2014Seafood HACCPCertification Training
Rutgers Food Innovation Center
This 20-hour class given over 2½days covers information needed for writing a Seafood Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan or to do the annual re-assessmentof your pre-existingHACCP plans. Basic information for conducting a Hazard Analysis will be discussed, with recommendations on how to determine Critical Control Points, how to choose Critical Limits, set up Monitoring programs and implement Corrective Actions when Deviations occur. Documentation forall aspects of the HACCP program, along with monitoringofpre-requisite activities, and required Records Review procedures will be covered in this course. This class is specific for Seafood products & food containing fish or seafood component.
Hands-on exercise sessions provide immediate utilization of lecture materials as participants work througha model HACCP plan. Group discussions within the course allowfor exchange of “best practices” advice on how to successfully implement and maintain HACCP programs duringeveryday production. Instructors have years of experience in the food industry and with seafood products, and will include a knowledgeable FDA regulatory official.
A written exam at the end of the course offers an evaluation of how well participants understand the material. Passing the test is required for legal certification. Participants receive anew Seafood HACCP textbook, the new (2011) Seafood Hazards guide and handouts with forms and examples for producing their company-specific HACCP plans.
Class attendees who are present for the entire 20 hours of the workshop will receive a certificate of attendance from Rutgers University. Only those passing the written exam will receive a certificate from the National Seafood Alliance and AFDO, to satisfy specific FDA Seafood HACCP requirements.
To register for class contact: Jean Mahoneyat 856-459-1900x4510or ent by credit card, purchase order, or check payable to the Rutgers Food Innovation Center for must be received prior to start of class; space in the class will not be held until (non-refundable)payment is received.
Cost of $595 per person includes 2 books, formsbinder of hand outs, and Certificate of Completion.Also includes coffeesnacks all three days, and lunchon days 1 2.
Day 1-8 hrs (8:30AM-12:00, lunch, 12:30-5:00PM)Introduction & Objectives, sign-in sheets
Overview: Fd Safety & HACCP Principles Chapter 1
Pre-requisites to HACCP Chapter 2
Preliminary Steps to HACCP Chapter 3
Seafood Safety Hazards Chapter 4
Hazard Analysis Chapter 5
Determine Critical Control Points Chapter 6
Break-out session: Conducting Hazard Analysis
Group presentation, discussion
Question & Answer Opportunity
Day 2-8 hrs (8:30AM-12:00, lunch, 12:30-5:00PM)
Establish Critical Limits Chapter 7
CriticalControl Point Monitoring Chapter 8
Corrective Actions Chapter 9
Establish Verification Procedures Chapter 10
Recordkeeping Procedures Chapter 11
Break-out session: Developing HACCP Plans
Group presentation, discussion
Sources of Information for HACCP Plans Chapter 13
Question & Answer Opportunity
Day 3-4 hrs (8:30AM-12:30)
Seafood HACCP Regulations Chapter 12
Opportunity for questions/discussion of specific HACCP concerns from companies represented in class
Workshop Overview/Summary
Written Exam
Discussion of Exam Correct Answers, Final Q&A
Discussion of non-Seafood ingredients/components & need for comprehensive “Risk-based Preventative Controls” under the Food Safety Modernization Act for any non-seafood components or products made in the same facility.
Hand-out class photo & group presentation materials
(AFDO / SHA Certificates mailed in a few weeks)
NOTE: Class-size is limited to 24, and previous courses have filled quickly. Your seat is reserved only after payment is received here, so please don’t delay.
Vineland, NJ Hotel Accommodations
(~10 miles from Food Innovation Center)
Wingate Hotel - 856-690-9900
2196 W. Landis Avenue (Routes 55 & 56)
Vineland, NJ 08360
Ask for the Rutgers Rate - $81.00 per night
Hampton Inn - 856-405-0600
2134 W. Landis Avenue, Vineland
Ramada Inn - 856-856-298-2054
2134 W. Landis Avenue, Vineland
*Note: If your company is producing USDA products or FDA – non-Seafood products you should attend one of our other HACCP certification classes; this one is specifically for fish or fishery products.