H114 – History of Western Civilization II

Section 2373

Jennifer SovdeOffice: CA-313R

Class Time: TR 12:00-1:15Office Hours: TR1:30-2:30; or by appointment

Class Room: CA-215Email:

Course Description

This course is an introductory survey of the history of “Western Civilization” from the age of absolutism in the seventeenth century to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and assumes no prior knowledge of the topic. Throughout the course we will examine what is meant by the term “western civilization”. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: the rise of middle class; parliamentary institutions, liberalism, and political democracy; industrial revolution, capitalism, and socialist movements; nationalism, imperialism, international rivalries, the two world wars, the Cold War, and the collapse of the Soviet Union. The course will attempt to provide a balanced approach to history but my emphasis will undoubtedly be on social and cultural historyrather than diplomatic and military history. Each course session will consist of lecture, discussion, and other in-class activities. Lectures will include information not found in the textbooks.

Course Goals & Objectives

The primary goals of this course fall into two categories: content and skills. In terms of content students will gain an understanding of the following: the mainsocial, political, intellectual, and cultural forces at work in Western Europe from c.1648 to 1989, the impact of these forces on individuals and groups in European society, the major historical events and figures of the period, and the sources and methods used by historians to “create” history. These objectives are consistent with those IUPUI “Principles of Undergraduate Learning” related to “understanding society and culture.”

This course is also designed to develop academic skills that can be applied outside of the history classroom. These skills are the ability to:critically read and analyze source material, both primary and secondary; synthesize information into a coherent argument supported by evidence; and clearly convey analysis and argument in writing. These objectives are consistent with those IUPUI "Principles of Undergraduate Learning," concerning “core communication and quantitative skills."

What to expect from this course:

This is a 3-credit course and as such you should be prepared to spend an average of 6 hours each week reading and preparing for class meetings. You should complete the assigned readings for each class meeting before the class meeting for which they are assigned. This will allow you to participate actively in class discussions. Each class meeting may include lecture, small group discussion, student-led discussion, unannounced quizzes, and other in-class activities. From time to time there will be material presented in lecture that is not in the textbook. This class covers 350 years of the history of Western Europe, thus it is impossible to cover “everything” in lecture so there is material in the required readings that will not be presented in lecture. You are responsible for mastering material presented both in lecture and the assigned readings.

We are all responsible for the success of this course. You will get the most out of this class, and do best on assignments and exams, if you come to class prepared in advance. As an instructor I am a facilitator and a guide who does not have all the answers. My ultimate goal is to make you think critically about the world and yourself.It is my responsibility to guide you in meeting the course objectives through clear presentations, encouraging participation, explaining and grading assignments appropriately, and returning them in a timely fashion with proper feedback.

It is your responsibility to read the material, reflect on it, and be prepared to ask critical questions. Completing the homework, actively taking notes, and listening to the ideas of others are your contributions to the success of this class.

Contacting Me

Please stop by my office (CA313-R) during office hours (no appointment required) with any questions or concerns regarding the course. If you have another class during my office hours, make an appointment to see me. The best way to contact me is via Oncourse email. I will respond to emails Monday-Friday by 5:00 pm. Responses to emails sent on Saturday or Sunday are not guaranteed. My failure to respond to your email is not a justification for your failure to complete assignments on time.

Use of Oncourse

The syllabus, some course readings, and exam study guides willbe posted on Oncourse. I will not post lecture notes or slides. If you miss class, you must get notes from a classmate, but feel free to discuss them with me. Oncourse will also be used for posting due date reminders and announcements.

This syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Adjustments will be announced in class and posted on Oncourse. Check Oncourse regularly.

Required Readings

Lynn Hunt, et al., Making of the West Concise Edition, Volume II, 3rd edition, Bedford-St. Martins, 2010

Katherine J. Lualdi, editor, Sources of the Making of the West, Volume II, 3rd edition, Bedford-St. Martins, 2009

Heda Margolius Kovaly, Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968

NOTE: The above editions are for sale at the campus bookstore. You may use older editions of the two textbooks but you are responsible for acquiring any materials found in the 3rd editions but not in the earlier editions.

Important Drop Dates/Information

Administrative withdrawal is not available for this class. If you wish to withdraw from this course you must take the necessary action to do so. Here are some important dates:

Mon. Aug. 30Last day to drop/add on Onestart

Tue. Aug. 31Withdrawal with automatic W begins, advisor signature required

Sun. Oct. 17Last day to withdraw with automatic W, advisor signature required

Mon. Oct. 18Withdrawal with a W or F begins, advisor & instructor signature required

Tue. Nov. 16Last day to withdraw with W or F, advisor & instructor signature required

Course RequirementsGrade Scale


Leading 1 discussion10%A-90-92C-70-723 position papers (each 5%) 15% B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69

Midterm exam25%B83-86D63-66

Final exam30%B-80-82D-60-62

Quizzes & attendance10%C+77-79F59 and


Description of Assignments

Participation (each card worth 2%) - Class will be much more rewarding if I am not the only one speaking. You must bring the readings assigned for that day to class. Actively read the assignments, taking notes while reading, even when you are not leading discussion. Whenever you make a thoughtful contribution during a discussion (regular questions, comments, and concerns do not count) you will receive a participation card. Sign, date, and return the card to me at the end of class. Only 1 card may be earned per class session. If you participate 5 times during the semester you will receive the whole 10% for participation. If you acquire more than 5 discussion cards, your final grade will benefit.

Student-led discussion – There are 8 class periods on the course schedule where a student-led discussion is scheduled. 6-7 students will lead class discussion on each of these days. This is not a group project: you are not required, or expected, to lead discussion as a group. A sign-up sheet will be distributed in class. You may choose the topic/class period of your choice from the 8 available options. However, no more than 7 students may sign up for a given topic. If there are less than 5 students signed up for a given topic and you are the 7th person signing up on another topic you may be reassigned to the less popular topic. Some topics require that half of the students signed up must argue one side of a point while the other students must argue the opposing view. If necessary I will assign students to the 2 opposing groups.

Students leading discussion must write a 1-page position paper using references to primary sources to support your point. This paper must be handed in in-class on the day of the discussion. 50% of the grade for the student-led discussion will be based on your position paper and 50% on your verbal contribution to the discussion. These discussions are not intended to be multi-media presentations. The students leading discussion are simply required to begin debate or discussion on the question posed for that day. Students not leading the discussion are also expected to participate in the discussion and pose further questions for discussion. Participation cards will not be awarded to those leading discussion.

3 Position papers (each worth 5%) – 3 class periods are devoted to in-class activities. Students are required to write a 1-page position paper for each of these activities. (See schedule below). In these papers you must use evidence or examples from primary source readings to support your conclusion or argument. These papers must be typed and turned in at the end of the class period the activity takes place. You must use parenthetical citations [example: (Source name, page #)] when using direct quotes or paraphrases from primary sources or the textbook in your paper. Late or make-up position papers will not be accepted. Papers may not be submitted electronically.

Grading Rubric for Position Papers:

4 points – Paper is well organized, well written, and utilizes evidence from sources effectively to answer the question asked

3 points – Paper answers the question but does not utilize evidence from primary sources effectively

2 points – Paper uses evidence from primary sources but does not answer the question asked

1 point – Paper attempts to answer question but makes no reference to primary sources

0 – Paper does not answer question asked and does not make reference to primary sources

Midterm & Final Exams – Exams will be in-class exams consisting of multiple-choice questions and one essay. A study guide with 4 potential essay questions will be posted on Oncourse 2 weeks prior to each exam. Two of these essay questions will be on the exam, you will be required to write on only one. You will not find “the answer” to the essays explicitly outlined anywhere. Essays require you to synthesize information from lecture and course readings in order to effectively answer the essay question. I recommend that you prepare outlines for the essay questions in advance. I am happy to discuss these outlines with you prior to the exam to let you know if you are on the right track. Essays on the final exam may ask you to draw on material from the first exam. The multiple-choice portion of each exam will be non-cumulative and based on the textbook. I recommend using the multiple choice questions on the textbook student website as a study guide.

Midterm – Thursday, October 21

Final – Thursday, December 16

Make-up exams will only be given for students with a documented illness, emergency, university activity, or other documented reason at my discretion.

Quizzes and attendance – Throughout the semester studentsmay complete unannounced quizzes based on the discussion questions on the course schedule as deemed necessary. No make-up quizzes will be given.

Extra-credit Film Series - You may receive up to 12 extra points by watching historical films on the list below. Each film is worth 3 points. In order to get the points for the film you must write a 1-page paper answering the question, “How does this film relate to the historical context as presented in class and in the reading?” Papers that do not show an understanding of the film or the historical issues will not receive credit. The paper should not simply be a plot summary of the movie – it must relate the film to history and topics presented in class. Films should be available at major video outlets, the IUPUI library, or online.

You may choose which 4 films you wish to review but you may only review 1 film on a given topic. Reviews must be submitted throughout the semester. Extra-credit film reviews must be submitted electronically via your Oncourse drop box. Papers for the films listed below are due by 5 p.m. on the following Mondays:

Mon. 9/6Restoration, Vatel

Mon. 9/13The Return of Martin Guerre, Amazing Grace

Mon. 9/20Ridicule, Dangerous Liaisons, Danton

Mon. 9/27Vanity Fair, Frankenstein

Mon. 10/4Germinal, Oliver Twist

Mon. 10/11The Leopard, Mrs. Brown

Mon. 10/18A Passage to India, Lawrence of Arabia

Mon. 11/1All Quiet on the Western Front, The Grand Illussion, Behind the Lines,

Reds, Doctor Zhivago

Mon. 11/8TheThreepenny Opera, Metropolis, Triumph of the Will

Mon. 11/15A Woman in Berlin; Enemy at the Gates; Days of Glory; Europa, Europa

Mon. 11/29The Battle of Algiers

Mon. 12/6The Lives of Others

Mon. 12/13La haine

Grade Explanations

A – Outstanding work. Student’s work demonstrates mastery of course materials as well as the ability to synthesize and analyze course materials. Essays are well organized and consistently connect individual terms to other historical events and processes as well as course themes.

B – Above average. Student’s work demonstrates an understanding of course materials, but displays some difficulty organizing materials or placing terms in the broader context of historical events and processes or course themes.

C – Average. Student’s work demonstrates an understanding of most course materials, but does not integrate lecture and reading materials well. The student’s work also displays a difficulty organizing material and/or placing terms in the broader context of historical events and processes or course themes

D – Below Average. Student’s work shows a lack of understanding of course materials and other serious weaknesses in both synthesizing and analyzing materials.

F – Failing Grade. Student’s work fails to meet the minimum requirements and demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of course materials.

Grades are not subject to discussion unless I have clearly made a mistake when grading, i.e. I did not see an answer because two bluebook pages were stuck together or if I tallied up the points incorrectly.

Student Conduct, Academic Integrity, and Plagiarism

We are adults and I expect all members of this class to treat others with respect. In this course I hope to foster an atmosphere in which students feel comfortable to express informed opinions and perspectives so that we may all learn about the past, ourselves, and others. Disrespect will not be tolerated.

I also expect academic and intellectual honesty from you. You are expected to comply with the university’s policies concerning conduct and academic integrity.Academic misconduct is simply not acceptable. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive an F for the course and will be subject to the university’s disciplinary procedures outlined at

Electronic Devices

ALL electronic devices should be turned off and stowed BEFORE class begins. Laptops may only be used by those with documented disabilities. If you need to have your cell phone on for a family emergency please let me know at the beginning of class and set the phone to vibrate.

Academic Assistance

Adaptive Educational Services - If you have a documented disability see the Office of Adaptive Educational Services as soon as possible. In order to maintain student privacy, please inform me in person and in private. For more information on AES see

University Writing Center - The University Writing Center provides tutoring on all kinds of writing assignments and projects. For information or an appointment, visit

The Bepko Learning Center The Bepko Learning Center offers freeAcademic Mentoringto aid students in various courses, one-on-one tutor referrals, STAR (Students Taking Academic Responsibility) mentoring, assistance with study skills, workshops, one-on-one study skills help, and a free laptop checkout program. For more information visit

Course Schedule

Tues.8/24Introduction to course

Thur.8/26Europe in 1648

Readings: Hunt, Ch. 13, 481-504

Tues.8/31Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism

Readings: Lualdi, Ch. 16: 1, 2

Oncourse: Jean Domat, On Social Order and Absolute Monarchy;

Jean Bodin, The Six Books of the Republic

Jacques Bénigne Bossuet, Politics Drawn from the Very Words of the Holy Scriptures

In-class Activity: Debate - Absolute monarchy is best! No, constitutionalism is best!

Students whose last names begin with A-M support absolute monarchy, those with names beginning with N-Z support constitutionalism. Using the textbook and the primary sources you must write a 1- page position paper supporting your position with examples from at least two primary sources. Bring your typed paper to class as a reference in discussion and turn it in at the end of class.

Films: Restoration (1995), Vatel(2000)

Thur.9/2The Atlantic System

Readings: Hunt, Ch. 14

Oncourse sources

Discussion question: Use the data in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database to answer the following: Based on the nationality of slave ships, which country was most involved in the slave trade? When was the trans-Atlantic slave trade at its height? Based on your findings, which European country do you think benefitted from the slave trade the most and why?

Tues.9/7Early Modern Society

Readings: Hunt, Ch. 15

Oncourse sources

Discussion question: Look at the London Lives in the Required folder on Oncourse and answer the following: What were the prospects of survival for unwed mothers and orphaned children in 18th century London?

Film: The Return of Martin Guerre (1982)

Thur.9/9The Enlightenment

Readings: Oncourse slavery readings

Student-led Discussion: Are these arguments examples of Enlightenment thinking?

Film: Amazing Grace (2006)

Tues.9/14Old Regime Society

Readings:Hunt, Ch. 16, 599-620

Lualdi, Ch. 17: 5; Ch. 18: 2

Discussion question: On what grounds are Mary Astell and Jacques-Louis Ménétra critical of religion?

Films: Ridicule (1996), Dangerous Liaisons (1988)

Thur.9/16French Revolution

Readings: Lualdi, Ch. 19: 4,5

Oncourse: Burke, Robespierre, Marat, Law of Suspects, Blade of Vengeance, Crime of Indifference

Student-led Discussion: Was the Terror in the French Revolution justified?

Film: Danton (1983)

Tues.9/21Napoleon Bonaparte’s Empire

Readings: Hunt, Ch. 16, 621-636

Lualdi, Ch. 20: 1

Oncourse Napoleon readings in Restoration & Reaction folder

Student-led Discussion: Was Napoleon good or bad for Europe?