate to infill and lay hedge on Woodways frontage.

(j)  Parish Office rent has increased by £240 per annum to £2880.

(k)  Chinnor Railways had asked if they could acquire the Handyman’s container when the new workshop has been built. Agreed.

(l)  December meetings – Agreed the only meeting to be held in December would be the full Parish Council on 7th December. Planning would be held if required. Agreed delegated powers be given to the Clerk in consultation with Parish Councillors for the month of December.

(m)  Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 7th May, 2010.

(n)  Four applications had been received for student grants from the Educational Charity and one from the Baptist Youth Group. Agreed a grant of £100 each for the students and £250 for the Baptist Youth Group.

(o)  The following cheques were approved for payment :-

E-On – street light energy 1-30th September 538.07

AVDC – hire of Eurobin 1.7.09. – 30.9.09. 156.98

Printshop – Newsletter 719.00

HVH – office rent from 18.4.09. – 17.1.10. £2100. Room

Hire Sept. 19.60 2119.60

ACE Pest Control – allotments + 3 ponds – 4th & 5th visits 130.00

Garden Angels – BP £102. Clay corner £12 114.00

Ian Parkinson – haymaking Snakemoor 230.00

AVDC – dog bin emptying April – Sept. 09. 1972.20

GE Capital Finance – photocopier rental 163.21

Geo. Browns – terminals, padlock, woodstain etc. 88.59

G. Dudley – Sal. 1066.87, phone 4, post 7.65, trav. 7.72 1086.24

Inland Revenue 370.91

AVDC – planning application Handyman’s Workshop 167.50

Aylesbury Glass Supplies – glass for bus shelter 237.13

Donation towards Scout & Guide Toilet refurbishment 1000.00

J. Ayers – monthly contract 1586.73, bags 5.78, oil 9.99,

Wood & paint 29.27, mileage 8.21 1639.98

(p)  Handyman’s Workshop had been broken into and equipment stolen. An insurance claim has been submitted.

(q)  AVDC – Mrs. Brandis was meeting John Fox of Aylesbury Vale Estates regarding a footpath to Snakemoor. 40 Thame Road has been approved for 5 flats. S106 payment in respect of the Spicer Hallfield development is going to Risborough Schools not Haddenham. It was suggested we write to oppose this decision.

(r)  Youth Centre – meeting held on 13th October. Various activities had been held including a team building event; climbing wall; First Aid Course; music project; mobile skate park, trip to Thorpe Park. A senior group has opened on a Tuesday and a Girls group on a Wednesday. There is also a Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme group. Next meeting 26th January, 2010 at 6 pm.

(s)  PFMC – nothing to report.

(t)  SCMC – roofing contractors have been out to rectify the problems with the Village Hall roof. A quote has been requested for the work required to the external doors. A copy of the Parish Council’s insurance cover for the VH has been forwarded to John Heydon. BCC will be relocating the Children’s Centre which is presently held in the Walter Rose Room which will result in a great loss of income. 10th November will be a finance review of the Village Hall regarding income and expenditure. There had been one dog fouling incident arising from a Dog Show but this has been remedied.


(a)  £2169.00 has been collected in allotment rents and there are 34 people on the waiting list. The rent will be increased from September next year which it is hoped will cover the expenses of the allotments. Mr. Wheeler proposed that rents are increased annually. Agreed. The Beer Festival has agreed to fund new water tanks.

(b)  Snakemoor – a working party had been held with the help of 15 volunteers.


(a)  Handyman’s Contract – it was agreed this should be offered to Mr. Ayers for a further year from 1st January – 31st December, 2010 with an increase of 1.5%.

(b)  Bus shelter Churchway – Mr. Ayers had done an excellent job with filling in the sides to protect passengers from the elements. Requests had been received for shelters at other bus stops. The Env. Committee would look at the various sites.

(c)  Agreed to purchase plants to the value of £25 for Wyre pond area.

(d)  BCC - Thame Road will be closed on 29th November from Wykeham Way to Sheerstock junction to enable electricity cable work to take place. Changes to bus services has been received.

(e)  SW&CG – next meeting January.

(f)  LAF – meeting to be held in December.

(g)  NAG – Meeting held on 21st October. Major topic was speeding. Police are looking into parking associated with commuter parking.


(a)  Meeting held on 19th October. Only 4 applications received. Comments

were made on application for 98A Churchway – raising of roof to rear to

form first floor accommodation : overdevelopment of plot; lost off light to

No. 100; unsatisfactory building form.

(b)  Church End phone kiosk – requires clarification as to whether the

equipment will remain.


(a)  October Newsletter has been delivered. Working with new printer was excellent. Next Newsletter will be January 2010. Articles to be received by mid-December.

(b)  Adverts still coming in and website is being updated.


7th December, 2009.