Curriculum & Instruction/ Special Education Program Meeting/October 17, 20131

Present: Terry Jentsch (Chair), Paul Gathercoal, Janice Carson, Alex Hollingshead, Melissa McConnell, Matt Wappett, Teresa Million

Meeting called to order at 2:00 p.m.


Paul moved to approve Melissa seconded. Motion passed.

Focus for the Future

Paul shared the background, the criteria, weighting, and timeline. This is happening at the program, department, and college levels, and the report will be sent to the State Board.

Program reports are due to Paul by October 31. All 6 will be on the agendas for the Nov. 8 program and department meetings for ratings and discussion.

Paul will then do a departmental report and do his own rating and pass it on to the Dean, who will do her own rating.

Terry shared her first draft for consideration.


Passing NCATE and Professional Standards Commission speaks of quality. 100% Praxis pass rate.

Faculty serve as executive members for national organizations.

The program draws several international students.

Addition of a new tenure-track position.

Pull information from NCATE and external review reports.

Cost Effectiveness

The cost per credit hour based on number of students and costs for faculty salaries, which makes up 95% of the cost to the program.

Someone else will provide this data.

Waiting, too, for the Delaware data for comparison purposes.

Size and Scope

International, national, and state conferences.

Service on editorial board and on national organizations.

ACTION ITEM: Teresa will provide student credit hours

Graduate Applications

Kelsey S. – Alex will advise

Sally M. – Melissa will advise

The group voted to accept both of these students to the program.

Summer Schedule

The schedule looks accurate for EDSP.

Spring Schedule

EDSP 600 for Matt Wappett.

EDSP 599 for Matt can be made WWW.


In the past we’ve done it by course. The State is now going by standards for certification. Does it make sense for us to go by standards as well?

Program Information Interface

Alex thinks it would be valuable to have a conversation about our vision.

Alex moved to table this item. Matt seconded. Motion passed.

Other Business

Alex requested that we move the meeting to November 7 at 2:00 p.m., as she will be out of town on the 8th. Terry will confirm date and time by email.

Meeting adjourned at 2:56 p.m.