H685/H820 WAN-R45 WiFi-Client and Cell Failover Redundancy

H685/H820 WAN-R45 WiFi-Client and Cell Failover Redundancy

Typical Simple Diagram

Step 1) Confirm H685/H820 can be online if it uses WAN CELL Network. Please follow the H685/H820 manual for the details.

Step 2) Confirm H685/H820 can be connected to upper CISCO Router WiFi AP.

1)  Check the WiFi AP’s info first. The info will be configured in H685/H820 WiFi Client.

2)  Switch H685/H820 router to “AP Client” mode.

3)  Flash the H685/H820 web at the browser.

4)  Configure the WiFi AP of H685/H820.

Notes: Do not forget to click “Apply” button. Be patient to wait the WiFi Client Feature is activated.

5)  Configure the WiFi AP of H685/H820. User the parameter info from the upper WiFi AP.

6)  Select “DHCP (Auto config)”, and click “Apply” button.

Notes: With DHCP, the upper WiFi AP must support DHCP server feature. Otherwise please use the fixed type.

7)  The H685/H820 router will connect to upper WiFi AP automatically. And indicates the following.

Notes: if your H685/H820 cannot connect the upper WiFi AP, please check if the problem is from:

a)  The WiFi parameters of H685/H820 and upper WiFi AP is not matched.

b)  Check the H685/H820 router’s WLAN MAC if correct. The correct WLAN MAC (BSSID) should be even digit at the last two digits. For example the following BSSID is 08:66:01:00:63:66, the last two digits is 66, which is a even digit. If it’s odd digits, please contact our support for help.

Step 3) Confirm H685/H820 can be connected to Line Broadband Modem with RJ45.

Once the H685/H820 gets the connection from the upper line broadband router/modem, it will indicates the WAN IP.

Step 4) Configure the Link Back feature.

For the Wired WAN-RJ45, we use DHCP for example. If users want to use “Static IP” or “PPPoE”, please configure the correct one same as the “DHCP”.

E-Lins Technology Co.,Limited

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