GYPSDCommunication PlanJune, 2005
Action Item
June 20, 2012
To: Board Trustees
From: Cory Gray, Superintendent of Schools
Subject: GYPSD2012-13 Communications Plan
Originator: Nikki Gilks, Manager – Communication Services
That the Board approve the 2012-13 GYPSD Communications Plan as a working document that will continue to grow and develop with the needs and priorities of the division.
Background Information:
Each June the Board reviews and approves a communications plan to guide communication
activities for the upcoming school year. The plan outlines the strategies that will be used to
achieve the division's objectives of improving communications.
The 2012-13 Communications Plan outlines the goals and five specific strategies planned for the 2012-13 school year to continue to improve communication with stakeholders across the division.
Context of the Recommendation:
Although each communications plan reflects and builds upon the plan of the previous year, the
2011-12 plan outlined a strategic shift from previous years with a focus on four objectives:
- Direct communications with staff;
- Delineate responsibilities of divisional and school based communications;
•Use of new media
• Communications Topics and Timelines
Although progress was made in these strategic shifts over the last few months, focus on these goals will continue into the 2012-13 school year with a new fifth goal on improving effective communications with our local media partners. Fostering stronger relationships with these key external stakeholders will greatly assist the division and its schools in presenting itself accurately to the communities it serves.
Through the implementation of this plan and the successful realization of the five strategies, the following desired behaviours and attitudes will be achieved:
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GYPSDCommunication PlanJune, 2005
Internal Audiences
- Take pride and ownership in the division
- Become active and engaged participants in seeking information about the division and its key issues and events
- Work together as a high-performing organization whose staff respect and value both internal and external feedback
- Exhibit divisional values of caring, integrity and collaboration
External Audiences
- Feel involved and engaged in their public schools
- Exhibit community pride and trust in their school and in the division
- Support Grande Yellowhead Public School Division in its goals and objectives
The proposed 2012-13 Communications Plan, once approved by the Board, will guide the
division’s activities and initiatives in regards to improving communications for the coming year.
Grande Yellowhead Public School Division
2012 -13
Communications Plan
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GYPSDCommunication PlanJune, 2005
2.Goals and Objectives
3.Guiding Principles
4.Key Messages
5.Target Audiences
6.Strategic Goals for 2012-13
Five Strategic Goals
7.Internal Communications Strategies
Staff Meetings
Professional Development
FNMI Newsletter
Divisional Calendar
Grande Yellowhead Website (
Staff Email
Education Services Centre Showcase
8.External Communications Strategies
Media Relations
Monthly School News Columns
Community Meetings
Advertising in Local Media
Promotional Materials
Community Ambassadors
Special Publications
9.School Based Communications
School-based Communications Contacts
School Communications Plans
10.Divisional Projects with Communications Components
First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) program
International Education Program
Government of Alberta Accountability Pillar Surveys
Emergency Preparedness
Occupational Health and Safety
Effective Communications Initiative
11.Communications Protocols
Releasing Information
Event Protocol
Involvement of Families in School Events
12.Crisis Communications
13.Media Requests
FOIP and Release of Student Information to the Media
Requests for interviews, filming or photographing students or staff
14.Addressing Concerns
Appendix: Annual CommunicationsTopics and Activities
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2012-13Communication Plan
Grande Yellowhead Public School Division (GYPSD) stretches from Jasper National Park, east to Evansburg, south of Cadomin and northwest beyond the Town of Grande Cache. The jurisdiction includes 18 schools, three Learning Connection centers, approximately 5,000 students and 600 staff members and contractors.The purpose of Grande Yellowhead’sannual Communications Plan is to present a clear and concise framework for communicating with our school communities which is critical due to the division’s cultural and geographic diversity.
All communications strategies are directed at two types of school division audiences: internal stakeholders including students, teachers, staff, administration and Alberta Education; and external – parents, community members, elected officials, civic groups, media, businesses and other members of the GYPSD community.
Strengthening internal communications is a key objective of all divisional communication strategies. Success of this can be measured when staff becomes engaged in seeking information on current divisional issues and events, and are willing participants in the communications process. In partnership with stronger internal communications, GYPSD staff’s support for, and involvement in, the development and implementation of the overall Division’s Communications Plan is vital to its overall success: specifically teachers and central office staff who are highly influential sources of information for the public. GYPSD staff relates the messages of the school division back to their families and friends who in turn form opinions about our schools and division. Consistent and honest communications must continue to be a top priority in sending a unified message at all times. Assisting with this strategy, Grande Yellowhead has also seen a significant cultural shift in the last few years in building a strong sense of team across the division: staff takes pride in their identity as an employee of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division as well as being a staff member of their individual school or department.
Grande Yellowhead‘s communications strategies also target our external stakeholders as a means to communicate the goals and objectives of our school division to maximize student achievement and success through public support of our schools. Two such methods include:
- Parental involvement in education: Grande Yellowhead believes that engaged parents will increase survey results and improve schools, and the division as a whole. As well as a division priority, increasing meaningful parent involvement is a target of the Province of Alberta.
•Increasing community engagement:community members, organizations and businesses can help make school meaningful for students by ensuring that courses are specific and applicable to students’ futures, providing work placements and bringing local expertise into schools.
All of Grande Yellowhead’s communications activities support the division’s priorities and initiatives with the underlying foundation of two driving questions -
- How does this benefit our students?
- How do we communicate it to our stakeholders?
This philosophy provides the foundationfor supporting all communications strategies in order to:promote Grande Yellowhead Public School Division and its schools; highlight thediverse offering of its unique programs and services; assist schools in raising their profile in their community as well asthestudent accomplishments made in classrooms; and,complement the division’s initiatives in addressing its three priorities:
- Improving student learning
- Building leadership capacity and succession planning
- Improving internal and external communications
2.Goals and Objectives
The goal of Grande Yellowhead’s communications strategies is to improvethe internal and external two-way communications and collaboration between the division, its schools, staff, parents and community partners. Communicationsalso plays a vital role in the division’s other two areas of focus, improving student learning and building leadership capacity.
Through the development and implementation of a comprehensive communications plan, Grande Yellowhead strives to efficiently meet threecommunications objectives:
- Provide all staff with timely information about Board and administrative decisions made at the Education Services Centre (ESC), and activities and events across the division.
- Increase the involvement of staff in decision making by improving communications between staff, school-based administration and the division office thereby increasing opportunities for staff and administration to work collaboratively both between schools, and with divisional administration.
- Foster the exchange of information and increase collaboration between Grande Yellowhead and the communities it serves, both formally and through informal channels.
3.Guiding Principles
All of Grande Yellowhead’s communications strategies reflect and support the vision, mission and beliefs of the division in content, tone and presentation. In reflecting the professionalism of Grande Yellowhead, all materials created by the division and its staff must:
- Include Grande Yellowhead’s logo, full name and contact information, including website address, as directed in the division’s Visual Identity Manual
- Be edited for correct grammar and spelling, and laid out in a clear format
- Convey professionalism in content, tone and presentation
The availability of information continues to be a foundational principle of the division’s communications activities and strategies. Communications strategies will continue to create a climate and culture of trust, honesty and respect, thus fosteringtransparent communications among staff, and between staff and communities.
4.Key Messages
Grande Yellowhead Public School Division’s experienced and dedicated staff members offer a range of unique programs and services that ensure students have access to a world class education in small, rural communities. Our priority is for our students and staff to work and learn in a safe and caring environment that protects students as they develop the skills and knowledge they require to be successful in post secondary institutions, the work place and as citizens.
Grande Yellowhead’s school communities are active participants in the larger communities they serve, collaborating with parents, other community organizations and residents to inspire every student to develop a passion for learning and to become a socially responsible citizen.
Internal and external stakeholders have opportunities to provide input to Grande Yellowhead as part of the decision making process, are encouraged to openly express their ideas and concerns, and participate in the democratic process that characterizes public education.
Grande Yellowhead subscribes to the vision of public education where public schools are the first choice of communities, providing opportunities for all children to succeed.
5.Target Audiences
Internal Target Audiences
- Trustees
- Education Services Centre (ESC) staff
- Learning Services staff
- School based staff
- System based staff
External Target Audiences
- Students
- Parents, School Councils and Parent Advisory Councils
- Contractors
- Local business owners and leaders
- New residents of the division
- Neighboring school divisions
- Educational organizations and employee groups including: PSBAA, ASBA, ATA, CUPE and STAA
- Community groups and partner organizations
- Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure
- Municipal government councils, MLAs, MP
- Local and provincial media
- General public
6.Strategic Goals for 2012-13
Eight years ago the need to improve communications with both internal and external stakeholders was identified as one of Grande Yellowhead’s main areas of focus. In 2011-12, four specific objectives were outlined in the annual communications plan for the division to focus on in the upcoming year: direct communications with staff, delineate responsibilitiesof divisional and school based communications, use of new media, and communications topics and timelines. Although progress was made in these strategic shifts over the last few months, focus on these goals will continue into the 2012-13 school year with an additional emphasis on improving effective communications with our local media partners. Fostering stronger relationships with these key external stakeholders will greatly assist the division and its schools in presenting itself accurately to the communities it serves.
Through the implementation of this plan and the successful realization of the five strategies, the following desired behaviours and attitudes will be achieved:
Internal Audiences
- Take pride and ownership in the division
- Become active and engaged participants in seeking information about the division and its key issues and events
- Work together as a high-performing organization whose staff respect and value both internal and external feedback
- Exhibit divisional values of caring, integrity and collaboration
External Audiences
- Feel involved and engaged in their public schools
- Exhibit community pride and trust in their school and in the division
- Support Grande Yellowhead Public School Division in its goals and objectives
Five Strategic Goals
- Direct Communications with StaffGrande Yellowhead will continue to provide a variety oftoolstoensure that clear and effective communications with staff is available using the most efficient means such as
- Staff Intranet Portal -Since its implementation in 2010, use of the Staff Intranet portal on the division’s website has been limited. Adding new content from departments on a regular basis as well as special interest pages may help to increase usage of this valuable resource.
- Survey Tools – The division uses surveys as a quick and effective way to receive concise information and ascertain people’s opinions on a specific issue or concern. For example, over the last few months, a detailed survey was completed by school administrators on International Education practices to assist the division in setting up an Internationalization Strategy. The division also uses the feedback provided from the annual Accountability Pillar Surveys to provide direction in supporting educational initiatives. For the upcoming year, two other surveys are currently in the developmental stage; the divisional calendar and information gathering on ESC services and supports to its schools.
- Department Newsletters – In 2011-12, both the Transportation Services and Learning Services departments developed an internal newsletter to provide current information on division-wide issues or concerns. Although a division-wide newsletter has not been in place for a number of years, other methods of communicating areas of interest for internal stakeholders may be neededthat do not duplicate the information staff already has access to, or an interest in.
- Increased Visibility of Senior Administration – Over the last several years, senior administration visits schools across the division on a monthly basisto keep apprised of any issues or concerns as well as providesone-to-one assistance to school administration when needed. To also increase access and visibility to staff, other communications strategies will be investigated over the upcoming year including a bi-annual Superintendent’s address, increased attendance at school events, and planned classroom visits. Divisional public and internal events calendars will also be implemented to keep ESC staff and the Board of Trustees apprised of upcoming school celebrations.
- Delineate responsibilities of divisional and school based communications
- School Communications Representatives - Over the last couple of years schools have identified a staff member to be responsible for regular communications with their local media as well as to coordinate with their colleagues to promote the school. Although some schools have found success with thisstrategy, others have expressed some frustration in developing effective, two-way communications with their external stakeholders. The Communications Manager will work with all assigned school representatives over the next school year to improve communications including individual assistance, training sessions and other supports where needed.
- School Communications Plans – As part of the division’s communications strategies and School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP), schools have annual communications plans to assist them in meeting their objectives in fostering strong relationships with their internal as well as external stakeholders. A review of all plans will be conducted over the first half of the year to assist schools in effectively promoting their events and celebrations and keeping communications simple by using a clear and concise style for all general news materials.
- Promotional Materials – School based communications representatives have the responsibility for promoting their school’s individual events and celebrations to their local stakeholders. The Communications Manager highlights schools’ events and divisional celebrations on a more global scale for promotional purposes for the entire division. To continue to be effective, it is essential that schoolsinform the CommunicationsManager of celebratory events and provide an annual collection of student photographs that showcase the great things happening in schools and classrooms.
- Use of new media Continuing into the 2012-13 school year,the Communications Manager will research and developa strategic plan for a social media platform for the division. The goal of this strategy will be to increase communications with parents and community members by targeting those who rely on the internet for information and social contacts. The primary objective of online activity will be to point users to the Grande Yellowhead website.
- Research Various Social Media Applications – There are a number of social media applications where the division could invest time and funds, but some may not be accessed by our stakeholders. Over the coming months, significant research and consultation with all potential internal and external groups will be conducted to ensure that the division will be using social media tools that are relevant to the majority of our potential users.
- Professional Collaboration – Along with research of social media popularity, discussions will take place over the next year withother similar geographic and demographic educational institutions on the successes of their social media platforms.
- Develop Social Media Administrative Procedures – Some schools in the division have developed a presence on Facebook. As representatives of Grande Yellowhead, it is essential that an administrative procedure on social media protocols is developed to ensure that a consistent and uniform framework is followed in all schools.
- Communications Topics and TimelinesOver the last eight years, the division has developed various promotional and informative documents for internal and external use. During the 2012-13 school year these documents will be reviewed to determine if they are still effective and relevant for our stakeholders including the publication of the annual Community Report, divisional calendar, and other current marketing strategies.
- Fostering Strong Public Relations Building and maintaining strong relationships with our local media and business partners is crucial in establishing a positive media relations program to enhance the division’s image on local and provincial levels.
- Media Coverage – An analysis of the current media coverage of school vs. divisional news in the local media of each community across the division will be conducted to review any strategic shifts or amendments needed to individual communications plans in order to maximize awareness and support of the division and its public schools.
- One on One Story Development – Collaboration between the division, schools and local media groups will continue to promote positive, newsworthy stories going on within the division.
- Sharing of Timely and Relevant Information – Key messages from Public Board Meetings, press releases, briefings and photo opportunities will continue to be made available on a timely and relevant basis. The department will also utilize effective operational practices to provide good customer service, increased efficiency and quality print materials.
- Special Project Updates – Key projects of public interest such as updates on the Jasper Joint School Facility or the Transportation Community Consultation Action Plan will be posted on a regular basis on the division’s website.
- School Websites – Through funding provided by the provincial Community Engagement Grant and additional resources from the division, the Board recently approved the redesign of the majority of GYPSD schools’ websites in order to provide a consistent and up-to-date method to engage their communities through the use of this communications tool.
- Personal Customer Service – The Communications Manager willliaise with media in each community on a regular basis to keep informed of any issues or concerns, as well as provide assistance in building strong relationships between local media and schools.
7.Internal Communications Strategies