European Economic and Social Committee
Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship
EESC-2015-04130-00-01-TCD-TRA (FR/EN) 1/5
report on the implementation of the soc priorities for 2013-2015
The SOC section, under the presidency of Maureen O'Neill, chose three main focus areas for the 2013-2015 half-term.
1.1Active participation - "Europe, obviously"
Under this heading and not least in view of the parliamentary elections in 2014, the section contributed to creating the most conducive conditions for citizens' participation, fostering mutual understanding and exchange between Europeans as well as strengthening the role of social and civil dialogue at both EU and national level in the governance of Europe.
Highlights in this area included conferences and opinions on:
- "Non-violence, a new way forward for the 21st century?", conference organised in cooperation with the Fondation de Corse – Umani in the framework of the European Year of Citizens on 14June2013
- "A more inclusive citizenship open to migrants" (SOC/479), hearing on 4September2013
- "EU Citizenship at the crossroads – enhancing European cooperation in nationality and fundamental rights" (SOC/348), hearing jointly organised by the Centre for European Policy Studies, the University of Maastricht and the section's permanent study group on immigration and integration on 11-12December 2014
- "The future of the European Social Dialogue", conference on 24February2015
- "The structure and organisation of social dialogue in the context of a genuine EMU" (SOC/507)
- "Sport and European values" (SOC/514 – own-initiative opinion), hearing on 9March2015
- "Disenfranchisement of mobile citizens" (SOC/504)
1.2Sustaining the European social model through proactive investments in growth and job creation
The section carried out work in support of the European social model, notably with regard to job creation and quality, the fight against youth unemployment, future labour-market policies and an inclusive labour market, education and training, social security, mobility, entrepreneurship, employee involvement, work-life balance, gender equality, combating poverty, non-discrimination, full recognition of all fundamental rights and better integration of immigrants and recognition of their contribution to the economy.
Significant work in this area included conferences and opinions on:
- "Social investment package" (SOC/481)
- "Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products" (SOC/478), hearing on 19February2013
- "The social dimension of the European Economic and Monetary Union" (SOC/494 and SC/038 – exploratory opinion at the request of the President of the European Council), hearing on 13March2013
- "European minimum income and poverty indicators" (SOC/482), hearing on 28May2013
- "A strategy against the shadow economy and undeclared work" (SOC/480 – own-initiative opinion) and "Establishing a European Platform to enhance cooperation in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared work" (SOC/511), hearing on 5June2013
- "Opening up of education" (SOC/493), hearing on 9January2014
- "The effects of social investment on employment and public budgets" (SOC/496), hearing on 14January2014
- "From active inclusion to social investment", conference jointly organised with Eurofound on 16June2014
- "Fostering creativity, entrepreneurship and mobility in education and training" (SOC/518), hearing on 14January2015
- "Long-term social care and deinstitutionalisation" (SOC/517 – exploratory opinion at the request of the Latvian Presidency of the Council), hearing on 12February2015
- "Employment in rural areas", joint hearing in the framework of the NAT section meeting on 9March2015
- "Validation of skills and qualifications acquired through non-formal and informal learning" (SOC/521), hearing on 13April2015
- "Principles for effective and reliable welfare provision systems" (SOC/520 – own-initiative opinion), hearing on 22June2015
Labour Market Observatory (LMO):Also in this area, the LMO held hearings on "Skills and mobility for competitiveness" hosted by CEDEFOP on 3December2013, "Tapping the full potential of diversity in the workplace: culture, age, gender and disability aspects" on 21February2014, "Implementation of EU youth employment policies at national level" on 1April2014, "Towards a better work-life balance" on 24September2014, "Supporting start-ups to create growth and employment" on 13November2014, "Taking action on long-term unemployment: national and European perspectives" on 11March2015, "A Europe of talents: giving new impetus to skills acquisition through mobility for apprentices" jointly organised by EP on 2June2015 and, together with the permanent study group for immigration and integration, the "Integration of migrants into the labour market: a win-win situation for all" on 25June2015.
Permanent study group on immigration and integration and European Migration Forum:The section, together with the European Commission, provided the secretariat for and supported the European Integration Forum with its meetings on 4-5June2013, 26-27November2013 and 3April2014 on "The integration of young migrants in the European society", "Participation of migrants in the democratic process – Towards a more inclusive citizenship" and "Ten years with the Common Basic Principles on integration – what next?". It was also instrumental in the conversion of the forum into the European Migration Forum, for which it continues to provide the secretariat together with the Commission and which held its first meeting on 26-27January2015 on "Safe routes, safe futures. How to manage the mixed flows of migrants across the Mediterranean?". The section's permanent study group on immigration and integration played a key role in this context. It also co-organised a conference with the Centre for European Policy Studies on "Labour Migration and Mobility in the European Union: Assessing Attractiveness and Labour Market Needs" on 7May2013 as well as the before-mentioned joint hearing with the LMO on the integration of migrants into the labour market.
Ad-hoc group on disability:An ad hoc group of the Bureau on disability worked on the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and held hearings on "Civil society perspectives on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)" on 14April and 2October2014 and a conference on "The implementation of the UN CRPD by the EU – the way forward" on 10September2015.
Projects on the inclusion of the Roma and Universities for Europe:The section was also active in the framework of projects on the inclusion of the Roma and on universities. Key events with regard to Roma were a hearing on "Better Roma inclusion through civil society initiatives: focus on education, employment, housing and antidiscrimination" on 7November2014 and a concluding event on "Better inclusion of the Roma community through civil society initiatives" on 3February2015. Concerning universities, the section organised a workshop on "Universities for Europe – Identifying, enhancing and promoting their role in city and regional development" on 13June2014, later followed by an own-initiative opinion on "Engaged universities shaping Europe" (SOC/524).
1.3A leap forward in innovation
The section contributed to the EESC's and notably the INT section's work on innovation with an emphasis on the human aspect at the heart of all innovation, with the goal of striking the right balance, in any given context, between economic, social and environmental concerns and in full recognition of the innovative force of the social economy.
Work in this area notably included contributing to the participatory event "Social Entrepreneurs: Have your say!", jointly organised by the EESC's INT section, the Commission and the City of Strasbourg on 16-17January2014, and a conference on "Social economy and social innovation as drivers of competitiveness, growth and social well-being" on 1October2014.
The challenges Europe is facing are cross-cutting and intertwined and so are the solutions. This must be reflected in extended cooperation between the EESC's sections, observatories and the CCMI on overarching themes. During the first half-term of the coming mandate and subject to confirmation by the new SOC bureau, the section might consider three main focus areas:
2.1Investment, including social investment, in inclusive growth, jobs and human capital
Building on the Social Investment Package and the forthcoming Labour Mobility Package, the section, through its Labour Market Observatory and in collaboration with other sections concerned, could endeavour to identify ways of creating quality jobs and combating youth and long-term unemployment through active and inclusive labour-market policies. In the same collaborative spirit, it could look at how to invest in human capital, initial education and training as well as life-long learning to develop relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes for employability and innovation, to deploy more efficient production methods and to meet the challenges and reap the opportunities of the transition to a low-carbon economy.
2.2Respect for fundamental and social rights
The section could examine the possibility of providing an adequate minimum income and how to develop the social pillar of the EMU, including indicator-based monitoring of the performance of social policies in the European Semester exercise. It could also look at initiatives for reinforcing equal treatment and anti-discrimination policies and how these can be accompanied by positive action regarding education, training and integration in the labour market. Its new permanent study group for disability rights could continue the work on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The new permanent study group on the inclusion of the Roma could provide a focal point for sharing experiences between civil society organisations and dialogue with representatives of the EU institutions and contribute to the recognition and communication of the best initiatives.
2.3Migration, asylum and integration
The section could continue its work on the new European Agenda on Migration and the initiatives to be derived from it. In close co-operation between the Labour Market Observatory and the permanent study group on immigration and integration, it could look at initiatives to improve EU legal migration policy, such as the review of the EU Blue Card scheme. Where EU efforts to implement a Common Asylum System are concerned, it could underline the importance of increased solidarity and the need for a review of the Dublin regulation, the importance of relocation and resettlement programmes, and the need for monitoring proper implementation of existing legislation. It should work with the REX section whenever international organisations (e.g. UNHCR) or third countries are concerned. It could intensify the cooperation with the European Commission building on the joint support for the European Migration Forum.
- Opinions adopted (per opinion type)
Own-initiative opinions: 15
Referrals from the Commission: 28
Exploratory opinions: 5
Sub-committee opinions: 1
- Section/section bureau meetings
- Observatory meetings
- Hearings
Hearings: 15
Conferences: 9
Workshops: 1
Forums: 3
- Projects
Universities for Europe
Better inclusion of the Roma community through civil society initiatives
- Impact assessments
LMO Youth Employment
- Individual members' meetings
2013: 47 members participated in 43 meetings
2014: 63 members participated in 55 meetings
2015: 36 members participated in 31 meetings
Total as of 5 August 2015: 146 members participated in 129 meetings.
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