P.O.Box 561Green Point 8051
Tel: (021) 439-5339
Fax: (021) 434-5747
Web site:
The South African Red Cross Society
(Western Cape Region)
NLB Reg. No: 00020
Mr/Mrs/Ms Bus:
Address: Tel.
Code: Fax.
E-mail Address:
The S A Red Cross is constantly involved in disaster relief and humanitarian aid (i.e. Fires, floods, homeless and missing persons) and increasingly involved in improving the quality of life and easing the suffering of mothers and babies infected with HIV/AIDS. The society relies solely on private funding, so your monthly pledge of only R50 (or an up front annual pledge of R600) will go a long way in assisting us with these needy projects. You in turn stand an excellent chance to win R20,000 cash each month. It is possible to win more than once, as you are still eligible for the remaining draws pledged even if you have already won. The draw takes place monthly under the supervision of the auditors, KPMG. Winners will be notified telephonically.
For further details call (021) 439-5339 or complete this pledge form and fax to (021) 434-5747.
Pledge Options
Annual Payment(A)
By pledging R600 to the Red Cross, you qualify for 12 months entry into the R20 000 monthly draw PLUS 12 months entry into the *MONTHLY BONUS DRAW* detailed below.
1st Prize R 2 000 2nd Prize R 1 000
3rd & 4th Prize R 500 4 x R 250 each
Annual Payment options:
ÿ R600 (1 entry) ÿ R1,200 (2 entries) ÿ R1,800 (3 entries)
1. C/Card. Exp.
2. Electronic Transfer/Direct Deposit to:
Standard Bank, Wynberg (Cape)
Acc. No. 07-175-0460
Branch Code. 02-53-09-17
FAX COPY TO (021) 434-5747
3. Post cheque (together with this entry form) made payable to: S A Red Cross Society Pledge P.O.Box 561,Green Point 8051
Monthly Payment(M)
Pledge only R50 each month by debit order for a minimum of 12 months and put yourself in line to win R 20 000 cash each month.
I wish to pledge by debit order (indicate number of entries)
ÿ R50 (1 entry) ÿ 2xR50 (2 entries) ÿ 3xR50 (3 entries)
on the first working day of 2003 and each month thereafter for a minimum of 12 months.(please notify us in writing should you wish to discontinue pledging after 12 months.)
Indicate type of account. – Cheque/Transmission
(Credit cards excluded)
Name of Bank
Branch Code
Account No
Signature Date